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rBIRTUS. a p- On the

... order of the at e Cross, and Groom of the Stole to her AlljiestytteQueell, (tf ,t having been appointed to that offlce by the Whig ad- re xmimstration. ti r At Piingmn, Devonshire, on the 12ti inst., Captain Id Thomas Barker Devon, R.N.,, aged W ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of Don, Rodvic, td cpncludna inegt stanzas of which are dedicated ticiim Lordship's fame. In politics, Lord Lynedoch was a Whig. Although his ex- treme age and enfeebled health long unfitted hinm for taking an active part in the turmoil of politics, he ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TlE LATE VISCOUNT MIELBOURNE, (Fropt thc Pairioe.) A political pupil and admirer of Fox, %,rd adel- bourne always ranked as a Whig, and hal ?? credit, IN ith thosc who knew him best, of hollking views and opinions iu advance of those of b11 political aesociates ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,-wlsich took place yesterday, at his house int Saville-.row. Air. Tierney, though a professed end apparently I )th ardent Whig, accepted office in the Tory Administration of Sir. re- Addington, and held the situation of Tiwasurer of the Navy till I cc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... leerage it the age of' 32. II, 1113('Z Nhel 1Earl Qre' losh office. Lord Ascli ri d, as one of tile leadinig n tiers of the Whig i party, was offered the appolin tmeint of ule al'residenit of the Beavd of ''l':radtiO d Master of tbe Mlnt, withl a seat ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... who was elected an Alderman on the 9th, took place. The can- didates were Mr. W. Ward, Conservative, and Mr. Justice Taylor, Whig. The result was in favors' of the former, the numbers ?? Mr. Ward, 156; Mr. Justice Taylor, 94. A Council was held on Thursday ...