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Charter, The



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The Charter


... THE PERIODICALS HEADS OF THE ProPLE-Tyas, London. These Picture of the English, are still as interesting as ever; their colouring equally fresh and pleasing to the eye. We extract the following graphic sketch of the The Baaket.Woman. 'God be wid ould times! Sure it makes altogether an ould fool of me to see yer honour onc't more. Och, mnusha! musha! God be wid ould times! whin the masther ...


... - - : COVENT GARDEN. The long announced Opera of Henrique or The Love Pilgrim (concerning which much expectation has been raised, in consequence of the popularity of the same comh- poser's Opera of last season) was produced on th ursday night, with a degree of success which fully justified the most sanguine anticipations, and which must we think satisfy Mr. Rooke's most ardent admirers. It is ...


... A SKETCH. He bears his blushing honours thick Upon him. If it has been truly said that a tavern chair is the throne of human felicity: in what a seventh heaven of de- light must he be wrapped who occupies the chair of chairs -the chair of the chairman ! He is monarch of all he sarvey8, i ls right there is none to dispute. His subjects are his willing thralls; and the more so, in. as much as ...


... THEATRICALS- -a _ . COVENT CARDER. King Lear-Shakspeare's own Lear, and not the maudlin improvement of Mr. Nahum Tate, was played at this theatre on Monday, for the first time this season, to an excellent and most worthily attentive audience. The restoration of the text of this great tragedy, and the beauty and effect of its scenic embellishments, are amongst the most valuable of the many ...


... GENTLEMANLY AMUSEMENT. With shame we record an occurrence of which we did not, in these days, expect to hear. We allude to a prize-fight, which took place, a few dys ago, near Ashby-de-la-Zouch. It I' came off in the presence of twelve thousand persons, and newspapers which affect a high moral tone, have called it a great event ! The fight was for two hundred guineas, and the championship. ...


... The only novelty, since our last, has been the produc- tion, at Covent Garden Theatre, of a romantic melodram, called Agnes Bernaver, the Maid of Augsbury, or 27e Secret Tribunal. . The chief interest of this piece arises out of the persecution of the heroine by a certain Duke of Bavaria, in order to break off an intended match be- tween his son and Agnes; who, is of humble birth, ead whose ...


... - A GUIDE DOWN THE DANUBE,frOM Paris to Marseilles. Ancona, Trieste, Venice, Munich, Strasburg ; and from Vienna to Constanttinople, Smyrna, Athens, the Mores, and the Ionian Islands. Also, the Route to India by way of Egypt. By R. T. Claridge, Esq. A new Edition, with a Map.-Westley. This is an ample and interesting hand-book for a traveller; and the author has shewln, very satisfac- torily, ...


... ?? DON JUAN, JUNIOR: By Byrons Ghost. E.:ited by G. R. Wighten Baxter, Esq. T2homas, Finch Lane. Mr. Baxter is a daring man. He not only essays to revive from the cerecloth of the tomb, and to perpetuate the characteristic prejudices, sympa- thies, and antipathies of the most remarkable mental hero that ever lived, as embodied in his politic warfare with his kind, but he, in so doing, throws ...


... CHARTIST VtTiS.. The Aberdeen Artizan's Association held a social meeting in the Temperance Hall, Queea-streetj.of Fri- day, the 6th inst., and it having been announcedby placard that the whole of the proceeds were to be de- voted to the support of the families of Lovett, Collins, and Vincent. the Hall was crowded, and the collection large. The entertainments of the evening consisted of songs, ...


... England is a (and that can never 'be conquered, so long as the king# thereof keep the dominiton of the sea.-RALavIOH. Woe worth the day I when England's state Becomes a subject of debate, When all her ancient pride, Subservient grown to Circumstance, Yields tamely to the slights of France, While foes her name deride. Oh! shame on those with whom the powr Of Britain rested, in her hour Of ...


... Mesmirs of Madame Malibran. 2 vols. Colburn. When the shadow of Death falls on artistical genius, it is said to eclipse the harmless gaiety of nations. No long time, however, is required for the harmless gaiety of nations to emerge out of the gloom. The literal eclipse is abont as enduring as the metaphorical one. And the totality is as rare. Favourites and idols of they public depart like ...


... AIEVIE-W OF COOKS. ;3YCKWICK ABROAD, PART XV.-By S. W. M. Rey-, - uilds. With Two Steel Rngravings. Sherwood and' Co., Paterssoster-row. ?? current'number of this amusing periodical is one of '1ihe best we have yet seen. Mr. Reynolds is liberal in his - *otions, and whenever he indulges in a political allusion ' ar sarcasm, it is always in favour of the popular cause. He has evidently resided ...