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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... Cl0oo -R WA R D. . ;rlE , S. on the Wight qf Monday the 3dcinst. some 0' Vl-diposed persol or persons PriljdL17y aid ?? T Stacks of Barley, and O;e &ach qf Oats, the dfre to IPATRIcK and FELIX CURR Y; of' the' Yrlty dia C70ntca ?? of Tynan, and County of I'i 1heaby thje sonnze was entirely consinned. p[ ttenr. to pnazish the perpetrators of sach wicked andI, ril alnd to prerent in 1Itire a P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, e A the DOrlVNSB'IE AJRMS, BA4NDRIDGB, on M0M DAY, the 28th daye of April instant, at the hour' of (UR ?? in the Aflernoon, . 5HAT Valnable FARMI, in the TOWNLAND of rHALLYAI.OEY, Rithin One Mile of BAN BRIDGE, as formerly in the possession of ALLAN BARR, and Dow in the occupation of ANDRE\v k THOMPSON, containing 17A. 3R. 20P. or thereabouts e Scotch Cunningham ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A'eWiV 7Wuxoo1le), Warehouse, ;Ve iv 117e -STREET. -1 -. J KlWTTR1CA has relc hf;S PYRING ASSOR'rTMENt; Of GOODS, erI r CLOT aIdHS and CASS5Sf - a'S. dyc.~.A W'rAISTCOA4TINGS and iN,7K i;rl.N'.7)KEROIII[EFS o tle newe.t a7 d me ?? ioflalO Patter's, DOZENof Sl Ka EAVER HATS, *b~edl purchased by himself 1IN EssGtAND, on the I ,,Ineg t seu termafoc Ca,!, he is enabled to offer at ,redsced priCes. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fashionable Winter Good8. ARAH ARMSTRONG begs leave to acquaint ' the Nobility and Gentry, sho has REMOVED from No. 60, HIGH-STREET, to No. 22, in the same Street, where she hopes for a continuance of that farour she has ex- perienced since her commencing Butiness. S. A. has just returned from Dublin, WMth a large col. lection of the NEWEST and MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS for the Winter Season, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTRIM. NTOTICE is hereby given, that the last d(ays for N giving in APPLICATIONS to the CLERK of the PEACE, to REGISTER FREEHOLDS atthei ensuing REGISTRY SESSION, wvill be as follows, viz:- For the Registry at Belftst, Saturday the 2d of May. ?? Carrickfergqus, Fridary tlc 8th Mlay ?? Antrim, Tuesday the 12th1 May. ?? . Ballymenal, Saturday thre l6th, May ?? Bautyn2ofey, Friday the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E INDIA TE A COMPANY. ,-A7RCHESR & SONS, 29, CASTLE-PLACE, lave lately been appointed Agents to the £(.Vt India Tea Company, 1lr9, LEADENHALL.-STPEFT, LONeDoN, Estabris~ed 182,5. 'a evident ?? ?? cffmunicatios t(thorsg ,1uluerous conrictions took placesome time since,) that iasrea to So adaltero ewithspumo-us leaves, which at once accounts for thee'Ad1-i-it, i.errally eepeezieaed, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MiEETING of the TRUSTEE8.of B m3URN DIVISrQN of the TUR, e fiom LISBURN to MONAGHAN, will he t ltotu Pur;, at TWELVE o'clock, on SATUp el inst. for the purpose of ballotting for tbe TAY the t2th named at the last ieeting. August 13th, 1829. D. C On same day and place, a Mee of tC. r TEES will be held for the purponarer0ovi said TR61 Gate, either to -the place where-lt formerly vtheSb, STOP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BIrussels, Kidderminster and Venetiaz CARPETING, &c. & W. GUNNING have just RECEIVE[ Ro SIX BALES NEW SPRING PATTERNS: which,.with their present, comprises a Stock of 7,000 Yards BRUSSELS, and 11,000 Yards KIDDERMINSTER, VENE. Ti4N Ar GRECIAN CARPETINGS, Of the newest London Patterns; HEARTH RUGS, LAP A and URN RUGS OIL CLOTHS, and ;FG' H MATTINGS; SILK TABORETS,VDAJ& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTRIM, TO WIT. T lIE next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS .L f the Peace for stid County, wvill be held at ejJR R ICTF ERG R U aU A ,I .VD.4A , 7th .JANXUA R F-, ;,A i 7.1 rENdl, e nWI FiD.ArESA y, 9f tit . NrUA A , I. 7i1Ff.Z;:ST, on0 JIV-DAY, 11-t JANUARY, 1828. Tic Court will sit for dispatch of Civil Bill business, at NIne ?? in the Morning, oul the first day of each Sessioins. All ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDRESS TO THE REV. JAMES DAVIS o PastPresbgtesiaw Pastor of the Bwarid;ge Cinregieon. e Rev. AN DZAR SIR, !d E have been deputed, by the members of your of congregation, to present to you this Piece of Plate, Id as a testimonial of their affection for you as their Pastor and id their Friend; of their high estimation of yourtalents as a at Divine, rightly explaining and enforcing the.Oeat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... co OF ANTRIM-. r CftFTARY to the GRAN'D JUERY'S OF- Fla, *n te C0osnty Court-House,- CARPJ-GK- FL jiltrymrait open to-receive APP.LICATI]ONS BGItSNfrMENTStill NINE ?? in the Eveninig RSDAY the 11th of JUNE, and for Notices-to Ac- .ah ESpenditure of Public Money, till TWELVE othe Fo~renoon of SATURDAY the .l3tb. C.AL, SESSIONS will be held- at the following1 ¢0d times, to consider all such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3ELFAS'r .ACADEMY FOR- DANCING. REYNOLDS, after once -more visiting the W wo; first' Cities- in the world, LONDON and ?? his the bonour of announcing his return to the -,bIitY, Gentry, ahd Inhabitants' of 'elfast, its vicinity, - diifferetownDs, and theirrespectiveneighbourhoods, gil theb a betl; in. the habit of attending, as also those vhicl yet lifavour him with their cowmands, begs leave ...