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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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... HIGH COURT oj yUS7TCIARIZ On Thurfday came on the trial of James z Stevens, alias Douglas, accufed of flealing, Y on the 23d of July lall, from an inclofure at h Clerkington, an ox the property of William e. Laurie, farmer in Pardovan ; which ox he afterwards drove to Edinburgh, flaughtered, b and fold to butchers and other perfons there. t, The libel was refiriaed to an arbitrary P punithment ...

Edinburgh, Jan. 30

... CbQinttrWb, al. 30. ir- IIIG; 6 I f SJCSvY HIG COUR T qj Y US MrIRIAA' a Me Monday, came on before the Court, the I_ trial of Griffith Williams, late a fiailor on f fe board the Sufannah of Charlellown, accufed of the murder of Anne Wilfod, or Bruce, n 'on the toth of December lall, in her houfe, le Smeiton's Clofe, Leith. The Court pronounced the ufual interlocu-f f tor, finding the libel ...

Edinburgh, March 13

... tifilluvl), parcb 3. COURT OF SESSION. On Saturday the 8th curt. a caufe of great importance to the country was decided in the Court of Sefflon. The country of Rlenfrew, which does not produce enough of grain for the fupport of its inhabitants, has been in ufe to receive fupplies of meal from the adjacent f county of Ayr. During the courfe of the l winter, Thomas Leiihman, grain-dealer in ...


... ATTE-_P f 0N 1LL.5 AI'STyS 1.1! 1- -s -] 1 n - : P. -_ :1 - .. - .1 L .. . l-, . T'riday a Privy Council met at the Duke of 1 ortiand's oflice, a.nd proceeded in the fur- .;.er ieligetion of circumtiances refp icing l eorrid attempt wich was made on the terfen of his Majefly by James Hadfield. 'he prifoner was not brouglht tp ; but it e peared, that the piftol wvas loaded -ith two 2; igs, one ...

(Vienna Court [ill].)

... Fir.Wa THlE UiAMBURG'd \IAiL. (1/jenna Court Gazeile.) C Gcneral Baron Krav, in a report, dated e Ulm, the 25th inil. flates, that on the pre- e ceding day the enemy had made a reconnnit- I C ring party, and at the fame time a ferions at- I d tack on the left wing of the corps of General r Sztarray. On this occafion General Guilay t (who had ditinguiffhed himfelf in feveral pre- 1 ceeding ...

MiribTuT , 3t[ne 26

... -rr-r Pr)ITTD-7 r)TL' WIC-e7hT-l.:! HIGI-I COURT OF JyTIS7ICI-R2- Monday the 23d, came on the trial of XViI- lians\ Maxwell, late ferjeant in the 4th regi-I ment of North Britilh Militia, azcufed of taking and adminifering unlawful oaths, of a being a leading and aclive membcr of the fo- r ciety of United Scoffmen, of endeavouring to promote their purpofes, by ieducing the fol 1 diers to ...


... E D I N B UR G H, Y'nie 2f3. COURT OF SESSION. I : \e forrnerly gave an account of thc deci- ti .Ion of the Court, in an aclion brought at the I inrtanee of John Cadell, Efq. of Cockerzie. a~rainfl John MAorthland, Efq. Advocate, and i . Johnilone, printer of the S ots Chronicle, t for having publithed z libel agaiufl him in t'aat paper on the ift day of September 1797-f T'hIe following is a ...

Edinburgh, July 24

... CDf'llbllV3q lct' 24. IlI C- 7OURT of JUSII(/IYRT. Mlonday came on the trial of Samurel Bell, !arcly rcfdinrZ at pittal, in the county of ; 5nlv i ibanm, nld ii /ijliori:o, late auclion- . er in Tiiltulc Strect, Edinburgh, indicdted at .:;nc inilianc of his Afl elqyl'i Advocatc, for felonioutly forging or countcrfciting, or cnule wg to he forged or counterfeited ; or fravdu- lcrly and ...

On Tuesday last, James M. Donald, a vagrant, charged with the murder of Catharine M. Pherfon, whom

... ..'UrDtm Or 'T'ackday l~t, Jalncs M-DonmA, a vagrant, tharg- I cd wvith the murdcr of Catharine Il'F'herfoll, NVII0111 I ,, ,1 I I _ _ I,, , - - - _ ,, . -, { E I he cailed his w wf, was brought to town frorn Old n, Deer, and inc. rccrated in the tolbooth here, by Nvar- tc rant of the Shcriff. tl As a proof of the inildnefs of the feafon, therc was found laft week in the parifh cf Rayne, a ...


... On the ifth of Marth, and feveral fubregnent dayv a ener il Court Martiial was held at Newport, in the Ifl uf Wighr, for the trial of Lieutenanit Colon' l Jol n Rofs, of the Ssth reginacut, en five ?? charges pr.f.:rcd againli hint by certain officcrs of that regi- mets. Oit thc firtfl chargge onilv he was found ?? .-viz. that of having c'nsployed two mta in the Caiinent a;s his fervants who ...

Edinburgh, July 11

... (ebinlbual~), - (tip I T '1'hc following arle thle appoilAntolc'ti. for tho 7- ensuilg Aul unin Circuits:-- Iflfl-Lard julaticS' Clerk and L.1d1(1 Metbeen. MIi Ineiary, - ~einrdvSept. in, Stirlrg, -2. Inen.Dtiirinan~ and Lord Culilen'. 11 FiiL-1, dt. 9. 12 j bucenh, V ?? 'da , . cd. 0'I f S!' ?? and Load Atnmdthis. ti. A. riA y CY'. 4 '5 C Dlnli''c, - IVCIt~.tsday( n 7t ?? - u ?? iluke ...


... COItIT .1 OQF -; ?? BENCH. July ,. ?? , i i i id;'Y:.F S v. P' ' 1 ?? X. I'i[ i i 1L5 . of; -tli c. Ir ml it~t! ?? a :.7 ti;, b ?? ' . Ci : Ill- .X :'ii:iO - lC. : .: ?? ?? R. ΒΆ ';tthci ;I1 1F' r x 'ni - ,c t:: m Irl { i,. V l tr . l - IIl, v.- ?? ?? it ?? ~;i~itil S.. :Jh (it7-:P-N ( wi:V-!C r 0tc ?? i *Sj- rS i. 3 i ist I ?? ?? . i, - ! : Lt ili'' ?? ' ?? ?? !. k - xt ,- o ;iLi;. 'i ?? . ...