... their friends are ial the l army or navy. The publication of the facts above altmded' .to put the nobility and gentry on their guard, and the cir- rcumstance which led to the arrest of the prisoners were as follows :-The woman wrote from the Blackrock to ...


... entering the army, which it is evident will be the readiest way to lessen-if not altogether to do away with the standing army; but, if military flogging was to be done away with, hundreds of young men, who ought to be employed upon the land, but who, from ...

Legal Intelligence

... yean. put something into the woman’s hand, and he then saw (he woman put her hand into her breast. The policeman took the prisoners into custody, and on searching them he found upon the woman four parcels, contaiuiug ten half crown, and sixty shillings ...


... as a butcher at Sheffild, and who was now the owner of some coll:eries and land at Pitmoor, near that town. TheOdefendant was a young person, the son of a lieutenant in the army, who attained his majority in the month of March in the present year. He was ...


... 417 Its, which M~r. Mlildredi had paid Into the Van Dieeoalos-land Office had never been presentmA at the banking. house of Masaterman and Co. Mr. Tebay, a clerk In the Van Dlemnen'rn-land-office, stated that he tare the check for 4I? its, lying on the ...


... You are accordingly discharged. THE ARMY. The 96th regiment, it is understood, will leave this gar rison for Chatham the latter end of this month, on route to New South Wales. The 21st Fusileers, from Van Diemen's Land, relieve the 54th at Madras. The latter ...


... morning to the wo- i man in the next room, and told her husband on the Tues- d day following, as the other woman advised her to do so: h asked the woman if she heard her (witness) scream, and she replied she did not. Mr. Fitzgerald contended there was no case ...


... Dragoon Guards, consisting of 64 men and 32 horses, landed on the pier yesterday from Halifax, in theship Lloyds, of London. They were all in fine condition, and seemed rejoiced to tread their native land again after an absence of five years. The horses ...


... Hoxton, E applied to Mr. Ianmnill for his assistance. The applicant (I stated that she was the daughter of an officer in the army 0 named Hamilton, who had served with credit and distinction t- in one of the Vest India Regiments, and who, as a reward if ...


... Bri- tifh army. He had no reafon to fuppofe that the con- du&t of the French Commander anid his army would not, with refpeft to Lilbon and its inhabitants, be in- fluenced by the fame confiderations which-have adtu- ated other Commanders and armies, in firnilar ...


... Friday week, Henry Gage, Vi- toint Gage, of Castle Island, Baron of Castlebar. il Ire- land, and Baron Gage, of High Meadow, in England, and a Major General in the army. His Lordship was in his 47th year. He is succeeded is his titles and estates by his ...


... appointed on behalf of the Portrrguese army. The sunt weliclt was finally awarded to the Portuguese was 85,0001. which was lodged is the Bank of England, for the prrpose of being afterwards distribated among the Portuguese army. The charge contained in the libel ...