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... P)OS TSCRIP T. ?? lallb SbUt'p'O Pott, F'orn the LONDON GAZETTI, Sept. 2o. r 11-1 IS night's gazette contains his rn~jefty's drclaration j refpefing Denmark, as detailcd in our fecondi page. -Alfo an account of the capture of tht Spanifh brig Avan- turti, by the Narcifful frigate; of L'Efperarce French pri- vateer, by the Hunter floop; and of La Bueno Union Spa- nPji'privatcer, by the Adamant ...


... TURNER AND SCROGGINS-This event which has excited more than ordinary interest, from the dis- appol0intmellt Which occurred at Hayes, a few weeks since, was decided on Tuesday, -and the question as to best vas fairly determined. So much secrecy was observed upon the occasion, that the place fixed upon for combat was known only partially; and to cause a diversion, Blackwater, Copthorne. and ...


... CO UNTY of DE VON. Persons who have obtained GAME CERTIFICATES for the L- year 1817: v List (I) GBNERAL CERTIFICATES at 31. I13s. Od. each: A. Adams, William, gent. WiFtheridge; Abraham, Richard, Ji Oakjord; Adney, Richard, clerk, Tiverion; Adney, John, L elq. H~aUerton; Afhfofcrd, Aaron, gtnt. Cudmftock; Archier, It 8dward, efq. Biflhopfleignton; Archer, Samnuel, jun. efq. V piy 7ior Maurice; ...


... BOXiNG. PARTICUtLARS OF THE BATTLE BETWEEN RANDALL AND BELASC0. Tlhe filit between Randall and Belasco, the best light weight men in the boxing list, took place on Tuesday at Shepperton-point, near Oatlauds, the steward of the manor of Morilsey-hurst having ex- pressed a desire to rlow with tile Coramissary and the white-bag men of tile day, which was refused. The distance from London kept the ...


... BO :1 NG. n REYNOLDS and JOHNSON. , This match, which was to have come off on'Tues-. day at btkerbury, has occasioned much disappoint- ment amongst the lads of the fancy, , The stake, with a subscription purse added, was for.a hund~red, ind Reynolds, who bad figured away with much. gallantry with the scientific Belasco, and lastly with Church, was backed with much eagerness at 5 to 2 and 3 to1 ...


... , The match for 100 guineas aside, between Randall o the phenoilenon pf the present day, and Parish, the r watermati, who had foughthbimself high on the milling list, took plaee oni 'rTirsday on Hayes Common, in K, Kent. Wollinglam Common, about six miles on the n other side of Croydon, was the place where the caval- ie cade first assembled-RiddlesdowVn, abouS two miles le from thence, being ...


... PAINTER and SUTTON. We have to record as bravely a cotntited battle*. as ever wasfought in the history of- pngilism, between these first-rate heroes of the fist. it was for a purse of eighty guinetas to the vinner and twenty to the loser, raised by Norwicb and the towns adjacent, and the result proved that~raining on Norfolk poultry is not to be treated contemptuously. A spacious ring, with ...


... BOXINVG.-P4lNTER and SPRING. I i 1 , AT MICKtLEHAM DOWNS, NEAn LEATrHEIHEFAD, SURFtEY. Wednesday, a, little. after one. Painter and S~Pring appeared in the onterring, and, .upon their meeting, sbhok hands in the most cordial and true Englishman- like manner. Spring tbrew his hat up first in the ring, and Painter immediately followed the same line of conduct. At half past one they set-to: ...


... I E. '. I 1 1 . II ?? I - . r , ,,,tg ?? L-i ?? ?? a A 4acious rip a6 fiist formed in BuIstrode Parlk, B B o n'd'be' fiu deinende, bft the Magistrates A iutieriea.ds sud8 av~ldadea, Whib lined 8ix miles of gqo!id, ,hurriedd' to Mill-eud, osr:a rough road of Many- milek W~S b tbtW~ Wg iafdgbt, and-betding r m a tb 11 t o e'd? d . Seconds, t','ibb andbelcher 4i ffor their donlltty aij and a ...

BODMIN RACES, August 26th & 27th, 1818

... BODMAN , RAOS, August:26tl& 27tbt,'181.I FlRST DAY. Mlembers Plate of £S0. for all ages; two-mile beats. Hon.'Newvto PFellowes' br.h. UpriqghtJudge, six years old(, 9st. ?? I0 MIr. Diay's b. 1. Luey Rose,threeyrs. old, st.31b. 2 0 2 Sweepstakes of Five Guineas eacb, for horses not thorough bjed, two-rdile heats, 10 Subscribers. Alr. J. D. Fowell's b. m. Countess Quiadrille, I six years jid, I ...


... -U-*Mm-f ??Ilst . a .TUNY -4f : V.: Y:.K P.i-F~iSGSff bu jaive ohable~id! G.AME c1JflI-; 17 flCATES r ite yea1 1b9 I ,Lial;(lI) G IZfiAlbC9KTIFICAAFE&.,at 81. 138.-fl. each:r .Ashfbrod, Aarod, Adlmstock, Adney, J,aho, H1ltbbrtub; Adneyi Richard, clerk,, Uiuertbn, ArsCptt,iJohn4, redi. ton; . Afru ndell ?? J *illiniDm Chkrifonr: Fitspaiwte;,Aoland, Thowa& Paimer,, hsiq..Charle#;-Ar~mytaie, Sir ...


... D . - _ . - i _ - A -L _ The Matcb between Johnson, of Paddington, who had acquired wuch' celbrityjby beating the bept men of his, weight of thecday,, ataely, Purcell. Lancaster, &c..on Tuesday fogt .M~rtin, a baker, of about equal weight, and a superior man altogether in the gift of teazing. The, match was for 100. guineas and it took place in a .meadow about four miles through Hendon. * The ...