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1800 - 1849
445 1830-1839


London Dispatch



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London Dispatch


... -rEu VOICS ROM THE GALLEnY. On Monday, the 13th, the Lords was attended by upwards of two hundred peers, in full expectation of a ministerial ex. planation. They sat only a few minutes, however, for the Eas of Shaftesbury enquiring in a low voice from Lord Melbourne if he desired to speak, received a nod of negation in reply. I never saw a better exemplification of the moun- tain bringing ...


... Songs and Ballads, by Stover. In dealing with the volumes which may come before us from time to time for review, we shall take it for granted that our readers wish to know something of the book themselves, as well as to learn what we thixik of it. We shall therefore not bestow our tediousness in the shape of comment, so largely as some of our contemporaries love to do, but hasten where it ...


... fl V3 -~, ' P ~ i , f-GO-~ n.. a - ' Te aiieait~grieks axd Romams had u, iawhe i L To ewqpre4G a acheI nl all ayhousle1 bt tW s~aemo-JmrTas,, TQ e~~~~~~prszeftl attac lvazioiffle etenltoil urbdiy a'see luvtric .tiops ctofswiw aJR qceti ofp P'F - . _. 1 ~ ~ ~ 4.di -eye AUI.e d r06iemdnt iow mert ',zn t ,#e~ g wajaO r 1av4p iX~~gr~c~ bthoe,@cea1. .*>b2et ,leperejppqrt .e e up st. s , ateu6f ...


... L3ITERATURE. | Iotms guburbas Garener and VRla Companiom.-In o015 vol. 8vo., illustrated by numerous Engravings. this is a neatly got-up volume, addressed toavery nume- uss body of readers, for every person whose quiet ambition k bounded by a desire to pass a portion of his time within sight of green fields, will be interested in the details here Hid before him. The plates are very beautifully ...

Leider and Bilder (Songs and pictures)

... Mepler and S1lder (pongs and- piotures). I It is a somewhiat curious phenomenon to observe an art nearly reaching the highest degree of perfection 1 in one country, and twith ;the perfet knowledge bf I another country, and yet lthat secoaid country taiking. l uo advantage- of the kt#wledge or the example oI success. This is the ce1b With a peculiar mode'of decorating works in 'Gerniany by a ...


... GAZETTE OF THE 'TNMATRES.. learning's triumph o'er her barbirous foes First rear'd the stage. ENGLISH OPrERA HousE.-RiCci's eelebrated& opera of Scaraamuccia has been, performed here during the week, but not to crowded houses. No doubt the spirited lessee, Mr. Balfe, was induced to produce an English version of this opera from the success which formerly attended its per- formance by the Opera ...


... ; 1 6 & Y*Aolil .41 ? ? ?L, L R I W ?,, p 7, ? 1 'The p ctures j p qgOppflVeraope ,tov th pubAic .4j~~ d g'paS r O isgrace to tle-zsiobeing qJa~b,ed,,£pr;,eXhiJti.~ ,In plae eo~f gtQblet~lt zI-cL~ ej>w!Felye%:,p f fbeeiveX ce~lst m piesres l th~ieyfi4 Wliv-aR~~ge,-an ,in their former. ty. s 0*94t e4 0c6,e ,4draw, attention to waweOkfithe beet:- , . i. , -. 5' Ink the Plabfl~h~ M4 i~s ac~gy of ...


... .- ~.~ 1g, ,I' M--W . U ma6 eaftfea Greet osba sl aUo M~ ever, quite benet her powers. She appeardan idi$ girl in MdkSnie11otei)11 Se 1' siight.4vapGSd~s~ unbqtial1Atdfts a paatoimia.performeiae,£5# ~PZ formed~ the same night in fine-AZ~~ admission merely, to bear the o- rue I~$,7 h r chestra, as now constituted. .ve.div~prieb light and shade so delic'atelyiak~ dT~iv` will attended. '- ...


... TUIRATRICAJIA. DRURY-LANE. After an absence of eight years from the London boards, Mr. Booth made his appearance oil Monday night at this theatre in, the character of Richard the Third. We had certainly some curiosity to witness the performance of one whom Kean. hadi raised to the dignity of a rival, and towards whom he felt stronger, feelings of jealousy than any other man on the stage. We ...


... ILIT I~AATU.REB, THE ARABEAx DESERT.-The gronnd is teeming with lizards. 'bhe sun seems to draw them from the earth; for sometimes, when I have fixed my eye on one spot, I have fancied that the isands were getting then into life, so many of these creatures at once have erept from their holes. A greater variety of flowers covered the plain than we have met with yet; and a plant that I think ...


... 111T33A3Y WOt S, :: St. .Seaens: or, Penceilhit~of oPoliticiains..Brytsx. '' 4 > ': '.'du iugh~n. j ; :* We do not recollect that we ever met withia. volume which gave as; such unmixed delight! as we felt while persing these faithful and piquant Pencilings. of Poliicas. by a Writer whose excellence will render ineffective the shield under which he has endeavoured to shroud hiiAelf from the ...


... - BRISTOL,-The season- terminated last week. On the closing night Mrs Macread t took-herbenefit, and delivered a farewell address. The followingparagraphs intheman.- geia speech enable us to infer that the lmsiaesshas been l tolerably prosperous:- In aiddressing you at the. close of each aicceasive season, I cannot but feel an increased debt of gratitude for the kind and indulgent support ...