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Hull Packet


... - MR. LLOYD on Friday evening finilbed a Courfe of Leautes, upon a truly beautiful and magnificent ORRERY, to abrilliantanddifcerning auditory. We never in public leaures heard the fublime fcience of Afironornv treated in fo perfpi- cuous and maflerly a manner. . His ideas of the works of creation are clear and grand, his diaion is highly elevated,' and his manner fo wonderful im- prefive, as ...


... ~q EVENING DitEss.----t is composed of rose- coloured moire, corsage h revers, made very low round the bust; the revers isl cut round the edge in dents of a new form. Long sleeves of wbite gaeteoj. ed dress ofrose-colouired crape, arranged in tbe turban styleh in front, but open behind to display the hair ornamented with a gold comb. The plumage of a bird of paradise is t aplaced on the left ...


... LITWR~AUy &'PHILOSOPHIC&L SOCIETY I I , , - . - I -' - nrth meeting for the present session of of' the *ebEr4 of the above institrttion, was held oti Friday Goa last,:;Ist~ite Lecture room in Kintgston-Square, (larratt- ve3r Stretilh'tles Frost Esq. President in the chair. After des tIle rpp'tfnelbssiiiees of the meeting had concluded, Mr. and datmrpti delivered a 'very interesting addiess ...


... Lteratue.- LAZARUS, CObME FORTH ! Laermms, come forth I',-The dead arose, The snuken orbs their thraldom broke; a Thro' tiechil'id limbs warm life-blood flows, e And Ille pale slumbgrer awoke. ti Lazarus, come forth I-The fluttering spirit From gades heard the call divine, e Once more earth's trials to inherit- s Once more a denizen of time. V Lnraras, come forth 1 -Oh, words of power I ...

Literature.[ill] &c

... I littLature.-ebirtus, &r. I LX order to prevent mistcake or delay, it is requested that all works intended for tie Editor of the HULL PACKET for review, may be left, addressed, wivth Messrs. LoNGMAa, and Co., who will be good enough to forward themn. THE NATURALIST, No. XIX. Contains a variety of interesting articles; among which we may mention more particularly an account of the Manners ...

Selected Poetry

... *Cftttrl? Vottrp. The following lines are translated from a German poem, by M. de Redlitz, written raany years back. The author had then little reason to expect so prosaic a fuifilment of his poetical dream, as the arrival of La Belle Porate, at Cheibourgh with the remaius of Napoleon. THE SPECTRE SHIP. The sound is fltting before the gale, No stars in the dark heavens play, High over the ...

The Church

... Slit Q-1bracb. We learn from the Morning Pos', that the Queen wvisa ing to read some sermons, her uthiTiiters have recommended her Dr. Arnolds ; a divine who denounces the doctrines of Hooker, Taylor, and Wilson, as 'mischievous, a pro- fane, manifestly unchristian, priestcraft positive blasphemy, &c. P'rety books to put into the hands ofte young fb uhaleo It is with feelings of ...

The Church

... Ze Qitlvdj. NOBLE EXAMPLE TO PATRONS OF CHURCH IN CUMB E NCI ES. Few things have given us more pleasure, for some time past, than a brief and simple notice which appeared in the London Gazette of Friday last. It was to the following effect:- Notice is hereby given, that application is intended to be mare to parliament, in the next session, for leave to bring in a bill for the division of ...

Original Poetry

... Orginal WOEt. I DEATH. - Hrw many t'ihiimJ touldat 1Tou hare, insaliale grare y Death ! thy far and shaduwy land is flied with a Pale and spectral Land, And comnest thou yet ? Spare I 0 spare! Nor rifle our home of its young and fair. There are old and feeble Crowding thy way, With their faltering steps and locks of grey These for thy summons wait and pray, Then take nut our loved and young ...


... (From the Alew Mronilly.) I sAw her as I fancied fair, Yes, fairest of earth's creatures- I saw the purest red and white O'ersipread her lovely fe atures- F he fainted and I spri:k1-led her, ller malady relie ving I wiashl' bjthi rose anrd lily off Oh ! seeing's nort believing 1 I look'd gaint, again I lonn'd To breathe love's food confession; I saw her eyebrows forin'd to give ller fNeu its ...


... _ _ _ _ _ ~I THE MOURNER'S RETURN. BY SIR 1'. rttESi;ET ir rLL'ET5VOOD, BART., M.P. [These lines, written after accompanyitg the remains of a loved and last child from London tl the family resting-place, in Lancashire, wvere merely intended for private perusal among those interested in the beautiful, too highly gifted deceased.- Lovams'hire Herld.] IVito kilowet; Wnot. in all these, that the ...


... arifcties. When isa chimney like a chicken? Do ye give it up? Whell it's a littleford. A ne-w opera, composed by Benedict, the libretto by Mr. Chorley, has been accepted at Covent-gardeu Theatre, and will be brought mit with all possible speed. Some arch wagl has been hoaxing a numerous circle of the citizens of Dublin by isSuing cards of invitation in the name of the Lord Mayor, to a dinner ...