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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... to %ag INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OP THE CITY OF DUBLIN. GnTENTLE&E K, T CONDOLE with you on the unsuccesdful ter- mination of a contest, whieh bad for its object the Inde- pent-.ce of this City, the' maintenance of the principles of Civil'and Religions Liberty, and, 'consqiently, the Peaceltnd ?? of the Country. As far as lay in my power T have done my duty; I have resisted the illegal and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRt.35N'1 CONCrRT At D S EIRMO, N. FPvALE ,RPT1AN HOUSE, - 1O. SUNtMNERurt1L. On SUNDAY n ext, the ?? of APRIL, 1820, AT TO 0 (C LVCK. TlHE ANNUAL CHARITY SER-ON, Will be wgeached in 2FlN I4ARKE ST1r. F.T NHAPE .L, 1,T the itev. A. O'CONNFI.L, And a Collection made for the sunport of the above Institution., And on tihe Everiinig nf the sqrne Day, ?? S;EiRMON.. Wili be preached ii' ti-e ssme ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AE ANTILE SALES*. WILLIAM DAYS,: A7T THE OLL7 ZSVAB7LSWgHED PrREHOUSE, Fpox CENUIrs: frA, ~CoFFEE SPICES, WINES, SPI RITS, &a. &e. O NO. 181, GREAT BRITA6N STRlErP, DUBLIN, (?Lfers fo? Sale. A stock of Te, Sugar. Wines, Spirits, and best Groceries, P equal to any demand. I OOD Congou Tea, 6s. 2d., 6s. 44,, es. Sd., and c 1 7s. per Lb.-Lamp Sugar, Ied. and good Janaica Id. par lb. 'WINEi port, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -) E 'AIL ELECTION.., TO T4E INDFP~g4DE ~r ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF Dt'BLIN. G F.NT1 EhlEN' ; HE High Sheriff having appointed TUESDAY next, || the 1oth instant, to hold the Election for this County, I rust mv Friends will add to the kindness already sh to me, by their early attendance at Kilmainbam, on that d y I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obliged and faithful servan . BRABA N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? /~ .- ?? t.7 ~ ~ LN at, uider his Majesty's -Patent, in Fish. (OOTn~e~ autble-street.) - M yor. ' Tipensed by the Right Ilon the Lord Mayor. Afed ?? - of MAD)EMOISELLE CONSTANCE l'or ' OCISiOU Mademoi~elle Celeste wiU have the honour ft-ilsch of mialking her appearance. ills N~ \VEDNESDAY, Octoberi3v will be ?? El.,slseoire's Coined v of ' pi.,e CATIEIjINE ANI) PETRUCHIO. ?? ?? ; B3ptista, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR IRISH BEEF AND PORK peparttnent of the Compirolier. Victualling ald Tra*napAt P ~~~Services.,Snreaet'ptlaoe,2,nh Julv; I8g iE CO0M1ISSIONERS torieexocuuJnig'tbe6ffica.; 4 rd 11 Hi-gh A4dmiral of ibe Uaited Kiogdotl o.(3rYeat- .rnta; jtd Irelend, do ?? give 0otice thatv 9nlIUsRSDikY the ,oth day of September text, at One.o'Clock, tifev wilebe ?? O Mlat 'itb such Parsona bs wav be willinig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tL ALES, BY tJTION. ExTENSIVE SALE OF PAPERU BY AUCTION / 70 BE SOLD BY AUCTIONX , At RICHARI) FRANKLIN'S Offiee, At the Coulmercial Buildings, On TUESDAY, JULY 21, at Twelve O'CI ck, ijLVEARL Hundred Rearus of Paper. consisting of 41b. I Wbite and Broa-n; 41b. aryd 81b, Bro.n; 41b. Tea Lap. fine and Grey Elaephant; Pin Royal; some Hundred J t oi II ill Boards, &c. &c . \2 TIbe above is aot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lIAR J I CK'S H1OSIERY WAREHOUSE 25, WESTIMORLAND-STREET, 1/1 T s, as usual, extensively supplied with every ?? I English, Scotch, and Irish Hosiery, to suit tlqrese seasont, the quality and price of which will be foun d tofore, such as to give perfect satisfaction, and tdensure a continuance of the preference which this.Establishment has experienced these Twenty Years. THE WEST OF ENGLAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / 'TRHEYATARE' YA L. Last WVeek but one of the engagement of Mr. WALLACK. rDTHIS PRESENT SATURDAY, November 2, te 'r Majesties' Servants will perfor~m Sheridan's Coriedy. THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL - . Charies Surface, Mr Wallack; Sir Peter Te a, Mir Rees;. Sir Benjamin Backbite, Mr Browsne; Joseph Sur- li face, Mr Calcraft; Sir Oliver Surface, Mr Shuter, Moses, Mr johnson; Lady-Teazle, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRR- ROYAL'.- Laqt Week but one of the engagement of Mr. WALLACK, rrHis PRESENT, THUR.SDAY, October 41, their Majesties' Servants'wil perform ' THE MIIFFV A TALE OP' 51&NTIVA, Written by James Sheridan Knowles, Essq Julian St. Pierre, Mr Wallack'; Leqiardo Gonzaga,. and.' Ferrardo Gonzap. (Dukes of Msntua), Mr Terp=Ian'la Mr Pritchard; Count rFlorio, -Mr G. Horocastle Antonio' lr Mercer; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE AROQAL A/ FOR TIIE BENF11 01 MISS AN And: the-last IwTght of ler 'Egagrement THIS PRESENT IHURSDAY, 'November 21, their 'M..bajesties' Setvanb'iwill perform Mpwrt's 'Oper~aof~ THE MAARRIAG E OF FIGARO. Count Almaviva, Mr Pritchard ; Pigar'o., Mr G. flirn- castle; l'iorelld, Ur Bedford;: Bassil;' Alf loh.; Antq- i~o; ~r. Johnason:; the Couritess Alrnaviva,: Mliss,.A4dami, vho Igs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'i I I . h iVv THEATRE ROYAL. g7 In consequ nce of NIr. Young's Engagement ;he New Gran MIeI-D iauiiatic Speclacli of ALADDIN canonty be perfairmn! Two Nights in she ensuing Wetk. On this Eveniioy (Sslurday). Fei[. 10. 1821, Hki Majesty's Servants will perform Sheridan', Comic Opera of THE O)UENi N A. Don Cadlos. Mr Pea ma in vwdich ciaracter he will in, trodute, (corn )sed by A-idis .1) * ...