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Belfast News-Letter



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Belfast News-Letter

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the t9th inst., at Waringstown, the Jady of Thomas Richardson, Esq., of a daughter. Jan. 15, at laianelton, county of Donegal, the lady of the Rev. Edlund Maturin, of a daughter. On tihe 9th Luist., at Greenivale, Ceolistown, Mrs. Currie, of r dlaugihter. MARRIAGES On the 2tst ltst.. in St. Atm's Churel, by tilh Very Rev. thoe Dean ofCotnor, the Rev. Edward Maguire, Dioicese of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTH, On the 23d iust. at Drumcar, the Lady of the Rev. H. TIGHE, of a daughter. _MARRIED_ Tuesday morning, by the Rev. S. Hanna, D. D, 3r. JOSEPH YOUNG, to ELIZABETH, only daughter of the itev. Matthew Tobias, Belfast. On the 20th inst. in Maralin Chinch, by the Rev. Mar- cus Corry, Mr. ROBERT BROWNE, of TullIloab, Moira, to Miss MARIA PICKERING, of JBallymagin, MLiraliln. On tbe 20th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .,MARRIED. On the 4th inst. by the Rev. Alexander Henderson Mr. Wm. DUGAN, Jun. of Lowver'road' House, Liseurn, ?? ELIZABETH MAGEE, of same place. On the 26tb ultimo, at Glenarm, by the Rev.- William Wolesely, Mr. JOHN WILSON, soa of GIenarm, to Miss MARY BURK, oI same place - - On Friday last, at Glenarm, by the Rev.. Alex. Mont-, gomery, Captain ANDREW BOYD, of the sloop Mary of Gle- narm, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .B I RTII- On tle 12tb Inst. tim Ladly of 110gh Walker, of Mag icrafslt, Esq. of a dmaghter. On thc 201.lm inst. at Billinasloo, Itho Lady of Rear-Admiral tho Ilon. Win. Lc Poer Trenchi, of a daughter. -.M A R It I E ). On thlc24th inst. in St. Anne's Churchi, BeIrast, by the Rev. Richard Oulton, AIr Gcoige Thliompson, Lishurn, to Agnes, sccoomd dmugliter of Mr Samummel Cinm:well, merclhant, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1illtI [I S. At Park Grove, near Gisgogi, oil the 20th inst., Mrs. Jamies htrve, of a daughter. On the 16 (i inst.. at Rlaploe, the lidv of the Rev. W. Welsh, 14t4lt(tc!,Onl counllty Dozlleg~al, (ut : at d tim iklr, M ARItIIAGES. On the 20ti inst., iii St. Mark's Church, Portidowrn,be the R1ev. A. Molony, Rector of l)errylorii, Cookstown, Jalnces youllgest son of the hite Jaones Searighit, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B I R T II. Oa 25th Oct., at Collon, the lady of John Shekleton, Esq., of a son. M ARRIAGES. OnMonday, the 30th Oct., in Belfast, by the Rev. Mr. Alontgomiery, Mr. James Hlunter, Master of the Newtowinards Union Workhouse, to Isabella, fifth daughter of the late Win. Johnston, Esq., lHill-hall, in the countv of Down. On 24th inst., at Drogheda, Frederick B. Denning, Esq., of 13elfast, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B I R T M. On the 3rd inst., at Coleraine, the lady of the Rev. II. J Hleathcote, of a son. Ml A RR I A G E S. On the 8th inst., in Killead Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Joseph M'Kee, Mr. Thomas Hunter, Killealy, to Ellen, youngest daughter of the late Mr. William Moore, Crooked- stone, and niece to John Moore, Esq., Glendaragh. Cottage, Crunadin. On the 8th instant, in the Presbyterian ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IlMI IlS. (V, th le I ,thI ijUst., It l TidUKigil, tihe lald aIf CChaeles A. C Yeti- y ,I I Ii I it illt., aIt ClecIreoallo, tie Ilollorldllv Iadv i'roeke. a sUN. MA N 1, I A G El.'* oi 11 - V si t iI S I i t i ti li II C i I Ir IeIt, lI oltr , I iJ.. J:IIIs Siliiiti Milsaisti iltl ilaiiiiti ci the hit-e II),! Icil, int., it a St. A thimi C eh, as l lthertiii. ' F, i|i. i|..hi , iiP'i:111tl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~BIRTHS- At Crash, County Derry, on the 3d inst. the Lady of A. W. Colhoun, Esq. of a daughter. ..MARRIED- On 12th inst. by the Rev. S. C. Nelson,,Mr.-ALEXANDER ROBINSON, of Islanderg, to Miss RACHEL CONNOR, of Gre- gerhough. On the l1th inst. in Booterstovrn Church, RICHARD REEVES, Esq. Barrister at Law, to MARY, youngest daugh- ter, of the late Rev. Robert Conway Dobbs. Onl thle 14th inst. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH- At Quilly, Dromore. on the 23d ult. the Lady of GEORGE VAUGHAN, Esq. of a son. On Wednesday last, in Belfast, the Lady of JOHN LAMB, Esq. of twins, both sons. On Monday 30th ult. at Hollycroft, near Moneyrea, Mrs. LOWRY, of a son. MARRIED. On the 6th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Morgan, GUSTAVUS. HEYN, Esq. (of the firm of J. F. Thiel and Heyn.) to LETITIA TITIA, eldest daughter of William ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH- At Parkanitur,' coulnty Tyrone, oil the 31st ult. thc Lady Caroline ullr ges, of a sonl and heir. At loughbrickland, o0l the 3d inst. Mrs. Thompson, of two daughters and a sosl; the mother and clbiiithl-L are likely to do well. e . MARRIEli, Ctt ihen(ith hbit. il St. Anso's Wihurcli, by the lev, ''hos. Mililks Mr. Wet. Nwiiett, to Miss Mary Ann Savag, ellest daught r of Captain 'W ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... April 'l itt t'ro'lotrlte CIttttpg, rootnfo tff itiuanghiati, the l.aty of the oev. N irs I vrenix, a a,. Ifc ttor auni Vicar of 1:ralrey, of a son, fin thf 2lith tlt, it', th' zev. Jatomes air I edger, or liarkonis. twna. toi ilenrritita, ai'ni cit daighttr of the Iel .foht Shaw', Irq. tIl IlL' i tilt tilt. ty tt R evt Henry loo alotle, tastitretgft, Ato Saline |M. cooper, if ih;ifsis, to. ...