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Advertisements & Notices

... Irrigating land in the most judicious lonanner, not less than one acre, a Salver Cup, value vaue. So 6 To the person Inventing ?? most useful Implement in *Heusbandry, a Silver Chap, value 31. 3w. Ta tile person draining tie greatest quoatity of Land in tilem ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIMBER, marked IlL., now IT landing, ev Hillsboriough, (375) Captain Lamb, from Bay of Chaleur, viz',- 435 Logs YELLOW PINE, from 17 to 25 inches square. 30 Logs large sized BIRCH. Also, the CARGO marked 1.11., now landing, ex l Isabella, daptain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Meadow Land. The proprietor purposes to lay under irrigation the greater portion of the Meadow Land in the ensuing season. 2nd., Singleton Town-end Farm, consisting of 200 Statute Acres of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Laud. The Meadow Land has the benefit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the LOT 4.-A CLOSe of LAND, called) Mitoor Field to tbe East, O 2 2G30 1 2 2s LOT of.-A Close of LAND, called Simwpson Mleadow ?? 1 14 1 1 3E LOT G.-A Close of LAND, called3 by th nameS Well Mfeadown,- 0 tosy ,0 LOT 7.-A Close of LAND, called) 4 031 Mfill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... until Rossal Land-mark bears S.E. ; here you are entering the deep water of Lune, where you will have 28 Fathoms at Low Water. If in dark hazy weather you should fall in with low Land bearing ?? &c., and not knowing whether it is itossall Land or Walney ...

News and Observations

... to our army. Mexican letter announces that Riley and his Legion of St. Patrick, seventy m number, were ordered by the court-martial hung. Tne sentence was approved by General Scott, and on the h the whole legion were hung in presence of the army, as also ...


... ending on the sth of Jan. ast, amounted to 007,451 barrels, being increase of ' barrels on the previous year. A Van Dieman's Land paper says, that within two months â– eventecn men were hanged, at the penal settlement of Norfolk j sland, the evidence of their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Hall, Outbtilcdinga, Land and Premises, liutate on the North sitde of tile Blackburn Iload, Contininitg 66 acrev (of customary measuire of .jIen Yarls to tile perch) of rich Meadow, Pasture&,tind Arable Land, Tbhe Land nn the South side of the saidt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Plots of BUILDING LAND at South Shore, within Layton-withl-Warbreck, laid out in streets, accord- ling to a plan to be produced, viz.: A Plot of 'LAND on 'the west side of Church-street, |containing 1,205 yards. Two Plots of LAND on the east side of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salfordi in the said county, c amnng 2 uperficial square yards of land, or. there t; toe; with the, Tno several Messuages or Dw g ~Hou nd Buildings,; erected and now standing upo e sai o of land, numbered *34 and 36 in the said sTreet. ant he several occupations ...

Advertisements & Notices

... chair. ARMY CONTRACTS. ital Ceomisarslniat Depo)t ment. Treasuey C/tavbcrs,I ity, Ilet Itt'ceinher. 1 831.- on- TOTIC E IS HERE BY GIVE~N to all Persons de. led- NI~ sirous of CONTRACTING to supply the following teel Articles for the use of the Army, viz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... growing on Lands occupied by James Reoklet. To ai 3_63 Oak Trees and 3 Cypitere, numbered from I to 63 and 59 Poplar Do. .. from I to 39 ?? 7 Ash Do. and 1 Cypher *. ron I to 7 For 2 SYcamaffe Do. *. from i to 2 idl This Lot is growing n Lands occupied ...