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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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... ROYAL MIID LOTHIAN YEOMANRY RACES. TIIuRIISAY, JULY 26. These races took place over the ?? Caursem The attendance of company wras not very great; but the races went off with much spirit, notwitbstanding the wet. ness of the day.. Musselburgh Squadron Cup. Heats-Oace rounl and a distance. Mr A. Begris's ch. m. Duehess, 4 years I I Mr Wmi. Young's ch. in. Sally O'Keepe 2 2 Dr Brook's bay m. ...


... WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13. A Handicap Plate of L. 100 for all ages. Cup Course. Lord Chesterfield's Bretby, 3 years, 7s. 41b.-(Nat) I Lord Exeter's Velure, 3 years, 8st. 11 lb. . 2 General Grosvenor's Rara Avis, 3 years, 6st. 21b. 3 Mr Wright's b. g. by Cetus, 3 years, 6st. I01b. 4 Even nn Velure; II to 8 against Bretby ; and 4 to I agninst Cetus. Velure made running followed by Rara Avis and Bretby ...


... THE EDITOR OF THE CALEDONIAN MERCURY SIR--The Plate formerly given by the City for the encouragement of the Races, but now withheld, must be considered, in the present state of the city's finances, a necessary and a justlfiable retrenchment. But it is a subject of regret to a large class of citizens, that the Town Council should have resolved not to give the small sum of L.5 12s. 6d.. required ...


... KELSO RACES-1825. Wh: caauncrv 19 *WEDxESOAYS, OCT. 12. Produce Stakes (if Fifty Guineas, each, h. ft.-Colts, Sst. 3lh;. fillies, Sst.-Slb. allowed, &c.-Two miles. Mr Baillie's b. f. Ariadne, by Ardrossan-(Peter Parsons) - _ - walked over Sit A. D~on's f. by Fitzorville, Mr Baird's b. C. Cleve- land, and Mr Pringle's bl. f. by Young Whiskey, paid for- feit. Sweepstakes of. Ten Sovereigns and a ...


... ROYAL CALEDONIAN HUNT AND PERTH RACES-1829. £, C us -IDO:7. TUESDAY OCTOBER 13. The Caledinian St Leger Stakes of Twenty-five Sovs. each, p. p. with One Hundred Sovereigns added by. the Caledojian Hunt. For threevear-old colts, Sst. 21b. ; fil- lies, 8sn. One mile and a half. Lord Elcho's b. c. Gondolier, by Fitzorville-Gon. dola-U(. Nelson - - - I Mr Gilmour's ch. f. by Dr Syntax-Helen Aroon, ...

[The above correspondent, in assailing the conclusions of a former, appears to forget that there is a material ..

... sovereigns which become depreciated by losing weight through tear and wear and sovereigus which, although fresh from the mint, will no longer pass at their original standard, or for 20s. So long as a gold sovereign is declared by law to be worth 20s. a creditor has no option but to receive the same at that rate, whatever depreciation gold bullion may have undergone an excess in the supply of ...


... EXECUTION AT JEDBURG (From the Border On Thursday John Wilson, one of the two railway la- bourers convicted at the recent Justiciary Court at Jedburgh for the murder of William Lauder at St Boswell’s Fair, un- derwent the utmost penalty of the law in front of the County Jail. The other man, Brady, who was also found guilty of the same crime, having obtained a respite for three weeks, but ...


... DONCASTER MEETIXG-sI9. F RIDAY 5EEX. -i: Three-year Old Filly Stakes.f o20 sovereigns each, with 20 m, sovereigns added- by the Corporation. St Leger Course. yo (12 Eubscribers ) th Mr ItidFidale'a bay, Clotilde, by Tramp, out of Neva af by Cervantes - - walked over. Match for 100 sovereigns. Oine mile. - en Mr Houldsworth's ch.. c. Vanish, by Phantom, out of of Treasure, by.Camillus-J. ...


... NEWIVIARKET RACES-ArflT. 14. - . - I. - -l-l ?? V,+ - The Craven Stakes (if lo sovs. each, for 3 yr. olds, ist.; 4 yrs.' 8st. 41b. 5 ire. Set. 13ib. 6 yrs.- 9st. BIb). anI aged, 9-t. 91h1. ; A. ?? .o1sbs. . _ Lord Chifterfield's Coiwi'k. 6 Vro.. (Scott) e Colonel Peeps Clari3n, yre. . 2 r , Handicap of 10 savs. each for 3and 4 yr. oIds. Ab. MI. h - ?? sbs. h Sir JG Graliam's Jason. 4 yrs. St. ...


... The first annual meeting of the North British Professional Gardeners' Society was held in the Calton Converning Rooms an Wednesday week, whdn prizes were awarded as follow._' For the best six Ausriculas, sorts, in pots, to John Young, gardener to Thowas Oliver, Esq. Newington Lodge; and-to David Fossils, gardener to Alex. Blair, Esq. Woodhouselee, for the second. Belt six Polvanthus, sorts, to ...


... bAtAEMTH GAMEIS. Theae Games came off on Friday lasf, in ri glrss park beionging to the Martinis of Lothian, close to Dalkeith; and the day being uncommonly favourable, crowds began to arrive long previous to eight o'clock, the hour of commencino, and bv twelve o'clock the'e could not be less thah from 6000 to 8000 present. A large stand was erected on the ground, capable of aEC- comarodetitg ...


... AYI, R ACES-CONri{lUEDE A -Puarfere f L. SQ for all ages. ,Mr CurIng s Sylvio, 5 years old, 1 i at 0 Lord Belhateo s b. f. by-Hambleconian, S yeairs - eld, FRIDAY SEPTEMaRR 2 2 1; *A ?? of 50 guineasc each -h. ft. for S year SI olds, bred in Scotland, two mile5. 9 Lord Montgornerie's b.c.:y Way, i Mr Baillie's bl. f. by2 br Peter, 2 Mr Of*walds ch. f, by John Bull, ot ?? ?? Whip, ; ,. SAME ...