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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... THE MON. Last Quarter, Monday, 12th Oct., 44 nin. past 3, mornil. New Aloon, Tuesdav 20th Oct., 2') min. past 7, mor~nin-. First Quarter, Tuesday, 27tth Oct., 46 mn. past 2, evening. Full Moon, Tuesday, 3rd Nov., 47 miii. past 8, rnorning. BELFAST, FRIDAY, 9TRI OCTOBER, 1846. Printed and Published, for the Representatives of the late ALEXANDER MACKAY, by JAMES ALEXANDELI HXNDENRSON, every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR TIIE BENEFIT OF TrHEi LANCASTERIAN INDUSTRIAL SJ1OOL, FREDERICK..STREET, BELFAST, And under the Direction of the Ladies' Committee. THE REV. I-IUG1I HUTTON, M.A. (of Birmingham), T will give Three MINSTREL READINGS OF POETRY, in the Large School-Room of the Building, On Friday Mforning next, August 25th, at 12 o'clock. On TYesdaiy Evening, August 29th, at 8 o'clock. On Thursday Evening, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J M. TIASLETT, in returningthankstolhis numerous friends, Jc for their kind support, since his commenceplent in Busi- ness, takes leave to intimate, that he has enterelto partner- ship with Mr. J. FRAZER, who Will, in future, cluct the Business, under the Firm of 3ASLMTr & FRAZER. They are at present visiting the Mianufacturin listriets in the English and Scotch Markets, sciecting their new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COM M ERCIAL H OTE STE WA RI' .T ' VN. WN III E i lsStilslcBER itaving rolitted lii 1Ious . ' ildditioim to Iis ether busiflrrss, begs leave to ini rmn tIe l.,ziitli that it is univ opel for the reception of Travel- a hjers every care Ioild attention will IIe pail, ii order t, ,,.1tntbe comfort I t hose who rao) favour him with t(, add to til ofr f oewoi Call. hlavilig soupplied hiliiself with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LUMP AND CRUSHED SUGARS, WEEKLY ARRIVALS, At 39, ACADEMY-STnEET, From some of the leading Sugar Brokers in Lgndon, and Sugar Refiners in Glasgow. 7 Good LUMP SUGAR in Loaves of about I llbs.6ld per. Fine CRUSHED SUGAR, 7s. per stone. STRONG GRAIN, do 6d. per lb. Very Fine SPARKLING CRUSHED, 83, and Ss, 2d. per stone, or 7d. per lb. Finnon Haddocks, Belfast, December 8, 1846. (880 OLD MALT WH I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW BLACK SPANISII NUTS, e 03D, ACADEMY-STREET, i 1 2W1'K;ENNA has just to lianil One T fliare, - XJ| Bushels New Black Spanish and AMessin NUTS of superior quality, and at moderate prices. Belfast, September 26, 1846. (54.1 NEW MALAGA FRUIT. 7I-ICE S1JBSCRIBERS are now Lending, ex Fgliri ton, from Malaga direct, the following 50 Blarrels GRAPES; 201) whole, and 200 half, Boxes Bunch RAISINS; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 322 AWMltCAN MLOUR, ) If Superfine Quality, for Sale by I- LANGTRYS & iIERDMAN. ULSTER BANKING COMPANY. HIIE llalf-yearly Dividend on the Stock of t1ls fompany 1 due the 1st inst., will be paiul at th'e Bank ansdlanchcs, on and after the 15th inst. (Signed by order,) ROBERT JAMES TEYONENT, Chairman of Committee. Ulster Bank, Belfast, 1st Alarch, 1848. 332 TUITION. G T L E M A N, who has had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiAMBElRa &C. ijIE s Be'~1, B offers for SALE, the CAR- P h rg eounia,, of , alifax, A.. .S5¶iTH, GO °LndiD' .fro PORT TMiE WAY, N§oova fCor Ster, lig. Of 90Ota Cons YELLO0YP' PINVE) TIMBER, 1860 c ED' PINE TIMfBER, 5 r Three Inch DEALIS. andi 1i0 feet of 'L, THIYV&D. hO, abvewe.ifneaiot ed VESSEL, -Barthen per rX !' te'rab1041 Toyvl, carkies a large .rS t driuAght 0Y57 aj.coS loe eait to Sea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... co OF ANTRIM-. r CftFTARY to the GRAN'D JUERY'S OF- Fla, *n te C0osnty Court-House,- CARPJ-GK- FL jiltrymrait open to-receive APP.LICATI]ONS BGItSNfrMENTStill NINE o'Clock in the Eveninig RSDAY the 11th of JUNE, and for Notices-to Ac- .ah ESpenditure of Public Money, till TWELVE othe Fo~renoon of SATURDAY the .l3tb. C.AL, SESSIONS will be held- at the following1 ¢0d times, to consider all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MiEETING of the TRUSTEE8.of B m3URN DIVISrQN of the TUR, e fiom LISBURN to MONAGHAN, will he t ltotu Pur;, at TWELVE o'clock, on SATUp el inst. for the purpose of ballotting for tbe TAY the t2th named at the last ieeting. August 13th, 1829. D. C On same day and place, a Mee of tC. r TEES will be held for the purponarer0ovi said TR61 Gate, either to -the place where-lt formerly vtheSb, STOP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BACHELORS' 33ALL. T a MEETING of tIe SUBSCRIBERS tn the A5lahove BALL, held this r I' t~he ROYAL HOTh:L, it was resolved, that be a FANCY BALL and take place on WEDNESIQ&bhe Gth October. By order of the Commigee, ANDREW DURHAM, Secretarvy Belfast, 22d Sept. 1830. ( FoRTuNE.-TELLtR.-Saturflay last Michael Nlurphy. was apprehended in Drogheda, by a soldier iif the 87th legt. as being a deserter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO. BE -llET- CEP ri R HOUSE. No.'7, UPPER CHURCHLANE. IIL lately upiedby the 'Subsciiber; 'A Good SHOP ean be made in it if' requiiried.Aand 'is a eacelletit 'sitationi for any RETAIL TRADE.:',- i : - Pleaseapply to - : S ML.: GELSTON.; 25th-Sept. 18. ' (54 -TO BE -L..ET FILOM TIRST NOVEMBEa NEXT, Fboi SUCH TEaM OF YEARS AS MAY BE AGBEEDf O, .. HE, HOUSE and. LAND in. ISLANDRhAGH, R tbe'R ...