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Lancashire, England

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... Oriqinaf# , THE RIMLETOE BOUGH. Ml Who doth not know the i9lsleto bough. to e That hangs in the cot or the palabe now ? twe ~ Twas used of old as a plant divine,te A snyslerlous symbol. ,4asa1red sign; e And now It tells efoer Savlour's birth, a And Curist's durst coming to rasn eath. an Haste, haste, to the forsetf hadte. haste, to the glen eV Them ra etebough skal e ea'dUP SIiin M laI the ...


... ITHE EARL AND COUNTS~ OF SEPTON AT- ThE LIVERPOOL SATURDAY EV.ENIKGI 'CONCERTS. sn-1 VOCER~iTh. it- The succes which has attended the Saturday evening fo oriecratinsfor the working classes, since the preslentfo - lyr ?? refused to allow his name to heused is- as one of the patrons, has been greater than could hare 1 ~sr benanticipated by the meast sanguine expcctations of 8ani he those who ...


... Adertfoad. NE WSPAPERS. BVY BDWI S HENRiY BRaRINTo. Youth asks Age of its politics, and finds that the love of them has not abated, and that the newspapers are wel- come still. Old Man, thou sayest well; From Newspapers the world instruction borrows, Truly, likl the Arabiisu Tales, they tell Of joys and sorrows. ''Tis pleasant sure,' So Byron sail, 'to see ones name in print.' Ask the pale ...

THE REGISTERED PALETOT CASE. To the EDITORS , > (he LIVERPOOL MERCURY. Ge*ti.kmk*, —In your report of the ..

... tho Vice Chancellor of England on Saturday, June 12th, you describe ourselves as receiving the protection of the Cuurt infringement of our patented riplit to an invention, and by assumption the title which it has been publicly known. From the great popularity we have attained by the sale of the subject of the injunction, a garment styled the Registered Paletot, of Llama Cloth, it may be ...


... , . EAST IXDIES. T-iniVv Mk''J7.„ fugfir ' ,i( . e «jte,cutch, linseed aplt>, K e. fm Calcutta ; 6ug tr, r:ce, jute, saltpetre « • l^blES. Science,'llnnsniTi, fm Jamaica ; Miuar, rum, logwood Thovpe, fm ; su-jar, molasses ► an loach, lli., foi Denier *ra ; rum, sugar, bides camera, Boycj, Jiavannih ; sugar, logwood SOU Til AMEHI C A. qua tor, Fo dyce. fm V ilparais >; wool, citrate soda ...

The Magic Globe, or the Bottle Imp

... ICfe rjagit Bolbe, or tle vottos *mup, - Come like shadows, so deart. Sha!bpearj CHArp. VL a, Whimsical Incident at 9iX AArtion-Nereessy o' Confdece and Good Understanding beiteen Mnn and . 6 all, Netevnsonger, or Specilator'is w e w paVptrpents. R. -ERihersde and his Edior-Blosoinglot and cold. This evening, after the usual salutations between Ferdinald and his tutelar spirit, Asnodeus thus ...


... LITERATRIGE. MA' ?? s> -:i ; ',trid>?;sjnit Lib~rarp,. niiijn'Cc;Srieg, ,d90 15;, ip/C~f,. Aibe~npiisrstteet, ?? conductors of this excellent and popular miscellany have just published the first- volume of a i dramatic series, .initnd'ed to'corpurise a selection from the plays S of the earlier Britisl threatrital writers, p'fied of all objection. in able jisstles, and sdspted foi tshe ...


... DRAMA&TIC HINTS. th To Messrs. DUCROJ., BflEhrRLY, HAMMOND and RBAY-l o MOND, and other CATERERS to the PUBLIC APPETITa bi for DRAMATIC SPECTACLES, MELO DRAMAS, PANV. L TOMiMES, 4dc. a GENTLEMEN,-It has often occurred to me that it! you might find an ample store of materials for the w amusement of the holiday folk in the pages of Les Contles Perma8s, or the Persian Tales, replete as they w, ...


... EXHIBITION Oil THE LIVERPOOL ACADEMY. The exhibition, wbich was opened an Monday, at the new rooms in Churchistreet, conaists of four hundred specimens, anW, in the opinion' of those who are reputed to be connoisseurs, it exceeds all former exhibitions in this town. The large room is very well adapted for th. purpose, as every picture which it contains has its fair share of light. - We cannot ...


... !i?tltctiono- 1Y151N. S/NO AT THE CLOSE OF THE PUBLIC PROCESSION IN CODM- OIEMORATION OF THE PASSINO OF THE REFORM BILL, AT SREFFIELD ON MONDAY LAST. (JVritten for the Seffie/rd Politicat Ulzion, by one of the Britons ! peal the anthem high, WVith your plaudits rend the sky, Victors ! raise the joyful cry, WVe are no longer slaves i The race of bondage now is run, Freedom's holy cause Is won, ...


... VottrIL. THE WRECE.-A FRAGMENT. t SC FREDERICK J. KRUGOER. LATE MIARINER, AUTHOR OF THSE PIRATP, OSTWAslD.EOUND,` HOA I RIwARD-1DOuND, &e. Not a single star o'er the deep is beaming, Yet once methought a glance of light O'er the ocean trembled in distance gleaming. Like a meteor star through the haze of night; Whilst loud and hoarse the breakers roar, Sweeping rude and wild on the Cheshire ...