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... THEATRE ROYAL, DERBY. The bespeak of the Tyrian Lodge of Freemasons on Wed- nesday evening last, caused the boxes to be pretty well filled, but the pit and gallery were scanty. The first piece was the comedy of Sweethearts and Wives. Each actor had duly ...


... following, we are informed, is an err. act I—le- nient of what the eight complaining performers of Co- vent Garden Theatre derived from that theatre in the courfe of la— feafc in, incuding benefits and falaries, clear of all expeoces ; — Incleclon, ?? L.937 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Weathercocit, at the Ly- ceum Theatre, as a membsr of tite Drury-lane company, the Theatre Royal having been previously destroyed by fire. From that period till his decease he continued to belong to the Theatres Royal and minor theatres in London, and one of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Farmer's Knife-Miss Graddan,9 of the Theatre Royal, Llrury aie, ii engaged at this Theatre, and will saake .her. first appearance ,on Thursday nex't, iu the chaeacter of Polly, ?? Beggars' Opera. A DELPHI3E TH:EATRE, STR'AND.-Messrs TnERRY and 'YATES' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... London boards, he re-appeared for a month, during the last season at the New Strand Theatre, with Mr. Maywood, and a few weeks after accepted an offer from the minor theatre in Abbey-street, Dublin, from whence he visited Cork, by the request of the manager ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... formerly manager of Covent Garden Theatre, and one of the oldest members of the by gone school of Entglish comedy. His first appearance in London took place about 40 years ago. He shortly afterwards became lessee of several theatres. On part of the lands of Clogber ...