Advertisements & Notices

... Ministers; cost of La w, In the annual salaries of the Judges; cost of Standing Army',; and amount of is Dead Weight, with the pickings by the Parsons out of the Army Estimates; cost of Navy; cost of Police; cost of Crim e; cost of Education; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... information as may be required, may be had by applying to Mr. GREAM, Land Surveyor at Paddington, who will shew the Premises. The Company will also receive Proposals for letting Land for Wharfs from year to year, on the South side of the Canal; the particulars ...


... the other lands are dis- tant about five miles. Barns Proper contains about 1013 acres imperial mea- sore, of which there are about 805 acres arable and pasture ground, and the remainder is under thrivinigpl,,a. titions of various ales. Tbe lands are %well ...


... good looking woman, seemingly about 20 years of age, rather thin made, fair complexion, brown hair approaching to fair, wears a brown duffle cloak. 2. ANN YOUNG, who says she is a native of the Enzie in Banff-shire; she is a good looking woman, seemingly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Ten Acres of Arable Land, and one Acre and one Yerd of Meadow Land. LOT II.-Nine Acres of Arable Land, two Acres of Meadow Land, and Comincons for one Horfe, otci Cow, and fifteen Sheep. LOT 111.-Nine Acres and an Half of Arable Land, one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... are in hand; and all the land. with the farm house, is now in the occupation of Mr. King, a most respectable tenant-at-will. Descriptive Isarticular and piansare in preparation, and will shortly be issued at Mr. LEIFCHILD'S Land and Timber Offices, 62, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Forty Acres of GIFBE LAND, with I Barn, Stable' and other requifite 33uildings;! and the GREAT and SMALL TITHES of Eight Hundred Acres of fine ARABLE LAND. Tfie annual Value,' (which is capable of Improvement) is now 50ol.- The Land Tax is redeemed. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIMBER, marked IlL., now IT landing, ev Hillsboriough, (375) Captain Lamb, from Bay of Chaleur, viz',- 435 Logs YELLOW PINE, from 17 to 25 inches square. 30 Logs large sized BIRCH. Also, the CARGO marked 1.11., now landing, ex l Isabella, daptain ...


... the character of the army raised. He had served for 12 years the native army in India, and never saw lash inflicted except on an European back. (A laugh.) lie would wish to place the army now the situation in which the Bengal army was then. There was an ...


... RY OF KIRKdtfD- to To be SOL, by BRIGHT FOR SALE. . be private bargain, and not by public sale, as ri~'uF. LANDS formerly advertised, R liHL LANDS and ESTATE of cTARSCRECHAN, f I, lying in the parish of Urr, and stewartry of Kirlecud- eit 5ghit, pleasaotly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pieces of ARABLE LAND, lying difperfedly in the Common Field of Fulbrool, in the Occupation of Mr. GEORGE WARtD, for the Remainder of a Term of eighteen Years, at the yearly Rent of a7;. c4s. clear of Taxes, (except Land Tax.) Thefe Lands are entitled to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be given,-A YARD LAND, with the Commons and Apportenances thereto beloriging, lying and being dif- . perferI in the Open and Common Fields of Deddinrton aforefaid, in the Occupation of Mr. JoSHN DEAN. The above is free Land, and the Land Tax has been r ...