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Hull Packet

FOR 6ALF, £ r – AMFRICAN Firs' POT ASHKS, juft lar.

... - - Wakefield Mr.William Brown - - - - Beverley Mr.George Conyers - • - - Driffield Mr. Thomas Hart - - - - Scarborough Mr. Richard Lockwood - - hlt , , Mr. Thomas ('*ll - - Knaresbro and R.pon COUNTY N- Mr. Francis Martin - - - Lincoln Mr. Joseph Brown ...

.WillUm £11!*, 6a*ii«Bcld; ud Jacob of BorlejT! »l* in ‘h* coanty of York, ib« 27ib of November intrant, and on

... appointed for the peace farther reduced ten »hip» being ordered home from the Medittrs«e. '•‘'ottian '•k, Pearton ; Kmgaton, Hardy, old, Hurtl. From PtUnlurg, ClKAttn. Harrison ; Mary. ter. For Midaa, * Rose, Robinaon. From ''From JUiti, Leith, Tyrie. John ...


... illustrious characters rer rd. d in history. On the 20th of January, Hum*, the Hard Scoti r. was born ; the of January was born, Thomas F.tine, the author of The ITght* Man, fci the of January. 814. died. Charlemagne, Emperor of France and Germany p—on the 29th ...

Yorbofjirc Rummer awijM

... allowed the costs of prosecution. Thomas Williams was charged with stealing a numficr of silver spoons from the dwelling house of Mr. John Gouthwaite, of Lumhy. near Ferrybridge, on the night of the 7th of July. Mr. Hardy stated the case, which presented ...

n«stomre_J!l Wsrvret ■ «== JMMirMIM

... Ehlcra, Wummr Charlotte, Plagcmann. gaafeig Specalaat, Ohsr. SI. yaha’a—Shannon, Ward. Skedtae—Kiogstoa, Newham. Rig*—kitty, Hardie. Elizabeth and Sarah, Patteraou; Dido, Tranraer; Hugh Wallaac, Everson. Peferriarg—Heory, Appleby, gamtri* Risiag Sun, Walton; ...


... including the for Packages. ,Vr. Held. J. T. Held, F. 1,1, Persons who have any CLAIMS or l)L--MANDS upon the F.STATF* of THOMAS YATES HARDY, late of Aldborough and Hamilton Hill, in Holderness, in the East-Riding of the County of York. Gentleman. deceased ...

nAIV To s

... containing altogether, in extent, half aft acre more less, and now in the several occupations of the said George Tindall. Francis Hardy, Richard Patterson, and William Atkinson. Further particulars may known by applying to the Gkorgc Tindall or to Mr. FOSTER ...


... William Bagaliatre. Eaq. fmeto Maada. *«i. tieorge Ranks. Baq. ConaUbte Maawail.Boq. rbnstophm Backatt. I»). Mil bank. Eaq. Thomas Htnyon. Eaq. TbaEa*. Tbomaa W. Motley Richard RelhaU, M.P. B. Sawioy Morritt, Eaq. BosetWe. fcq. 'iWi ftAsy* Thomaa Darisna ...


... Bloom*, different aorta, open for competition Mr Ruddmgion. 2 Mr Thomas Gnv. Howtby. R.ji Blooms, different sorts—l R. Gibson, gardener Rev Hy kea. Station 3Mr Edwards. Smith, Ges.rgc Hardy , gardener to Joseph Jonea. E»*j. Best unnamed BccsLiug, raised ...


... 0 Lightfoot&Karnshaw 0 Richard Motey 0 Thomas Jo ncs{ Bridge street! 1 George roster 2 0 JosephSykes&Son.. 15 15 George Nelson i 1 Mrs. Daniel Sykes (Ray well) 5 0 Edward Riggall . 1 George Malcolm & Son Thomas Pctchell. 2 0 Rev. Jos.Tbompson.. 1 ...


... Rhodes and Thomas Leathara ; 10, Richard Smith; 15, Edward Pullen ; 17, 18, and 19, Thomas Famhill, James Ward, and Andrew Ward; 20, Andrew Maclean; 22, James Mouncey 23, Wi liam Batty; and 23, George Parsons and Charles Alexander Hoolcy; 2G, Thomas Edis; ...