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Advertisements & Notices

... Fitness for the ofilee, to the Clerk, on or before thte 13th iof May ilstatt, aanld the Election will take plaec at the 'Workhouse, on 'l'lisdav, the 16tic. uether particulars may be obtained on appli- catiot to ine, JO1-lN PR{ICIHARID, Clerk to the Guardians ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; antI ?? TIte I-lunaphlreys, Battgor. Jolt (Duty Eree.) Wil ST. ASAPH UNION. Jant Wanted a Waster and matron for the r Workhouse, 19A NIOTICE iS llEIREBY GIVEAN, ItfA H2511A'I' tbe Guardians will, at tieir Meetittg in tite part ,IL 13OARD RaOttM, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eacit, including lI'ines, L~c. to be had at the bar. (Ditty Free.) ST. ASAPH UNION. Wanted a Master and Matrona for tihc Workhouse. NOTiCE IS llEItEBI GIVEN\T, V-I¶IA''T the Guardians will, at their Meeting in tie I Bovau) lion, in the City of Sr. ASAPHr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARNARVON UNION. sg {Caobtracts for Provisjions, &eC. heir / IL Persons desirous of contracting for thc rein ` ?? of the Union Workhouse for threc II of Months with Bread, - Flour, Oatmeal, Meat, the Cheese, Peas, Rice, Butter, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Mlte Milk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... competent for any Person to Tender for eany of the articles separately. d Forms of Tender may be had by applying to me at the Workhouse. al ay HUGH WILLIAMS, of 'r Clerk to the Board of Guardians s of the said Union. e Board Room, 8th Sept., 1848. If _ e ui ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTRACTS FOR PROVISIONS, &c. A LL persons desirous of Contracting with the A Guardians of this Union for supplying the Workhouse, until the 24th of September next, vith Bread, Flour, Meat, Grocery, C/leese, Butter, Milk, Rice, Coals, Soap, Cavdles, Split ...

Advertisements & Notices

... proceed to the d Election of one MEDICAL OFFICER and Pub- ad lic Vaccinator for each at the undermentioned Ldistricts, and the Workhouse of this Union:- Pwllheli District, comprising the parishes of De- c nio, Bottwrnog, Llanbedrog, Llandegwning, Llan- 0 gian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I a ?. I I ' CANIZARVONS HIRE AND ANGLESEY I N F I R M A R Y. I if T a Special Meeting of the Committee, held f at the Workhouse, on Monday, the 21st inst., J. G. GRIFFITH, Esq., President, in the Chair Resolved, 7 That a GENERAL MEETING of the SUT. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... General Mfanager. aLiverpool, 12th Jan., 1847. a Carnarvon Union Workhouse. t __ a TO PLASTERERS AND OTHERS. 5 A LL persons desirous to contract for the CE. 3 A MENTING of the Workhouse, are request. ed to deliver in to me on or before the 29th J,. ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LLOYD, Solicitor to the Assignees. Bala, 12th Dec. 1839. (Duity Free), ST. ASAPII UNION. Wanted a Waster and Matron for thne Workhouse. XO7ICE IS IIEREBY IVENas ItlIAl' the Guardians will, at their Meeting in the .11. BOAttD ROOM, in the City of S-. ASAtlt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1847. CARNARVON UNION. ij Cointracts for 1l.rovsioals, eC. LL Persons desirous of Contracting for the rsupply of the Union Workhouse, bor T'hree Y- bntlls, withl BREAD, FLOUR, OATMEAL, er 1I'EA', CHEESE, PEAS, RICE, BUITERt, as TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, MILK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Contracts for Provisions, &c. A LL Persons desirous of contracting with the r A Guardians of this Union, for supplying the Workhouse, from the 25th of March, 1848, to the r 25th June, 1848, with BREAD, POTATrOES, I FLOUR, MEAT, (Bone to be contracted for ...