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Belfast News-Letter


... lB Mar. DoLsOr1t5X &itAMslOTHABS. (From / to John Buin) Yoa must know thatr me and all the gulls have taken to making knundrutes, as they call them, and what we can't make, we eoliex. We got the idear from having purchased some of the hannual periodicals. I bought the Omelet, and Lavinia bought the Bougie, and they set as upon putting knuuidrunms into our Albions. It being Christmas, and it ...


... Baler, brave, and glorious was thy young career's Uncbecked by grief, unsullied by a tear; Save by those drops, a feeling heart osay shed On one so early numbered with the dead. The crimson'd field, where death, the battle's lord Hath strewn his millions on the reeking sward, And where, alas ! beneath the stroke of hate, Thou snet'st unshrinking thy untimely fate. The dungeon's cell, where ...


... THE YOUNG SAILOR, 1 O'er the glad maters of the dark blue sea, His soul as hebtndless, and his thoughts as free; Far as the billows rage, the ocean's foam, Survey his empire and -behold his homne-Byran. his home is on the waters, where the many billows swell; For they arelike his spirit bold, that loves them passing well. HeT is borne o'er them joyously, the gallant and the free; And hopes, ...


... JACOTOT'S NEW SYSTEM OD EDUCATION. A most extraordinary system of education has been l recently invented by a Frenchman-of the name of Jaco.-. tot. One of his admirers has published a book on the subj6ct, entitled ' Omrnibus de la 31ethbde Jaceot', mE excellent review of'which appears- in the Dublin Literary Gazefte, and froni which we make the fol- Owing extract&:_ o hehi t MIbd ?? Jacotot ...


... .L1TE1ARY NlOTICE. EiLnzents of P7Ptne-iC`d- Spherical T, igoaonmctry, with the first Princijles . of Aneiaytic Geomttry. By Jaoles ThoMsOn, L, L. 1). Prvfe~istsorofilfifth5?idtiO5 ?? -College. Se- road Editioa. Belfast, ISSO. This wonk has ?? n-tieid in-our advertiising ,columns, but we deeroa brief review of it worthy of a jplace amongst our occasional literary lucubrations, on account oj ...


... REV I E Air. I4 E,$,S7y on Al-oral Freedom; to wshich is attached a reuiew ?? Principles of Dr. Whitby and President Edwards onR Frre 11il1, and of Dr. Brouwn's Theory of Causation and I rcena. By thme Rev. T. T. Cr~ybbace, A. Ar. .Edinbnrob, *echefd'- uvrcde ?? est le ameneracequi fait la nature. DIAnAi:E DE SrAeL -` A5 the divine wisdom forces not the terrestrial matter beyond tile bounds ...


... LITERATURE-FRAZER'S Mlf AGAZINE. I I . THE ETTRICK SREPHERD'I TRIBULATION. We have just-iperused.-thej !principal portions-of Frazer's -Magazirne for the present month. This is a n ly'~established periodical, the previous numbers of which eve had not had an. opportunity of perusing, but, judging from the specimen now. before us, it prc- . be one of. theimnost, formidable rivals vhich ...


... . I .. - - I'll ? 1W I., ?: II , - I v --t, E, ir? ?? ? ? ? , ?? ?e?t? 1 . ? ol? q ?? it ia dif 4lt, If fiuo4 mijosible, klitn 'tho contrated j i' s4s q r to-do utialce tn-aa wo f this deserip, ticia.. Wlhen. thecel~ebrated Bosseth wi tietn s ens u ~Wi~le~e4together =ass fd~ lsi hth ot p g 1l1.ddir te ?? ?? Vaielne trdtestantism,' all ilse differeices of ?? entihent whidh have sub- 'esd'sf ...


... - AN ONLY 80N; A NA RAT. E 'UisrOft oP MY I-EA&RLY DAS. Lo 31. I'Tnl title page of this work will be a I to its peru. saiif: not to its celebrity. Thelatter ti tion must arise frem the merits odfthe performance -itself-the former is'see cured by those of the charming little volume, whose author. - ship wil l~otg le~t Mr. Kennedy what that of- Waverley has been to Sir W. Scott. The pictures ...


... S TANZAS, ADDRESSED TOU . JAMES MOORE, PULLANS, On his winning the StWer Cup the third time, as the chief Premium given by the Colerairn Branch of the N. WV- 1arrning Society-Feb. 1831. BEFORE roy fond Muse to the field bids adieu, Oh! MomPE, let her h'ave her last token *with you, Bright pupil of CERES, antd pride of the plough 'hy rivols, wvell tutor'd and skill'd in the art, A noble ...


... SON G. listn's to thee, nmy Scottish lassie! here's a hearty health to thee, For thine eye so bright, thv formn so light, sad thy Ftep so firrm and free; For alt thisse artless eleg~anae, and all thy native grace, For the music of tl) mnirthfil voice, and the sunshinc of thy face - For thy guzileless look and speechb sincere, yet sweet as speech. canlbe -lere's a health, my Scottish lassie ! ...


... FROM A POE.M BY DELTA, In Ackermoann's Forget Me Not for 1832. LET fortune change-be fickle fate preparing To ehower her arrows, or toothed her bdlid, All that I ask for. pray for, isthe sharhig With.thee life's storm or calm. For, ,ah! with others wealth and- aiirti .woiru bea; Less sweet by far than sorrow shared with thee. Yes vainly, foolishly the vulgar reckon That happiness resides in ...