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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... an inte-. rof resting young woman from Crail, vas lodged in the goal of ad Cupar, on a charge of havisg poisoned her mother.- sri- he poison, a large quantity of arsenic, was given a- mongst tea: and the unfortunate woman survived the er- swallowing it ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Thiomas New, far- mer, in the parifli of Henlipi for d:riving his matter's team too haffily ?? the fireet, whereby a poor woman, unable to get out of IS the way, was throwir under the wheels of the Ls waggon, and very much huirt. i Cotnmitted'to'Worc ...

Local Intelligence

... found lying on the landing of the second flight from the printing-room. He waa insensible, and was bleeding from a cut at the back of the head. His feet were up stairs and his head was down. lie was laid flat on his back upon the landing. At four o'clock ...

Local Intelligence

... dinner, at the Tow* hall, the Earl Befton, Sir John Tobin. the Mayor Manchester, Mr. fcushton, Mr. Aruaud, officers ft the army and navy, and other heads of departments this neighbourhood. The annual dinner of the Liverpool Law Bociety took •lace on Wednesday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... second on the subject of the double duties; the third with the returns of island pay and lodging money; and the fourth with the army contingent accounts. The first and second messages were ordered to lie on the table, and the third and fourth referred to the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Warburton, of Bridge- houles. ] e A few days fince, at the Quakers' Meeting-Houfe, in Leeds, 'ir. Jolnah Fairbank, of Sheffield, land-furveyor, Is, to Mifa Crbhut, daughter of Mr. F. Carbut, of the former k- place, merchant. - . Ar the Collegiate 'Church, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Scholes and this ;s woman. The following evidence was adduced:- th Moses Long-I am manager of Mr. Smith's mill, and reside in Barstoiv's Buildings, Meadow Lane, near to Scholes's. I have known the deceased somne weeks. There was another woman, named Magaret ...

ht. th lint havs d t

... Baptist's Church, ?? oxteth-park, by the Rev. J. Hassall, M.A., Captain James Scotland, youngest son of the late Robert Scot- land, Ebq., Kincardine, to Ann, eldest daughter of Ralph Ellis, Eeq., Mill-street. On Saturday last, at the Superintendent-Registrar's- ...