LONDON—Nov. 21

... command of the army. It flated, that he failed in the Donegal from Cork, on the 12th of July, and arrived at Corunna on the 20th. He landed there, and had frequent conferences with the Supreme Junta of Gallicia. He was there informed, that the army of Caffile ...

Trial for Murder

... 'fr.;et, on the 16th of Jaliauay. IY vdr2drar il stated, thait the prisoner wias a priiate id in the Gernan Legion, and the woman who was ti mtrderod, at-the time a shopkeeper, at St. Peter's, in the Isle of Thanet. Site had taken a walk to, el Broadstairs ...


... provided the Jnry should find himn to be insane ; for I have known cases w here it was quite unnecessery; fur in. stance, where a woman is inosaie, she being a wife, and ha. - ving en 'affctionate hesband, who takes every possible care of hev; aind so of a son ...


... comisnttikg a mest-.'rieient assauit and daring outrage upsr. her person;. Mangaret West, servant to nr. Lumlev, the ctrner oF ]land-cossrt, Ioibhorn, said, that her master sent hear, on Tuesday rmorningr, to a livery-stable, in Duke-street, Lin- cuhsa's-inn-Fieds ...


... if the bench of justice was to bei outdone add over-ridden by the orders of the mesa-room. JI was curious if the law of the land was to be over-ridden .tythe mess-room; andi at this momentous, crisis of the coutntry when it was filled with military, if ...


... FORTtUNATELY JS NOT LIKE nimn. The only prince in Europe stanch to the good cause is Cbarles Albert, King of Sardinia, whose army will form the advanced guard of the next coalition. Tue King of Naples is trembling for his kingdom; he thinks of noth- ing ...


... at first, dared not Jesve the door, 0 hut, in a minute or two, a soldier and Mr. WilliatststShe land- e lord of the Lamob, went to the place where sthe woman was -lying. NitoIs writ to them, and saw them lift her up; it was r the deceased. She appeared ...


... Clogheen ?? 0 i John Errington Highwarden, Northamber land, per V. O'Connor, Esq. ?? 0 O Mis. Eyre, London, per do. .. 0. 0 , Johanna M'Evoy, per It. D. Webb ?? O 1 0 A Lady, per do. ?? ?? 5 0 0 A. Woman, per do. ?? 1 10 0 B. Wood, Esq., M.P. for Southwark ...


... process was gone through in ESg- land. Wlm. Hewrlett was charged with stealing a child, the daughter of a woman named Thomas. Shortly after the birth of tire child, which is illegitiinate, the prisoner and the woman Thomas met in St Giles's, and agreed ...


... Worsley, of the ast. India Company's Army, Knight Commander, to be a Knight Grand Cross, in tle room of Aiajor..General Sir John W. Adams, deceased; anid Major-General Donald Maeleod, of the East India Company's Army, Companion, to be a Knight Commasnd ...


... lodgers in the most intolerable way, in order to compel them to leave the house in which she was so unwelcome a resident. The landing place and stairs near her soon bore testimony to her skill in violating the above clause, and the common sewer was compared ...


... with having violated the person of a young, woman named Jane Ross, servant to John Inglis, farmer at Westerton. The prisoner pleaded Not Guilty. This case was as usual tried with closed doors. The unfortunate woman is only 17 years of age. It appears the ...