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Advertisements & Notices

... ES0LUTIQ agrft o-at~a MEETING JI I f the MEIJBERS of the EDINBURGH ,j\,1TI.SLAVERY SOCIETY and their FRIENDS, held at-Edinburgh, lt August 1834.:- 1. That the event which vc.are. thisdayr aembled to morrt~e is one of the noblest victories ever achiev-- 'd by the voie of the Blitish People, and that it is the ,d 'of Christian Britain to express her gratitude to Al- hty God, without whose uid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTS LAW.- iJ UR[I~C, L OIE sSUM. for the PRI NC113LES a, ndt jv L \ C~r be PG a rv 11j F m Re M S n ex fC'' N hYA, c Sciev'sHall, 40, .ituafie an Te(aee~ tIOO 12th May, at four v11 r oootilt hor at severs AM.,i for those it. rcoe m continue to give ;, at te LecurerLaw, at hisbouse, ?? a'ill .q chofijlri Sets ollr information. eaet FAREtS TO) NELjHAeEN. t COOPeI a 7 at the solicitatio a m r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r ~poNIS1; T' T1hEiR MAJ9STIES. qhi ;ght [dor2. the LORD PROVOST. aeE1iflROYAL CIRCUS, T1 LOTNIAN ROAD. d do r Oeatest effeet having been produced by -E jig 1 R'802enttiion of the best Works of the A ; 2r be rrfele uoder the scmblance of T .I Scell't¶ yNT STONE FIGURES,. ' A A Cooxr; and in addition to the I lless fiti hich this effort is nightly receiv- arere ctfally referred to the opinion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AA~ D CO S5IOtA t OIRoMn. I V VrIE of the INTE- OPELL C1APEL. in T iche di ors- -qv' . C [)ISELl1`l` C~n effects of Sunshine bu RI R rdinary e I,10 def manneer in 0bitih the beatt-js The ltaeprodrrred, togeth tr t ' -roe f Ligt r iy pla, Char,.e I whoic. and th:e fidelit. rrdf htieleide thres specmel1 of orchi- B a1repro Pj Is 'excited by the originlsl, . e .he ore eet I ImCre've ExhibitiOns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' iNOTICE , iYOWNE11S. PiLOIrS. AND OTHERS, (1 QIuENTING THE PORr OF LEITH-I. (iiC)M Il~SIONiERS for the DOCKS and l iOUR lIrebv intimate, that the Depth of *,r stae Harlaiur is now Three Feet One han that idicated by the Pier Guage and Signal t sD efar regulatih2 the safe approach of Ships, es teeth 0n inchet cere than in she narrow channel form. 3rlirl~d Wel, previous to the extension orthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Es, -)IAWING ACAD I) E Y, 1 reh/ given to thjose. perTlons who in- ,0l -loe f;,r hdi..,IIt the betreilis of thi- . yi, i; mwnot isitilqled Ii, tie .1 tiv of the ^5 bd ; hIuhr brY 1I. eaf 1)ralviia .till,. htm t , irtln the jgir'ei ~lj'_F['Fi A I t A S. nti tile e.F~dinburgh, - ,,Irii' Feb. 11 6S 2 F\C iE; z si ~t2Lif ASuRA CESOCIETY, Colt.N~ LON DON. II A N A , F. It'. 1 Ctllntt r5'OE, l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POI.1I , -.' . E IS ItHEREBY GIVEN, in terms of the s e tc , (ithrt tlie ELECTIONS of ONF GE_ ; d ' O 'lRESIDENT COMMIISSION_ 'p(lACl'E, foer the period commencing the first I j iliit. for each of the Thirty-two Wards the Pi'he Bounds as Eztenaded, have been di- '; ramenlce ort MON DAY the 25th day of June ,fr; 't jell o'clduck forenoon, at the places after-mention- a Z ihite Ilrt Inn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p0,qI7',jrELY TER LJST NIGHT OF TEE1l? SEASON. ARENA, IOUVND. FoR TIIE BENEFIT OF MIR.O1D, III wiii li he will inttdotuce Equestrian Performances ,lnvenac(!(lVTIished by inyr other person, for Xee 1000 GUINEAS. 'fji present Evening, MONDAY, 10th Mlarch 164 izir 0111) el alipparin Sevpn diffe-rent acts in the Circle, areeig0 *lr irhis celebralted Act vvithout Saddle Or a!1( ?? eats oi Strengtb, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIULTURAL GARDEN, TBITIO~of FLOWERS, and a pR lE1NADE, wihMUSIC, is to ?? Al r.~ilNAL GARDEN, in11verleith, -du An ramrrN ietelt bgtwebi the icrulls f[IIDA par. beje the only POR~neiade ties of To dord rive tbe , 35 0 f the Society and Sbareholilers, and the 1ea10ul rba tbe faijioe to pay Onel-Shilling each at Gatt al thes Oe hilling andiSii~epmweach. 5 ape~r;micl Garden, Ist July 185-. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIOPETOUN ROOMS. l16 OR EMILIANI has the honour of tlnouoiog to the Nobility and Gentry, that he u ~ive a CONCERT ef VOCAL and INSTRU- E'TALj MJSIC in the above Rooms, on MON- pAY EVEN ING, the 20th FCORttA It. Fnrther particcilars will be duly annaounced. 'fi-iete, Fise Shillings each, to bae bad at the prin. ripl ieic Shops, and of Signor Erniliani, 2, Melville Street. EDINBURGH GENERAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLE MENMS :tublreriptiiat COncrrt. . . tIIE CO I3 TTEE ot' MANAGEMIENT beg to tl, inform the 'ibtItof'thtth FIR.ST CONCERTlt' Piked f'ir FU-TIA V-the-hal-h Dtceeiuber; and lhby vhavd the t p uisill -to state-, tlitt the ibllowina Keiiihent VOCAL: ei arid NSSRUMN 'l4-TAL PLRIOHMLIT1h an. tl- a ready eng-aged ?? --TMl; SNLO',-' ..iWDISS 9x5WONI)S:: . AlT YA.E W IIZ I safer i MAIT. N [CIO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VILLA, LAXNDS, CORNV A.ND FLOUR MILL, OF NORTIH-WOODSIDE, FOR SALE. ito be sold, by public sale, within the Lyceum Rooms, tup- on Thursday the 30th day of May next, at two o'clock, r 3l iE 1VILLA, LANrDS, CORN atyd FLOUR r uILL, of NORTH WOOlDSIDE, sitiated about fl mile to the North West of the City-of Glasgow, upon the. Banks bt'the Water of Kelvin. The f louse, Offices, Gardens, Orchaod ...