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London Evening Standard



London, England


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London Evening Standard

But it teemi that the punishment which the law inflicts is not the only punishment for alleged libels to which

... enemies to this independence among the Whigs than the Tories, and more the professed Liberals than either. When the Tories were in office, their deaire to oppose the press bore no comparison with that the Whigs; what would be the cate if we had a Radical ...

This day is published, TO LACK WOO D'S EI) IN HIJ UGH MAG A- •*■* ZINE, No. CXXXVI. ferMa.ih. IH2B

... Chapters on Churchyards. Chap. 16. Andrew Cleaves, concluded — Vl. Con- nor M'liloghlin. A Tale of the Lower Shannon VII. Whig Retrenchment, and Plan forthe Reduction of the National DebU— VIII. The Ninth Report on Education in Ireland — IX. Lord Byron ...


... London, two months, 151— Frankfort Journal, May 25. The Whig journals have formally announced the lorniutiou of a regular opposition to the Duke Wellington’s administration ; in other words, that the Whig party will longer lend themselves to the support of ...


... concur in even the moderate system nf Al. Dupin. The Vice Presidency will contested. £lfortt will made to elect Al. Persil, the Whig Attorney General of France; hut the moderate and talented Al. Berengrr will, it is thought, be selected by the Chamber. Until ...

wfrifPitFßEKj|OLD AND TITHF FREE, HUNDRED AND altogether, aiid jareseuts a rare o^port^mt

... it to the representatives of the people, that if they will net consent to grant all the taxes they, the Whigs, require, then that they, the Whigs, will at once propose the levying of property tax. 1 say then, that the general impression which the recent ...

This day !s published, price 2s. 6d., 'PHE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGA* ZINE, No. V. for MAY, Containing:— I. ..

... Protestants—lL Caroline Pichlcr’s Agathocles, Mr. Zander—lll. Adventures In South America, No. 2. the Dolphin—lV. Ancient Whigs and Modern Tories—V. Love and Loyalty* Chapters 7* 8» 9—VI. Life of a Sailor—VlL Consumption, a Sonnet—Vlll. Brief Narrative ...


... briefly as possible, with what truth the Tory record commission has been thus represented the Whig writer, and also te offer a few observations on the conductor its Whig successor, first, the Globe proffers the false implca. lion that the commissioners of theTury ...


... authority. Let us oltev the law, but let not forget that owe this further infringement on «nr liberty Whig administration! lilcss the mark! When the Whigs are out of office they are the must liberal and enlightened of the friends of human freedom! the moment ...

without costs. POLICE

... his royal highness. His royal highness is said to be Whig—what then ? Thanks to the apostates, who have removed the chief wall of separation from between us, between the p oj'istej principles of the Whig parly, and the real principles of the Protestant Tories ...

SATURDAY EVENING, July SO. The only news from the Continent relates to the cholera. In St. Petersburgh there ..

... say the only, debate upon the bill last night was raised by that staunch Whig and reformer, Mr. Denison of Surrey, who, however, is one of the few who have not permitted their Whig and reforming zeal to eat up all their principles of honour and honesty ...

Sir G. Murray will be opposed in – Perth

... official people merely. But their supporters are every where in danger, whether they be mere hacks or rats, sham Tories, sham Whigs, or sham Radicals. Lord W. Paget, for instance, loses Carnarvonshire, Sir R. Wilson is disturbed in Southwark, Mr. JollifTe ...