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Oxford Journal

Saturday's Post. (By Express.)

... Saturd1ay's Post. (By Express.) LONDON, OCTOBER IS. rplIF. Arnholt mail arrived yesterday. li, e contents by 1 this coil'eyaice are now of a pancific witure. Every thillg is s id to be in a qciiescelit state ii the north of' Eu vipe; a; nd ?? to has c ail justed her ii tinrerces *vith Itubsi and Prussia. Withl relitrd to the litte, power, it is stuted fisltl Memnel, under date of the 21st, ...

Published: Saturday 19 October 1811
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 816 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Sunday's and Tuesday's Posts

... S,,ndtay's and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON_,AUGUST 125. I 1 k (j i333 A tibs~ad ol' freon tile UIT~itedi U. St~iej to tile Court of Fraiice, 33333 Mr, he .13f3ted Pleilipntellti~lries, for tile f eleii an3d 31xt3 llfillg th Coli- pl31 'F'reaty 1already existhin-z hetlweei Ureat IlI I the CJited StaItes, held a cu,3lftre33ce 13jl3CIntleraikl o333 Saturday lubt, 333 his 1133 (11 NoII-l '3Crt'l, ...

Published: Saturday 29 August 1818
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2716 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Sunday's and Tuesday's Posts

... &nda~y's and '7Wesday's Posts. LONDON, JUNI 15. VHE Paris Papers of Frilay and Snturday J arrived yesierday. The discussioa of the -Budet of ti; Mlinistry of Finance wis confinued iu the sittings or the Chamber of Deputies oil 11iiursr s antl Fridlay, but obthiig of particular interest occurrerl. Some opposi ioi iaving been made to aI rite !t credit for the sipport of tie French 2od Foreigin ...

Published: Saturday 19 June 1819
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2422 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... NL &T oA I: . i CIIE, NNE LT &, C HALC Rotlit; George CsenneI,. a,,ed-,38, and W11illiariClialcraft,;ti aged 50 years, wshi were found guilty onl %ediiesday ,j liist~,of -the niunier of Mr. Geoirge Ciseissil. (fhe fa-' thievil' oftie firmer, and the ?? of thle hitler), and l uif Mary Wilson, his hsousekseepers w'er'e eeceuted Ol ontoi -Triday imln rihg, puorsuniit to t heir s enteilees, at' ...

Published: Saturday 22 August 1818
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2002 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... iMPO Pa NI FO R The,.POOR er To, t tdieor of .tde Oxfos4.Journalt.- se ISt ;tlke: ~veryjuvlicitoins remarks of your B;afibury X- Coriespondelit, Cfitaitidil sit your Papeir of the 14tb tilt, are ot the ?? tsati:ida -iportance, atd de- ut serve the serious corniideratioii of both the Legislature lit anid tile Countiy at iarge. 'it ir; a wvel-known 'fact irn that for a long time past a large ...

Published: Saturday 12 December 1818
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2191 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... MUoLrTU IN PARVO.-Prince Regent held a Court Saturday, afterwards a Privy Council, to anieod noiniinatiolis of Welch Slheliffs.-Sunday his Royal Highness and brother York went in state to St. James's Chapel-Archbishop of York preached-two Royal Brothers, seated on chairs of crimuslon anod gold, received the sacrament- Queen and Princesses remain at Windsor.- Princess Elizabel h's maarriage to ...

Published: Saturday 28 March 1818
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1088 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Sunday's and Tuesday's Posts

... 4dav ' de- e I511,day's and Tluesda~y's Posts. LONDON, DEC. 15. ~ 'lfromil Iulollod has furnished us 'vith A~ papers to the 12di inst. The anniversary .r t(,e 1irthi-dutv of thle Prince of Orange was a t thp Iliaume ott the 611h instnt, %wit I tierecings lid cer m nsc c tieul~oseiyofpealsin thle 1province of Lux- I heaCpanPrisse. Triey are found (IC lie~ i te' learypart of a soft of muscles, ...

Published: Saturday 19 December 1818
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1715 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

OXFORD, Saturday, Nov. 17

... OSXNORD, ISaturdaY?, Nov. 17.. HALDON & LOWNDES, Booksellers and Stationer;, AT THE OFFICE OF THIS JOURNAL, Will have for SALE on TUESDAY NEXT, THE OXFORDSCD AND ALL OTHER Abhnanacks & Pocket Books FOR THE YEAR'1828, In plain and elegant Bindings, and in the greatest variety. Two Exhibitions founded by Mr. Charles Harris, and two Scholarships on the Old Foundation, in Balliol college, are now ...

Published: Saturday 17 November 1827
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3148 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

OXFORD, Saturday, March 15

... O x r O R DI Sattrrday, Afareh 15. On Thursday the following Degrees were conferred:- BACIMELOR IN DIVINITY. The Rcv. Win. Jackson, Fellow of Qucen's, MASTER OF ARTS. Rev. Henry Currer Wilson, Lincoln, BACHFLOR OF ARTS. William Doveton Philpot, Lincoln. In a Convocation, holden on the same day, it was agreed, that humble Petitions be presented to the Right Hon. the Lords Spiritual and Temporal ...

Published: Saturday 15 March 1828
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1583 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... WEDNEIDAY'S AND THURSI)AYS POSITS. HO0 U 5E OF,- LORB -Peada y A TRsom-e Pietitinis, atnd bthier iniscallatteous bu- A FstoeseR, the thlird readling of' thle Spring Guns Prohibition 11ill wats propose'd by Lord eanlte;and, after a slight oppo- sition front bardl Ellunborxtugh, carrie!d by a mojority of 28 to 19. T~he Game Laws Rcforin Bill was thecan re-emumitted ; and thle Honse continlued ...

Published: Saturday 14 April 1827
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1955 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

OXFORD, Saturday, Jan. 5.

... Saturday, Jan. 5.. The REGIUS Pitorrsson of DIViNITY will begin a Course of public Lectures, at Christ Church, on Monday the 4th of February, at Twelve o'clock. On the, ult. Messrs. Joseph Anstice, John Ellison Bates, Edward Hill, and Herbert Kynaston were adnitted actual Sjudents of Christ Church, in this University, hav- ing been elected from Westminster college in May last. At the same ...

Published: Saturday 05 January 1828
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3336 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

OXFORD, Saturday, June 26

... oXFOnD x Saturday, June 21. On Wednesday last a Convocation lwas bolden, in which the Rev. Joseph Carter, B. D. Fellow of St. John's, and Vicar of St. Giles's, in the suburbs of Oxford, was unani- inously elected Lecturer of that parish. On Thursday last, in Convocation, the nomination of the Rev. Stephen Reay, M. A. of St. Alban hall, to be one of the Sub-Librarians of the Bodleian, in the ...

Published: Saturday 28 June 1828
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3066 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News