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Advertisements & Notices

... CHEESE, BUTTER, MILK, RICE, c CLOTHING, COALS, SOAP, CANDLES, 0 PEAS, OATMEAL, and other Articles of Con. 0 sumption for the Workhouse of this Union, are 0 requested to deliver in Sealed Tenders, at my t 0 Office, Wellington Terrace, Carnarvon, on or be- a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS: Pwihnell Workhouse. NO'I'CE IS ?? LtY GIVEN,, VlHAT the Board or Guardians of the PIVYLHELIJ ILUNION will, on WEDNESDAY tlie 16thl duyof! MAY next, CONTRACI' for the IBUILDING of a WORKHOUSE, il five lIts, viz. 1I.-Levelling the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SoIcitos. , . THOMAS ELLIS o lciuors. Bu Cal (Duty Frec.) E ST., ASAPH UNION. Cal Wanted a Master and Matron for the Cbh Workhouse. Co( N07'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Co, r HAT tbe Guardians will, at their Mleeting in slhe Da IL BoAnD RooM, in tile City of ST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t, Nelvport, of' ail of wrhoto Issay be. had tie .s victul Friend. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. BANGOR & EAUMARIS UNION WORKHOUSE. NOTICE IS HIEREEY GIVEN, HTAHT the Board of Guardinns of the B]3ngor and 1BeaumQris Union wvill on the 27th dity of JUN] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... supplying the Workhouse, from the 25th JuNE inst. to the 29th n SIEPTIMBER, next, with IJlour, Oatmeal, Peas, n ey. Rice, Butter, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Soap, Can- Ths dIles, Salt, Vinegar, Pepper, and Coals, to be de- ti livered at the Workhouse in the said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on or before the'.5th day of 'JULY next, lt ?? for the, following departments of the I a a vairk to be dane a.t the said Workhouse, viz: b ?? and Masons WVork. be 2.-Carpenters and Joiners' Work. ?? and Plastering ork.. Ue cl 4.-Plumbing,. Glazing dud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRfiqfga. CONTRACT FOR PROVISIONS, &c, A LL persons tesirous of Contracting with thlo Guardians of this Union for supplying the Work-house, from the 25th day of Deciiarnun, 1845, tothe 25th-day ofM.uIonI, 1846, with Bread, Flour, MIeit, (Bone to be contrgcted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Wie Soap in- Candles, -Oatmeal, ,Split PIt`Jiisp, 1.Pot toes. and t fly other Arttles'of coils mr itii: for the t Asapht Workhouse.:.. ?? 'ill And also, to furnish about- 1EL 400 Yards of AberdeentDowvsa 400 Ditto of Chumbrey. _ 200 Ditto of Welsh Flanrrel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OxronD. CARNARVON UNION. Cointracts for Provisions, SC. AIt [L Persons desirous of contracting for the IX Supply of the Union Workhouse,- for Three Months, with BREAD), FLOUR, and OAT- ME'AL, are requested to deliver in Sealcd 'Tend- *cts to me, on or before ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCHOOLMASTER WANTED. ies ale rHE Guardians will at their Meeting at the red Union Workhouse, on Tuesday, the 2.5th of April instant, proceed to elect a Schoolmaster for ork the Workhouse School. Salary £25 a year with *e. the usual Rations. The Officer must perform ...

Advertisements & Notices

... each. Landovery Union. 1 A S TEl A N D M A T It OTN. i 'WANTED, two respectable persona for the above situations in the new Workhouse,-a married I couple without incumbrance would be preferred. The duties lobe performed in theabovehouse,which I is capable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOIIN THOMAS, i Clerk to the Guardiais. Julie 19th, 1841L 'T'O BUIL1)ERS ANID CONTitAC.TOIRS. Bangor and Beaumaris Union Workhouse. NOTICE IS 11ERElY GIVEN, _ fjITAT the Board of' Guardians of the Bangor - and Beauniaris Union w ill, on the 3rd day of ...