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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I On the 6th inst., at the Collegiate Church, by the Rev. WV. T King, M.A., George Toundrow Atherton, Esq., of Wallasey, Cheshlire, to Sarah, daughter of Charles OPenshaw, Esq., of T Crunipsall. On the 7th inst., at the same place, by the Rev. Henry Fielding, M.A., Mr. James Swindells, of Hlmb, to Mis-s Hannah Tholmas, of this town. Same is) aand place, by the Rev. W. IV. Johnson, E. A., z Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ln it 31 tMARRIED. l On tile lth' illstalnt, at the Collegiate Chrlrci, Mr. ISAAC H ALL, of Salford, to Miss JANE INGIIAM, of this town. .lit Onl the 15th inst, at t le samle place, Air, Wo LAWSON, to to Miss AGNES AI'CRACIjcN, both of this town. u- Sanle day and place, Sir. DAVID Sl'Couscr, to ELIZABERTH, ts eldest danghter of the lato Mr. Johzi Leat, architect, all of :ts this town. 2d Onl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. '?Osn the 16th inst., nt the Collegiate Church, ,mr. George T'hckary, to Mrs. Mary Kinder, both of this town. -4101the17th inst., nt tbe sane piaco, by tlls 12v. V. Wilson, M JizAeph Sibsen, of Kunaresboroiighl, Yorkshire, to Sarah, ',04Pi9et daughter of Mr. George Turner, farmer, Buxton. Ae.Al ?? lust, at Chapel-strect Clhapol, Salford, by the devJ-. 31assie, Mir. Henry Grandy. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0 IMARRIED. r Oil thle 14th ins-t., at tile Collegiate Church, Mr. Williara 0 Francis Radcliffe, to M1liss Ann Gorsuch, both of illine. On tuie 5th inbs., at tile sname place, Mr. ?? Johnson, L to Miss IdliOL Derbyshire, both of this town. If Oii the 19tlh lust., at the Samne place, Mr. E dward Goooaier, e to Miss Jane Meloss, both of Stretford. ns Saed n pae Mr. Henry Pasley, of Liverpool, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oil ?? hli inst., at thc Collegiate Chlireh Amr. James Yates, to Miss Martha NOeMsn: lsw1MV, both of this towvs1. Oin the 5th test., at tile same place, Air. Archibals Ahislie, mill- Wright, of Chirinside, Btervickshire, to Miry, third daughter of the late Ar Clerg, of this tonie. Oil tile t1is inst.. at tue same place. ;\Ir. William Williamson of Cheetham, to Elizabetil Lockett, daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRBIED, qu On the 17th inst. ait the Collegiate Church, Air. WMm. Vincent Hodgson to If iss Sot-oh Bircel Wroe, both of Lower Broanghtoon. fi On cthe 17th inst, at the Collegiate Church, Mr. TicontoasPierce, ~f of Naniwich, Cheshire, to Misc Sarahl Ann Mlills, of Huites. r Ott the 10th lost, ait the Collegiate Church, Air. John Seddton, fr a! eacrsley, to Mlica Ehicobstc Werr, oftflie fawn. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Cy mn MARRIED. le On the 19th inst., at the Collegiatc Church, by the Rev. WV Wilson, le Mr. Abraham Evans Lloyd, to Elizabeth Mlaria, daughter of james Ie Bradshaw, Esq., near Stretford. id On the l6th inst., at the sante pilace, by thle Rev. WR. WNilEon, Mr. de Archibald Crawford, to Mrs. Mary Ann Loid. re Same day and place, by the Rev. C. iichlol, itr. Jobn Carberry, rto AMiss Martha ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ii MARRIED. r. On the 16th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. J. Robinson, AD M.A. M?. George Charles Kinsey, of Ashton-upon?Mersey, to Miss A ts Mary Newton, of Hulme. B On the 1Nth inst. at the Cathedr a], by the Rev. J. Robinson, R M.A. Mr. Isaac Place, of Huhne, to Miss Frances Robinson, of 10 Rusholme. ie On tile 14th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. C. Riebson, In LA. Mr. James Holt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, I On the ?? inst. at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Evan- gelist, Salford, by the Rev. Dr. Errington, incumbent, Private I imothy M'Gurk, 30th regiment, to Mliss Catharine I-lay, of this t tity., I On the 28th ult. at St. John's Church, Pendlebury, Mr. Henry d Yates, of this city, to liss SophiaNorbury, Broom House Cottage, Pendleton. d Onithe27thtilt. at St. 3fary's Church, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 13th int, at Catedr ev. W. W. Johnson, MLA. Mr. IV. flndscn Edge, of eaton Nrit ?? al of Blurnagte.asAay -ul On the1 th et at thle Cathedral, by the R1ev. W. NV. Johnson, MA. MrAll. Thomas Taylor \hittaker to Miss Mary An. Willett,,' both' of Hulme. On thle 11th inst. at St. Andrew's Church, Oxford-street, by the Rlev, Alexander Mluoro, AoM. James Gilmour, Esq, to Yary, daughiter of' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onl the IIt ile lst., at the Collegilte ChUrch, Mr. Samuel Buckley, of Middlewich, Cheshire, to Mrs Sarahl Manley, of this to so On thie 12th instant, at the same place. Mr. George S Bailey, of Chisrlton-tiprn-Medlock, to Miss Mary Parry, of Chicethsat tHil. Samne daj' and place, Mr. Johtn Done, jim., of this town, to Miss Mary Hartley, of Sinedley. On (lite 4th inst,, at tita sante place, Mir ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On tse l411s inst, at the Collegiate Church, bly thVe Rev WV. XV. Jol sosos, Mr. Williama Jolnson to Mis Asia Sisencer, both of hits On Vise 20th inst., at Use osase ;slaco, by tse Rev IV. Wilson, MLA., Mr. Edward Chaidwick, jun., to Mliss Sarah Parr, bolts of thub tw. Sarae slay assi pslace, by tse Rev. All Whllose, Mr. Jarnie Dixon to Miss Margaret Harrisois, balli of Selford 3 its, On the ...