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Advertisements & Notices

... Norah, MifsJackfon. c Tickets to bchad of Mr. Swalwell and Mrs. South- te, at Mr. Thompion's, taylur, Blanket-row, and a the Theatre. - t f Fortbe De-nefit4f Mr. TOMS. c OM Tuelfddy, Jan. %5, x~oo,. ?? ?? E iH be performed (not ,:d here thefe Eix years) 't ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stage.) TI 'wbicb 'will be dde, the NI\ew Coeic Opera, (XE.ER ACTEDH ERE) of : THE TURNPIKE GATE, Now peb forming at the Theatre RoyalCo ent Garden, with univerfal applaufe. Tickets as ufual ; and of Mr. Adcock, at Mr. Jordan's, Dock Colfee-flou . . For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dramatic Romance, in Two Ae5, called BLUE BEARD;. o,-, FEALE CLURIosIrr. As perforined upwards of One Hundred Nfights at the Theatre-REoyal, Drury-Lane. WAh New Scenery and Machinery, * Painted by Mr. MICHELL. New Drefe., - and appropriate Decorations, The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o'clock in the afte faon, ALL that large Pile of Building, fitiate. iri F-M ikeflreet, in Kingfton-upon-Hull, nowv ufed as the THEATRE.ROYAL, with the Appurte- nances; fubject to a leafe thereof to Tate Wilkinfon, Efq. at the yearly rent of jfifteenpounds, ...

TEMPESTS, Esqrs. and

... 'numerous enter- taining anecdotes of the celebrated Heroes nrid Phi- lofophers who have' fo confpicunufly appeared on the theatre of Europe during the greater part of this cen- tury; arid the wfiole.Narrative is dittinguiised by fo nirutch-cardaur and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... numerous enter- taning anecdotes of the celebrated Heroes anrl Philo. fnylhers who have fo confpicioufly appeared on the theatre of Europe during the greater ?? of this cen- tury; and tht whole narrative is diftinguilhed by to much candonr and vivacity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... November a8, Pr8oo, will he pre- fented Mr. RrvsOLQS's new Contedy, called MA NAG EM ENT, (As performed at Coyrint-Garden Theatre.) Captaia Lavilh, Mr Melvin-Mitl, Mr Mathews -Worry, Mr Deanmss--Slr Hervey Sutherland, Mr Iifliams-Alltiade, Mlr Burtpn--Frank ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the bad eqic5ts 'if foul or infteted air; and forti cr'intfic~eo ieam p fpheres, o'crosrel. ploces, .aCpuuvs of bulec, t Theatres &c. ~.4riee ?? , - c N. B. -I'he 1lgi4efia an~l.Vinega arc eonta'lnd in bottles>,each of hicih, has the.i:ames. Pf the,prepa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e Atrefs of the Sheffield Theatre, who is (ifter to illisl Biggs. of the 'f'beatre Rnyal, Dr ury-Lane. Her firt P appearance will be in the following week, in a pt in- n cipal Tragedy Characqer. I Mr. IAL.PIN. from ?? Theatre, is n alfo engaged for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Gentlemen, Your much obliged, and most obedient humble servant, Hull, Jan. 1, 1801. Joseph Benson. Benefit of Mr Hope Theatre-Royal, Hull. On Wednesday evening, January 7, 1801, their Majesties' Servants will perform the tragedy called HENRY II. Or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... immediate direffion of Mr. RICHERr With aabpropriate Drefes, -Scenery, and Deco- riations.r (As'performnoed'repeatedly at the Theatre-Royal, Haymarkej, to oyeilowing houes, wvith unbounded applaure.) w Th7 Overture, and mol?,of ibe Muffe, compofed by Dr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 909o Barrels of Archangel TAR, lying in Newcaflle and South Shields. For particulars apply to JOHN HALL, Broker, Ncrwcallle. THEATRE, BULL. Ne-ver yet drfplaed in thic Totwn. E ARLY as -the. proper arrangements can ' be made, Mi. LLOYD, from London, will ...