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... I THEATRE-ROYAL, HAWKINS'.STREET.I Mr. Kean's engagement terminated last night, and in a manner highly complimentary to him, as well as to the good taste and sound judgment of the citizens of Dublin. The evening's entertainments were (as our readers are aware) for the benefit of the bright particular star, and attracted one of the most brilliant and fashionable audiences we ever wit- nessed ...


... THE FASIIIONABL E 'ORL D. B. - 6^A snmtE CtIRONICLE AND) ABSTRACT OF TH -rTaIES. e Captain Beechey had the honou. to present to his Majesty, at ' the late levee, a copy of his aNarrstive of a voyage to the f Pacific. This work completes t e accouit of thb series of px. s peditions, undertaken by order of the British government. The it plates, which are.numerous and beautiful, are engraven ...


... THE XIUNCHIBACE. This play was repeated for the fourth time, and rapturously re. ceived, on Saturday night. Press of parliamentary and other mittera prevented our noticing this-play to tbe extent of our Kishes or its deserts. There are some dramas which belong nei. tber to the class of cornedy or tragedy-one of this kind is the fllutchbuck. It comprehends the perfections of both, without the ...


... { sA itSE? ADBTRACT AND CHRONICI.E oP ia - ,lV,,vlgoR, Fiserna.-Yesteritsy ?? King rode out alone in his rlose carriage for a abort time. Sir H. Wheatley,, Sir B. Steven. oa Sir %v. Waller, aod Lord Faraborough arrived at the Castle yearerday-fternooti aad bad the5 honour of dining and spending the Oleveng wwth their Majorities. These royal visitors continue 'It ds Castle. The King anti Queen, ...


... TrlE FASHlIOVNA BLE WORLD. R A Ettip CHRONICL AiND ASOSTLSACT OF THlE TIMES. FAShIIONABLE ARRIVALS IN LONDON.-.The Earl if Iehjfirne, Viscount Temijletow-n, the Earl and Countess of Keiliiare, Colonel asid Mrs. Lloyd. Mea1tl;AGES IN HIGii LIFF.-At Brighton, on liursday. tbe Viscount Bernard, son of the Earl of Baudon, to Ctberine Mary, eldest daughter of Thomas %Vbitmore, Esq., of Ailley Park ...


... LINES ADDR D R. MOORE TO CAROf E . LINE, VISCOUNTESS VALLETORT. WRITTEN AT LACOCK AUBtY, JANUARY 183t. Wh-n 1 would sing thny beauty's light, Such various forms, aud all so bright, I've seen thee, from thy childhood, wear, I know not which to call most fair, Nor 'mong the countless charms that cpring For ever round thee, which to sing. When I would paint thee, as thou art, Then all thou wert ...


... BRIG.HTON, SUNDAY* EVENING -The Queen is much bet. ter, but o e regret to learn that the Duchess of Gloucester passed m bad night, and is not so well to day. Neither their Majesties nor any of the royal relativesehave attended divine vorship in the Palace Chapel this day. The ~King sat again ox! Saturday to Mr. Newton for his miniature. His Majesty gave audience to the Marquis of Conyrigham ...


... THB FASHIONABLE fWORLD. do A BRIEF CHRONICLE AND A13ILACT OF THE TIMES. The Marquis and Marchioness of Downshire, ac- companied by Lord Hillsborough and Lord William Hill, arrivedon Wednesday at Gresham's Hotel. They dined yesterday with Sir John and Lady Byng. The noble party are on their wayto visit his Lordship's estates at Edenderry. Prince Leopold left his residence at Claremont, on ...


... THE BOHEMIAN BROTHERS| This concert was rather tbinly attended on Saturday, (we pre- |fl01 sume from the anti-Union' excitement Which has seized man, ao t bidt man, and child,) but the songs were in the usual style of excel| ass lence. We ought have mentioned, that tho whole js divided into bus three acts, or something like acts, each consisting of three songs, and and that the vlhole ...


... THE FASHIONABIE WORLD. | *Blt CItitOtfilA,1 AND AsT'ZOCor OF THE TIMES, HsNr FROM WALTER SCOTT. Siott, in convetaing with a 5. young man who was about to embark upon the peritl ou voyage of letters, in search of forture and fame, made to him tiis pithy remalik-it contains a volume:-1 Literature, my young friend ,'is a good staf, but a bad ?? Town. e Mir. Cottr's PQRTRAsI.-A grand dinner ...


... LITERA TURE. THE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE FOR FEBRUARY. We have just seen the second number of the 48 Dublin University MAgazin. ' and confess ourselves unable to dis- a cover any traces of th,,. ' century of experience which a contemporary declares Its jouthluleditore have brought to the task of conducting it. It is not, however, quite a beardless production, and, taking it in a more ...


... .TM7 FIfl4OAV WOan Dv. 'ΒΌ Sili$F eU5O?4WL- *'4TRAIT OP TISSTtiIiA5.' Akbpr4~rnis plog4l to att u4'evtbiu oi lbsW~ r ~t o Fbruari hie w1il upablkw' bAL Jelthouse. o A 0W ,i aaao Bn~ tdiirii. bGtat 4 44id o miheak h imself vowy ugree*410; ~~ ttapf~ ~~~~ig C fhi i ~~Wt ~ ~ ~ ~snuIe,O)M iy nA1dra1 , ur p~e MrqhlP5of Mar uelin wbof.irarn i& ~o b aq dLpeo4, thtiwi t tm~Ao ahisi dhisa -~~ ...