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Advertisements & Notices

... (modpiate diftafce ofA ' jj ufe 3l ~ as to be Made, 6o, J, p licatio n , f r p ti la , F (oulkS, til. TiurnL'tl;and for vie Whig ie fa gtie 2 on the nrlnifes. ' lt ~ l o r h h e at t' o f G r n t en u Sa d le 's , 2ou ch . OUlCart Collar aad *1tarhzefs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -B -N tede~fot,-l~f~.tha~1.drne hih dred -fackst'.wi1I,,. be c~eie~ atInotga4 ?? -hid to any,tenieer iie I ef's the perfon whig mkes th ~dro okj 'oilot * his biĀ±halt, attends t aifwrwet~e & ' TEGNTMOUTH, D-V6N.-- .rpq,, ,beSO LD by, au d onl iby W. Bic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... with a Life ot Lorrd Somers ; to he completed in twelve volumres. 4MIBOYNA TOOTH- POWDER and A . 1. T 10ON. The-druI hrem whig h the Anibovioa Po rkder is Prepared, ,s the pi-orduce of Aia. I he natives, as well ac foreigners, efleem the drug for its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all are corrupt from top to battom. Pr, \Vell, and trtily tnen did a celebrated Whig vwriter once in allow, thalt tlhe nation was crutcilled between twoet thiev4es, the whigs thnief and the To-.'y thief.' But poli- n tical knowledge is not difficult of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Wivs OSsClLIIlbI e, MIChA EL CASTI, Es(I. addressedthe statimtnt that, in coniunctioll soith uonle other Gelntlerneon rh whig-Interest, fie bad waitedl onl C0olonel eAILLIEm tasce whether lie would ::c* cpt an invitoti(o: to become a Candid t,%1 the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... writers of the day, on subjects connected with the recent royal demise. In this publication the best productions of Refornmists, Whigs, Tories, and Ultras, are gathered, and printed enl msee; thus supplying the discriminating and inquiring politician with la ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ssures his Friends and the. Public generally, that he continues io sell at the samne reduced Prices. 'lie is continually adding Whig Stock, and has just' received an extensive Assortment of Eaibossed, Tinted,: and Black Bordered Letter and Note ap ers ; Cards ...

Advertisements & Notices

... theA~~day~~*e~ylt~4airfV. AO.-ti hu vbtld QUesi Big d frM3, ft ?? ttrik*t~~ ..,atid.tB ?? eatro ~twe ?? otiqt- ?? haqno-, ~ W-~Hig . Au. 'ol t *irsa. the'IN ?? -t. T-reat:re6O-u1d A~pl~1ngon _*Joter~, op telttrde, Tofaan Ju Imji i'12, The- ?? ihlwt -Pinl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to be put in nominationa. Itedclalf-Street, May 27, 1826. A LOOKEfl-ON. BRISTOL, 31ay 25, 1826. T a WEEINGof FRIENDS to the WHIG I NTE- A R S ai this City, held this Daty, to cotasider the Adldress of HIENRlY BRIGHT, Esq. to has Conitituetnts, recacaly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for the same purpose? e You may decide this question from what follows:- Mr. Baillie professes himself in every respect a Whigs Mr. Protheroe is well known to be such by all his acts. Mr. Baillie professes himself a friend to the ultimate extinction of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... friends of liberty; and now that our Government has recognised the authority of the King of the French, we hope that both Whigs and Tories will unite in strengthening its hands, and in evincing their acquiescence in a measure based on principles no less ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hmouer or (early all the liberal measures adopted by the 'rory or governingparty, since the death ofC:stlereagh, is5 te to the Whig or 1iieral party; and thatthe friet)(19 oSir John were oaso'conservativel a rharacter, yhat tlievy niod pricrve sldi abuses ...