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Lancashire, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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... FEIALE FASHIONS FOR OCTOBER. rirom thc World of Faslhion.) ENSSErmILE OF PROAtENADn DUEssEs.-The redin- gole is still the most ?? style; and though many of our distinguished fhshionables wear the sleeves full to the wrist, this mode is by no means universal. The half- tight sleeves is often seen, and sonic ?? dresses have just appeared with a long sleeve separated below the elbow by ...


... TRrDP.ERANCEl FESTIVAL. The half yearly Festival of the Preston Tcmperance Society, commenced at the Theatre on Tuesday eveninig last, and has since been continued nightly. Two large flags were appended from the proscenitum-one insceibed The l>reston Female TeImperance Society, &c., the other The Preston youth's Society, and forms were arranged on tile stage for tihe speakers and their ...


... : )i7Ar11ttS At Quebec 0'7 the 1st o' April, the mercury stood 3deg. below zero, and in the w6ods the snow was six feet deep. Taglioni is expected shortly In London. Her terms of remuneration are such as the members of other professions may regard with astonishment. Her first engagement is only for a limited number of nights, et something more than 1601. per night, and with a clear benefit, to ...


... _ _ _ is__ , r zI ORIGINAL A1ND SELECTED. LA 'FRAPPE. Oh ! let us haste, excilims the guide, *VWhile yet the son is high Ynn drearv forest pass with speed; Tilee fimed I Il Trappu' is nigh. Alas ! for him whom night o'erzakes, A tI bideS its lone cot seek; He finds, 'tif true, a hospice there, That makes his lire's-blood teak. In its dreal and deep dark glens Thte armed assassin lies, On ...


... ,woman .I ORflIqtAL AND SELECTED. THE DEV(YNSHIRE LANE. 1 P, n Pevonshire lane as I ?? along T',,tlcr day, much in w int of a subject for song, Thinks I to myself (p'lhspq inspired by the rain) marrisge is much likc a Devsonshirc lane. Il the first place 'ti ...


... IWarittgc. -Honorary silver medaishave been presented, one by the: Academy of Industry;' at Paris, to Mr. Loudon, author of; the Encyclopsedias of Agriculture,' Gardening, &c., and one by the Statistical Society of Paris to Mir..!'Cullochl author of the Cammercial. Dictionary. It is remarkable, that at the Spalding market, on Tues.' day, the 26th ult., wheat and oats sold atmearly the same ...


... A l. ?? ORIGINAL AND ELECTED. STAN ZAS. B' HiJSS XE31BLsE. (From t/l Casket of Amerkan and European Gems.) M hen yoo nsaurnfiilly rivet your tear-laden eyes, Thalt have 'e sn the last *.unset of hope pass awavy, O. an e bright orb, that seems, through the still sapphire III b.atlty alld spleoidour, to roll on its way: [skies, Ob rememnber, this earth, if beheld fronm afar Irtid sleen wrapt ...


... PrEIAXPE nAS1ON5 VCR DECE2BER, . WALKING DitEssEs. - A cloak of Luxmore, of a bright brown with a rich pittern is black ; it is made as a pelisse, fitting closely to'the figture, excepting the sleeves, whichl hang full from the Ohouldess. A dress of pale lilac Cashmere, bonnet of sapphire ?? of violet tsatin, embroidered round with a light pattern of bright chenille, a deep cape lined with ...


... _a_ . r. . ?? r'egret to announce that the Bisbop of London has had a serlous relapse, and has been interdiced by his phy. sicians from attetirlirrg to busijess of any iindi tcrr a consi. derable time. It wais generally rumoured in the city on Tuesday that Lord Slilg, the gover ior of Janmica, had resigned, and that his resignttion had' ben ?? joaper. This ?? we believe is correct.-Globe. ...


... .1 I I A: p a a Ulm I7 Oyt1QIaAL AND SELECTED., TfO AN ANCIENT SUN.DIALs BY J. F. MOLLioGS -rFrorn the Literary Ga.ette.) An hour has passed with lingering pac-e, Since, bent in careless musing nigh, I marked upon thy moss-grmvh face' The noiseless shadow ?? ?? An hour has passed' and wareind b'k -; The fit of vacant idelegse-o'er7 I see that shade in onward trsekl Advanced one scanty inchm . ...


... I - -- Farictiro.- I I -.869- T}I CuoiERA.-Lohndon, May'14.- New cases, 6; deaths, 8; recovered, C; remaining, 20 Its the Country.-New cases, 85 deaths, 48; reco- vered, 40; remaining, 192. Dublin, May I I.-New cases, 75; deaths, 28 reco- vered, 155; remaining, 420. Total from commencement, cases, 2504 ; deaths, 817. Last week one of the Worthing mackarel boats cleared no less than £150. by ...


... l~f;4>@ 5S.X 1 I1 ORIGIZNL ALD SXLECTED. CXBINET-.MAKING. ?? n the Wihigs were all out by a palpable trick, Which at best we must call rather sinister, ite news soon arrived at the ears of Old Nick, ho I' tholight it his time, were he wily and quick, To make himself EIgland's Prime Mainater. So he bruds'd up his looPs, not to seem like a quiz, Come to lo.ndon, and being a dab in it, lie took l ...