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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... LITFRATURE. BLACitWOOD'S EDINDUlstGol MAGAzttt.-We return spainl to this excellent periodical, that our readers may -'ijywith uts another sample of its 'IVel ritnc - nLibs. 1 Marston;o, The Ae or oa tatesmanl' Iseirins the number. for June, and bids fair to become it important feature ; at tony rate, if the continuation 5,,as attractive as the first part, it cannot escape be. -on:-a fitvour ...


... PUDBLIC AjUS8'#'-2t'TS. ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE. Ora' Sescress of Mr. Denvilia Lord BrssMafe,asd Second Week of Mc. and Mdrs,Setlby. V~O-MORROW, aod duaing thoWeek. will be preivclsce, Forolte 7th T ?? PoemSn fIANlFRRD. CoeensfiMareafsMr. -fenvi; Clhemois lit ter,MNr. Lass's ; Aloes, lir. J. Simpson; Amo- rotors, Mr. Green; Tole Philmothe of Astarte, idles Hamilton. The Witc of ho lps ...


... ITEAT IC NLS, &c. The art itself is oazurc.-.S.HAKoPEaE ITALIAN OPvBeA.-Such a night as the last (Tuesday), we never beheld at any theatre. . The crowd, so. closely packed in the pit and galleries as to convey an ilea that they could scarcely breathe, were as vehement in their ap- plause to the very last as if. they had enjoyed the perform- ance but far a moment, and perfectly at their ease ...

[ill] &c

... Tx15E' RIMALS. &c. COVEUTr-GAKrens.-The French opera company, fromn the theatre at Bruuseli, have produced Meyerbeer's operatic spectacle, in five Acts, of Rabart le Diasble, with all 'ite wild, unealtbly music, and gorgeous scenery. How ilfinitely superior In all respects an-l is evey de- partment is the Robert le Diable we witnessed here on Tuesday evenong to Buan's bastard production of the ...


... I It is but few theatrical novelties we have to announce as being in I the course of production for the ensuing holidays; the success-at- tendant on cheap railway trips, steam excursions, vocal lectures, gda the various attractionswith whirhthe town is glutted, having taught. our managers that anything like an expensive novelty will not now' repay the outlay attendant on its production; and ...


... A DREAM 0or REFoRM. By Henry J. FOREST. ChrsPMrn, Strand.-The author of this dream says in lila preface, 1 hlave for muany years imaginoed a satae of society, where all the listen- tions and discoveries of mankind were made available in lessen- ing the labours ofe highly-civilised people; as society is at pre- sent conotituted, but fe~w receive the benefits of those inventions and discoveries ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS FOR TH WEEK. ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA-' COVENT GARDEN. FTHE Directtors of the Royal itakian opera beg retpectfolly to in- T form the Nobility, Gentry, Sultstribers, and the Putslic in eneral, that the teoaen, will C.Mnnltne on THURSDAY Nk;RT, arch 5th (hrsng the frst ni o of the Subtscription), with Auberas grand Opera of MIAiANIELL9.1 whith will be produced with entirely Zew ...


... PEAULS FOjR STRINGING. F TIE FOOTPRINTS OF SPRING.-No process of nature affects tbe nin'd sioro' pleasantly thea' the goadufl-deve opmen Spring, for thousands of dwellers in the closestreets and crow 'by-ways of cities * the'knowledge of its coming is 'but calendar lore, until the feeblq cry of some octogenarian primrose-gatherer lusheard beneath the windows, or. the flower-girls at the ...


... THAlk I The art itself is llature.-SHAinisrEur. Detury LAree.-At this theatre we have not had. anything worthyeof ?? since out last, King John, AsYsee Like It. Lovafolr Love, and thm opera of King~ Alrthur', have continued to draw good housies. A new tragedy entitled The ratti- euanes Daughter, is announced for Thursday, which will be notceid in our next. COVENST GAuDEac.-Thif theatre was ...

Destruction of the Havre Theatre

... ` The theatre of Havre was burnt to the ground in the night o0 0 Friday. We regret to add that M. Fortier, the manager, sshc resided in the apartments attached to the theatre, lost his life. The following account of this catastrophe is from the Journal du J1avre of Saturday:- At about half-past one o'clock this morning some persons wvere attracted to the Place du Spectacle by cries of ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEZXENTS. ASTLEY'S ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE OF ARTS. Propiletor and Manager, Mr. W. Batty. Loot SIX Nights or Mann. Plege, the treat Preach Rope- ?? Six Night,, of the Spectaicl at no Ibrooms of Etigiand by Witititam the Con~queror. Vto.MORROW; sod durnng the Weak, the Eatertanmaentrt wil cLtn- T m aenceaiththeis splendid, ?? opectoclieralitied TIdE INVASION OP ENGLAND BY WILLIAMITHE CON ...


... L,!T=-IATURE. HOOD'S MAGAZINE contains n great variety of amusing and interesting articles. Mrs. Peck's Pudding, a Christmas romance, by the editor, is a most rich and clever production, which should be in this coming month of festivities perused by all. After this we have A Lounge in the Landes,.containing an account of Deze- lonz, the famous brigand of the Landes, com- mencing with a ...