Advertisements & Notices

... of Meadov or mnn Pafture Land, being-alra about'two acres' an a hil, ?? 'Copyhold of I'nheritance, adjoining Lot 6, and alto rige occupied by Mr. AB'BINE-rTt- ItaIl Lot 8. All that other piece or parcel of Freehold Peat Land, Meadowor-Paftre, adjoining ...

Friday's Mail

... his eltabl fo- ments. His army was then eftimated at 60,000 men ; but the o her Pachas were marching after him, and collecting fiefh troops in every part of A.ia, as far as Mount Caucafus. The firft d *J, ,fi ? R Ā°/ .'hat Army foon arrived at Jaffa. At ...

Advertisements & Notices

... funoccUpiedf wceks together hic may unble hao immediprofcately. on. goins. aeThe waboesaffefed gonc, an h er aiinn to else land-lax, er ant Free reof at 0 6 o 40 And onf Friday, ad T ay next, by AUCTION-, on' the Preirlifes, all hes eHOSHOL) FIJRNI- TURE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ofa farm houre, barn, fltable, and other out-build- ings, with 24 acres of arabileand pafture land. Poi. fellion may be had at Michaelamas next. The land- tax of the above is redeemed. Particrlars may be had of Mr. ollleyn and Son, l0elftead,nearlplivich; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... alienation. g The Land Tax is edeemed 'a : Fr a lars enquire of lbr. Thomas *Mondeya . r't~aed tS 15. . EL&G~L'E S;l'TV.AT1ON lT& a 'C0as.i.iR, te ?th& ERECTON of ; STO EH~ SE &Ce. '&C. - T- 'o BE SODY '1ATE CONTRACT,,.- S id AL PIEI pf LAND, fituated-at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 65, Old Bailey, Ludgate- ftreet, London-, at Hull, by 'IaoiAxs BaEOwzEi, Bookfeblerlir by the principal Bookfellers in Eng-. land, Scotland, asd Itelaian, * 'HERE THE PRIN1T MAY BE SEEN. SUGARS, TEAS &c. - &C Tr-1RTY THOuSAND P609'b'S -,STOCK, hT- HOMEj-TN' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lockwood and De, U UYiU. Bcearle ?? BJ9FRLkEJut y4, ISoo. rARTICULARS : A9 VALEJA)SLZ FREEHOLD LISTATE, -Exoaerated from The LAND X AY Situate in Prince's-Street, and King's.Street, IN HULL; Confilling of ELEVEN MODERN DVWELLING- VIOU.S, all fub~ihntially ...


... near ioo scoi. We ate forty ,o learn, by J yefterday from Va, na, that L 3 fon'to the E-tr! r,: 'Ja. ?? ?? fcrer by the French army m q, understand that 1..S LtĀ» A p ?? at General Kiay hears: oa'r-e-V pa'f- the Fiehch lines, where , :ti . pni.mer. According ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Essex, A middle-aged Man and Woman, who are well acquainted with spinnilng woolhemp and flaxand are *r capable of superintending and managig a' workhouse, and can have a good character forssobriety and honesty. *o A woman is also wanted to conduct a School ...

Advertisements & Notices

... containing 46A. 2R. 22P. one of whlich is Arabic Land, the other Paflure, moft defi ably fituated for a Country Houfe and Pleafure Grounds. TI'he whole of the above is Freeholrd, and exone- rated from the Land Tax. Enquire of Mvefrrs. J. and M. Prickett, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... laie at you ?? Nurfe's Ditty wvith H-hslabye Baby _signcrArionelli's Inftructions-Fickle Fashion-Love beggirg Pa~rdon-An Old Woman's Sosg, and-the Finale. Part 11I.-A grand difplay of Philodophical Fireworks from ?? Airi without Simoke or Gunpowder, concinding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CroWn,' Stare, Revenue, Judges, Sheriffs, n Magirats, Officers of the Army and Nratvy;!- allisevefal ufcful Tablc!, viz. Terms and Returns, Transfer Days, Pay of Armny andl Navy, Land Tax, Corn Meatfuree, Extnt and Popu_ latitros of ngl~~and ai Siotlad ...