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Northumberland, England

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... ludicrous silet.t li tile intenst of tile pur1suit the laid meemis hushing ?? Own lootateps; bitt the =ii appears alreadly onl tite whig. Aix limmense bilrd-ellge and salt_-box hung Around Ihim, sholw thle extent of isis folly And expectstions; yet, as If to destroy ...


... own pvrrliamaenf, we will trot give you the relief which we know yrr irdipernsrrblyv ,eqairc.' Anld this is the contduct of whig stasrLrsielr, fie dleccnrardls of the oppomrerrts of Lord North, tihe chanriphols ol Nrmtth Anrcrir;anr freedom, the vehement ...


... aection. - This ripeness af julgmentt, antI Wtnt of' experience, have con joined with the provinecia locality of tle Edinburgh Whigs, to stanmp the respectable portiorr of them a ith a very peculiar character. Without belongittg to that class, which, looking ...


... ;anit it few active, clever men are putit i ?? heati of' every Board, who contrive to make tie whole roul in Whig chaninels; atid corroborate Whig views. 'The rcsslt I is, a mnesa of' ex perte evidetice, fsithfully given, indeed, according to thet real ...


... ? conttast to Blsckwood nnd Frtzer in One respect, thotigh agreeitg\witth both, ii amiother, All three are opposed to the Whigs, but for very dilferenit reasonis, Tait, because they are not radical enotigli, td slo not reform all thinigs at omice, and ...


... ,*ip narrative, for the purpose of introducing some tritce remarks of his own, We cannot offcr an opinion on the article Whig Foreign P'o. licy, apparently the greater part of it having beeu omitted it the copy of the lagazine we have received ...


... ene on hia various ref byms, both ,rInlrnellt, H Maittns corirnected with the internal go- iig riforaq,1S ilac lung before a Whig ministry and la, far as r thoui ht of, all tile principal organs itonti 11 dla as IhL press was concerneel, arid many of tire ...


... are extracts: Whitt we loing ngo prophesied haq come to pass. The re- form bill lins utterly aud for ever extinguished thb Whigs.. Be- fore It accomplished oine of the objects tor which it was intend- ed-before It had exterminated the principles, or ruined ...


... whscbh there is ao diversity ol opinion realiv entertainedl 11)' tity caversu capable of judging on suich subjects, whether Whig or Iory, in Scotland. t'he VWhig leaders, who> were (Ince so ehemnent iii their clalmour for Burgh Rteforum, Wve 10ov its unatnimou ...


... 1791, for tha copyright of Butrke'.s Let- cer to a Member of the National Assembly; and his Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, on his secession from Fox's party. There were several autographs of Bishop Percy, and it is surprising that Dodsley, who had ...


... son of George, present Earl of Carlisle, by Lady Georgianso Ca- vendish, sister to the Duke of Devonshire. The hon. member, a Whig, was born 23rd December, 1809, and is unmarried. Lord Howick (North Northumberland), eldest son of Earl Grey, las been in ...


... aced hatve. donaerU aew. becenc h eii eatly rof, ites fart t.aid-rlets Solort. b recladoNcaan.F~by-it re.Whigbs thae e hetn Whig caooe Ithatcruneither a Vig mar quartIlno rPn sIonrtm. SMehet oar'uit. Leettttwode~ Ian rDbuebleda bold ole-d 'souot Thecapsee ...