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Grampian, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 'CONTRAOCTORS WANTED r V cut down about 50 acres'of OATS the ensuing ., hbraes, .'either bWy. the Acre or Threave. Enquire at' latiaf, near Inverury. sTAe: LOTVFARY oN m' IMPROVED PLAN, ?i) be Drain in One Day, 20th October, 1809. [See Scheme-in another part of this Paje4l - . \ . . * . wzsatTtsiT cEs.- LIIt \:i-oEighth ¾ L. 18 0 t?u rter,': - 14 0 1 Sixteenth, ' 6 RcgtsteringeachNumber. d64 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T!ANTDS NEAR PIDERDEEN FOR SALE. Onl Fiiday the fh (lay of October nextt. there will be Ill exposed to sale, within DM'mpster's Hotcl, Aberdleen, ait two o clock afternoon, the I ints of ' UL LOS tint it 3111)l)LlT0'(N, lying it) tile pa rish ot' Nigead )f county of K ineariline, with in a nil of tiur t~own of' .Abirdeen., and a quarter of a ii.ils of the l iver flee. ?? not sold togetlicr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LNSiNT NitG T'O lBE SOLD. are to ire f'old 1by private irarganil, jointly or Lepatratcl3', ?? Farnvq of MIDDLETOWN anti TULLOS,: ing ci rthe parilir tif Nhg-, and coonty'of Kin- I -t dr i ftl of rce farins cr~inttainsabout yo ?? 1Jand, rinG a cioirtiecrable quantit yof moor and l-r' ly in the pleafitnt and fertile v.tle of Nigg, ..ric inrot ly a fouthi expoftire. 1`6 is ricih, fertile, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MILITIA ASABIATiON, TCOR, ti putli-r ofnit eiiwin- the, slt-: n ?? fror I Ge ' t:-. ri; t:o of B :l!t, undcr thei Altc of ?? feflinc ot Pa. ' 4il. ?? f ?? Ii', fore ri>; M NYI A . se.t)i lA~X~iS ,cuz'> .-Atiaztiiec 'rMorki-, A-cotipt. ?? dn ':!i-Dudni D;.cc-Aierx. ItrO.V;, EOD';ie~c ?? mcs Surcpfon, intie> Gordonti, ii J. 1. St;!1_rt, anI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALEXAND ER' ROY &CO., CALICOE PRINTETRS, UNDER rTII TOwel-iOUsE, APERDEEN,- ESPECTFULLY intimate to thzir uunierous Friends i .-k and the Public, that their A. Roy is just returned g f~roi hI!s annual visit to the principal Manufacturing si Towus in the United Kingdom, where he has purchased fi _n tielcenive and choice assortment of c HABERDASHER7Y &! CLOT7HrrY GOODS. F T!h. followving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ALEXANI)ERJ ORBES ?? lae to inflfOTl' his.IFriends and the .I'blic, that IL3 'hhtlibanvow ccirlplui'.ed his STOCK of' WINES and SPIRITS5, and that he can, with confidence,, recomrrmend ?? Qalir fanoncn hshai I., £ takes thi; VI pporttrnity ofanucn i aig conmm rct: IaSUP .ANCE BROKLR and -GENERAL * ~Arod ~rce 1th mary, iI. f I W_-NTL 0 TO 2ORROW, against the 20-th day of V V unrt next,, £100 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - G A L L--E .R-Y F- 3 y fo-8 N - SELL1ING OF. rT[IOhMAS M'COMBIE & CO. (in order to make !roomfor a fresh stock of Spring Goods) will' this ,y- begin to SELL OFF, at redkred prkc, their present I Extensive Stock of WOOLLEN &. LINEN DRAPERY, . I TABERDASHERY and HOSIERY GOODS.. They would particularly recommend to their Custom- *-s their present Stock of BED and TABLE lINEN, COUNTERPANES, BED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ECT-:LT.E'iTLY C(litinri BIACON HA\'1 &~ MA.TCHIES, 'jo be sold Onl Friltla' y 'ottow, Ut Alex. J.laiiic's Coopti agc at f lit- 8tti.g:ir-Iidu'c', QUats. Slepio lwshos il stnI) fli)r mill h Llot by 11hii roi Aj ~1. FELD at thle cod ofLO \ A-LANI'l, pus sesr'd by Jaiiitt A COO01) SI'AMF TO)Ii''' INS Sf~ll~lvi; pert',ilarti ZA:1tatd ix 'ii G cnoinkodittiottfb' Iti 1., A Silide l'or a Gi :, Ciwi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s is tlt'.ri .ii . ^.-zcttl ol. I la5rS ii laite ' : i gjale, W hich spreald a nistre ci'or the l'coi. J I'r'Miluied e ;tLhollt 1 ?? C.ire or to:l, I e I Roia l I.: tfain e(l :\acmissar Oii Witicli a,; revolvin6 yeniar go round, , )lVore exetl itt aind gwod is filund. llb: triois Sussex-Ioyal Carolh ?? ,N Patrons to this, Oil combi niae Ant with Imtperial Russia'. ]Alighity Iov2. TLeir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . NO) iv'E. rF-iAAT a f0'o;urt ott L!sLicI of lC t aimlce wl Ie Lehjk I 'il t ?? ?? t.1 onl TtC~s T~ ri;a it (ith of M3,Ta next, jar thki .ltrl5s (f urlpvh it-. FEN('i:S ?? the L.AWS of, EXCISF. ?? , -- - - . - TO ~E OLDOflLET', st 1X'I''Ie F i~l Jy,ce v, 1- 1'F- luSE Twvo Co'lltim io:.; llrsl0 s . - . ; J_ GtlCsrow, -ill, th e GA. Il)IIN an' it IN G II) ,SE arcxs.(!d. ;Is occupiil by Mi 1 dll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAND PANORAMA ST. PETERSBURGil. Ii Taklen fronm the Tower of t/i Obse-rivaory, andu allow-ed I.Jt by the first Artisets to he the best Pnrailoliic Painting ever eXhibited in London, Pu( [FRaOac 1LINltY ASTON ]lAit~Rtt', LE.ICESTELU nt SQUAREi-, LONDlON.II loll is NLOW OPEN M In that lar-ge Circular B'lildinE, in Aing Sirect, Slext St. Andrew's Churchi, tit, From Nine in the hlorning till Dusk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN BARTLETT, UP1HOLSTERER AND CABIA7YET-lfAKE ?, UNION STIEEST, Bi -~ES'PECTFULI.Y informs the Nobility and Gen- in try, and his Friends, that he is just returned from W! his annual visit to LoNDoN, where he has selected a 31 lnroe and er;tcnsire Stock of every article in thcrUPHOL. an ST tRY and CA\BI.NET line* and takes this opporto- nity ot submittin i the eame to their attention, and ...