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Chartist Circular




Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Chartist Circular

annuAi Hn BaUot. Knunl ot

... annuAi BaUot. ot National Sovereignty. k-the travels of Lieutenant Francis Hall, an of. the British army who, a little after the ttjoody war against Napoleon was terminated, visited the United States of America, we find .yeral disquisitions on the science of government, ivliich, for clearness of perception, and strength of argument, would do honour to the greatest political philosopher of the ...

The Household Suffrage Agitation Exposed. Our readers are of course aware of the agitation lately set on foot by a

... certain party in England. We regret to see not a few good Radical prints look upon this movement with, what we conceive to be, too favourable an eye. One paper (an able advocate of the cause) expresses himself, with reference to this question, thus: they (the Household Suffrage agitators) get what they require, their five points, it would not damage the cause of Universal Suffrage and Annual ...

management of civil society, is to affirm that the institutions of man are more elevated in their character ..

... institutions of the Messiahthat the interests of time are more important than the interests of eternity, a position which no Christian minister dare assume—a doctrine that no man who believes in the immortality of the soul will admit. Come forward, then, revered sirs, and unite with us in the labour of universal love; and may our Heavenly Father, to whom we are all responsible, direct and ...


... great political questions of the day, previous to soliciting their support personally.” And as if to do away with any suspicion to the propriety of meeting his Lordship, the following magical words were added—“ Sir Timothy is to be present.” Joe made up his mind to go to hear him, at all events. But what mair hae we here ?” said he, pursuing his investigations. A sang, by a’ that’s gude !” And ...


... lias rendered competition with other nations difficult, and so often prostrated oar manufacturers. It has periodically glutted our markets with foreign fabrics, paralyzed the arm of American industry, and entailed upon the country a foreign debt of near two hundred millions, to be wrung from the hard earnings of industry, in addition to the hundreds of millions of which the labouring community ...