Advertisements & Notices

... wvithout Smoke or Qunpdwder, conliuding with a Central Piece difl aying a variety of changes, and feveral thoufand flames. T'he Theatre will be illunninated. by a noft curious Aeroperic Branch,whicb is liglhted andrextinguihed ix a moment. SIEGE oT 75EJU 7RP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... amid other ENTERTAINMI EN'TIS. Tieloets and Plates tu be lied of Mr. Brandon, at the Theatre; andof Mr. Mitoden, No- ad, Cleenict's Inn.] GREA COCER-RO MSKING'S THEATRE. ffR.SALOMON moff refpedftfully acquaints the S Xt Nbility -and Gentry, chat the Pinft ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rondos, Dances, Minuets, &c. The Whole cumpofed in an eafy pleafing Stile, By THEOBALD MONZANI,] Firl Flute at the King's Theatres Haymarket. A PRICE SIX SIHLLINGS. fi'l N. B. In this Work the mial material Points aimed at M are a complete Set of Gamurs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sale at Eleven o'clock. ?? be SOLL), By PRIVATE CONTi'RACT, A LL that ?? or Dvelling house, 1easantly situsate ne:tr its' Theatre in Grcat Yarmouth, late in the occupation of Mr. Richard MilleLr, aid now of Mrs: Sutckling; consisting of 2 parlours, tcarooht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... added, C HL DR EVr6S THR WfO OD. Tickets to be had of Mr. Ma.!TToCsS, at Mrs Ful- lerton's; No. I, James's Street-and at the Theatre, where places for the Boxes may be taken. GEORGE STREET ASSEMBLY ROO1S. XL fR SCHETKY most respectfully informs the No- biiity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ter, tentirely re. built the Iretetibr of the Amaphitheatre; truft- iog that his endeavours to render it one of the firi'e Theatres of its kind in Europe,. *ill in fome meafure fectnre to him a coetinatdon of thofe favours, which have been already fo li- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CrOf's. Iatitnldb r 1i the above piece the following new performers will make 4 their firft appearance:_Mr. Palmcr, from the Theatre Royal, Haymarket (firft appearance. oil this fRage). Mr. Bradbury firli appearance oni this Itage). Mr. Webb, ditto; Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. Bannifter jun. No. 6 -, Gower-ftrect, Bedford-t'quare; and of Mr. Folbroole at the Box Office, Little Ruffcll-ftrect. THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. '4R. POPE has the honoar to inform his Friends M * and the Public, that his BENEFIT is fixed for 'ucfda) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... infection of Fevers, of Sore Throats, or of other Contagious Difeafes, prevail; and in all crowded places of public refort, as Theatres, Courts of Julice, &c. It may-alfo be particularly re-. commended to pctrfons refiding in hot climates. The'Arottatic Spirit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Smroke or Gunpowder, concluding *vifh a Central Piece difplaying a variety ofchangnes, and feveral tiroufarid liames 'IThe Theatre will be illuminated by a moft curious Aeroperic Branch,which is lighted and extinguihed it a rnoment. Doors to open at feven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTC'1[F, Dep. Clcn Pac. ?? he SOLD; ; By PR IVATE CONTR.A CT; ALL that Messuage or Dv elling Housc, pleasnn:iy ?? near the Theatre in Groat Yarmouth, late in tile occupation ol' Mr. Richard Miller, and now of Mrs. Suckling coasisting of *2 parlo-urs, tearoorn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Palmer, from the Theatre Royal, i liaymarktt; Mt. Bradbury, Mr. Webb, Mr. Thwaits, Mr. Dicxenfon, Mr. Ma cartncy, Mafter Broadlhurit, Mrs. ZVMacyrt- XdY, Lon',. thtg Theatre Royal, Dniry-lIrre and Mifs Denny, 0 feran the King's Theatre. F In the courfc ...