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Advertisements & Notices

... E A PRIZE ! ! RETURN A BLANK! ! , UCH are I te Conditions proposed by the Con- ) traictols fo. the present Lottery. L;sez mes anlis Thery Ticket or Share boughtbetweer the 21st of MAY and 5;d.Qf JUNE, If Drawn on 'Ttl'URSDAY, ist of JUNE, . ihethler a B:ank or Prize, ?? hi exchanged, free oF EArpense, F;r an Un.dras n 'I'iclet or Share, eh2 g/Z? PFurchase Ifonaey will 6. ri'tri.we'd, if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ii.FULLAm I ev to ijofto his Friends aw'i the Public in generai, 13 gi - - that his 13-11efit takets p'aee Fj ti!DA \V, 23ih APR' R , 1820, 1eO sil be puoforined tfit l'avouriie Coulwdy of ',;fli WAY TO (GET 1 TARREI). pla.yv and Parce, NISiS MA YFEW, will Sing . LOCH NA ;Al',. A rior wit 6h t PE. pA N(I)ie 10 Will play N lT'I(fNA I. VAfiSlATOX.S To Bruce's A(ldires%, ?? Itihe Piano 1% rh0. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3!LAsCK ROtCI , . Xh'olesale anrd fltar s2eax, Aie Jrf G-roccr/j xtvres. 'ALEXNSiDS1t SMYTH, t.i TZ OF TrE Fixii ueC. aa-n A. SsorxN, 05 'Acsv19r Srstaziw, DULLN, E lgXP C'(1,'FULLY ihforms his Customers and B the FLubil'. that his Honie is, - as usual, extensively stroccvi witd Prime WINES, SPIRITS, TEA, SiJGARS and G 1 OCERlES, ef the choicest quality. The principal Articles he submits s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'I HFAT1WE. ROYAL. Thi; Fvenitin ('Wedt eed 21)) Xiav the 2d, 1821, Ais lajpsiy's S-qvswts wilk peifotrin the Comedy of the B F A U X S i'll ATA ( EM. Sgr Charle' Fi~vinhil . Mr. Pumby. Aeher, . ?? . Fatren, A mowell, ?? ?? ?? Mir. Hamerton, &c uh, . ?? ?? Mr. J. Russell. NItrS. S.,llen, .. . Miss S. Booth. Dorinda, . MIs. Simon. Cherry. ?? ?? ?? Mrs. Humby, Alter elith the ?? Melo. Drameof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X ~ ?? 1. H. A A. o'ELLS & f!O rived to thip, the' Fly~ing k'ish Capttsin ?? Malarv with ?? following Cargo in ine s 5HNCrkla3f-8O04, atrd Quarter.Roxes, Muscatel . ,wp~ a in Bldtihes,5 -anu t f-teou Bloom liooima. - C0askJord1 n ?? Yabntii Almouds s 4l j17, GrpesLn. itaa _0 oi Jrf Chests Lemontmod Oranges. 121 Hsele Nuts. -4 S0 Soft Sheli AltroIdv.5 100 t35s TODOl Z1D C)r 20 3er s &r;i, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES. WINES BY AUCTION. This Day, April 17 1821, At H. KiLE'S OFFI(CE, Commercial tuitdiings (AT TWO O'CLOCK,) poSTPONED FROMI THURSD.IY LAST. BOUT o0 Hogsheads Cape Or Good. Hope A& Rt E D WV i NE. of e xtce lle t qur ality, the greats F part of ti,eut recmnble, 1'O RT, the remainder are PONTA C. of fl rolur and fI voRt-rAlo, alfeg Pipes CAPE hIOCK, and ot andO flipv PALEr YELLOW MADEIRA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~- a ir.i MERCANLTILE SALES. CHARLES GLYNN, Surviving Partser in the Firm of J. W. and C. GLYNN, 179, CHURCHRSTREETE ,! ESPECTFULLY acquaints his Friendsand the .J Public, tflut, having for the more efficient snanagemeilt of his Business, talken into Partnership Mr. OWEN RYA Ni who had for several years conducted a principal department for the late Firm, he has removed to thC Concerns, NO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL. The new Operat16 Piece of LovE INi Wamtsr.xs was re- ceived an its ?? on Saturday with very distinguished applause, and will bte repeated to-morrow (Tuesday), with the Historical Drarsm of CHARLES XII., which has also been honoured with'gents! approbation. Eightfi nlgbtof the engagementof OAISS F. AYTON; / And Seventh snight of the re engagement of OR., BRAHANI. THIS EVENING, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES oF SHAREs IN Ij)TNrD0.NT-FEs. 23. S ear s. Paid., Anglo-Mexican Miee I 0) * .. 39 Brazilian inperikl 3.51 201. * s. BraZilian Nktional : ?51. 7.. 214 Beal del Modnte 4.001 4001. . .59 United Mexican 40 S9g 19k StIUItHII t' SlJOCKS Jhv L(uXDm,^Y O?> TLU7ES1AY, Red. 3 per Cents . 92 1 Hank Stock 219 Cons. 3 per (Cents . 9g2 I oTlg Aninuities . 191 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; Defended by the UIMBRELLA'A vilken sliadec¢ Safe through the Rain, with confidence you tr d NOLAN, II 32, BACHEroRS'-WALK, (Near Carlisle-bridge,) A NXIOUS to provide his Customers against the A c Oring rainy nonth, has this day arrived to him, a very extensive and general assortment of Silk and Gingham tjMBRELLAS, which he ol&ets io the Trade and the Public at Manufacturer's Prices. Gingham ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and tbi t b e of the - tg'g' T IS18 EVENIN§G. ('UESDAY)5. FIbieary--B, tbwir *Me. jesties' Serivantswiill perform~the new grt& Opern of . .n -CJNDERELLA, . .. t OR THE FAIRY QUEEN AND THE GLASS SLiTER. Felixi Prince of Saferno, ,p, The BaronMPsnpino. of MunltefisscO,.Mr. Brnne ; Alidore, ?? T'uter,, Mr. Bed- M ford; Dandini, the 1?rince's Valet, Mr.,Brough. Thdo.Seva v to the Baron, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - THIINAThE-ROYAJ ; 'Sixtb' ight of' the- Grand Operaof Cinderella.: :¶IS EVE-NING, -SATURDAY - Jainuary. 15 1841, their Alajesties' Sprvants will perfqrm the Comic Piece of 'MAiN{iUVRING. T1e4Count ?? Mayor, Ivr. H; Cooke: FredetiA.l de Cernay, Mr. M. Stanlev;'Fiaesse, Mr. Browne ; Costns ,I Eyre ; Zanetts, Mrs. 11. Ilughes. After wich (sixth tine jtfie new grand Opera of 'CINDERELLA, OR THE ...