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Grampian, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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... POETRY, I A PARAPHIIRASE. PsALM liii. 6.-And I said, oh that I had wines like a dove! for then would I flee away and be at rest. Oft have I said, oh that to me The turtle's fleetest wings were given, Far from this dingy earth to flee; Amid those glittering orbs of heaven. Midst those bright fields of living light, Whose golden down would he my nest- Where suns unsetting scare the night- Ahi ...


... (FroM the NOVA-SCOTIAN, of July 9, 1835.) The follovring Verses ale intended as a Paraphrase ofthe s FAnE. WVELL ADDIIESS, A fouind amongr tile papers of tlse deceaseid Rev. Jamnes IKidd, D. D. Professor of Oriental Languages in the Marik- elia) College and University, andI Minister of Gilconiston Churcs, Aberdeen. THE sand of life is ebbing fast away; The grave already opens to my view; The ...


... : POETRY ?? - Oh !lo0% flP to the sort blue skyc rching aibosth~ee, bright aud fair; Cold is the helrt, and dull tio eye,l Whllich feels not, sees not tod is teT e Lool; roiild thee, or, this spacloris earth, with every varied beauty rife . ' t Starts not an; bistant tilloght to ?? Of mihn SWlhOSe presence gives it life ? t Survey the billowy, bohmdless dlop; Ts there lo voice salutes tihine ...


... - FAIRS IN NOVEMBrII. *N. 11. ?? of Orl (2 dciyo)- Newton Stewart. a Th. 12. ?? y F. 13, Blgbaiun-Cullen-Ecclesfechan-Kelso (cattle)-SteWaTLO1) M. 16, Granton Cattle Tryst-Pitnachie-RuthliestouStracha1-Tor- naveen-Rhynlie. Tu. 17. Aliess-Dfilmiig-D mise-Eaiglesham- I re r -Kllijj-%lensje-Newtomnv of Badenociht-Orichie. W, 18, Bervie-B.IkIyvie-Clftt-Echt-EllolIForres Galasiels- Langholm ...


... PO ET R Y. TO THiEEVEXINO STAR. low beautiful the twilight sky, whose starry world's now spread, Amidst the purple depths of eve, their glories o'er my llead! And there is one-a radiant one-amid the rest shines he, As if just risen from his sleep, within the mighty sea. a at Sweet star! I love to see thy cheerful ray, a As it fortels the close of busy day; Bright harbinger of ?? soothing ...


... XTHE HIGH~LAND SOCIETY. IILOHANI' octK SHhIfl OF STOCK, AGRiICULTUiIALt MiEETING, AlTl-Itt- tN-'tti. Till great ero;Ti, ill rtvl ?? sLiorItI Poliie ett cot tine ?? bl 1111 I let. Ilb akrit place. Olla, tL- sI ithe Witnir a- Ih ?? ?? ,tt ttiet-l IIlatOO ofl ?? lDtA ?? tO Iel. 01 t~ittl111 It 11015 lnd ttiei-zsst built Ei~glait twill 001o twit .iul itoile t1-,l at- bring tiles'ebuelre111 ...


... - - - - * . -- - To Oh, JbAtorsY foul thing, That knows no balmy rest, How doth thy fierce and rankling sting Corrode the lover's breast; Illack'ning Isa soal with horrid spell. And stamping In his heart a hell! Dreading the glare of day, A watcher of the night, Thy victim knows no cheeringray Of pleasure's caln delight: A slave in envy's spiteful thral., Friendless and loee,-distrusling all. ...


... U THE LANGUAGE OF THE LENVES. f ___________ h 2O. M-._THE SCO0CII F1R. t On the barren waste, or bleak hillside, r I firmly take my stand; v From cold or storm I scorn to bide- t I'm the child of a mountain land. 0 WVhen the lovely shrub and the stately oak V Muist their verdure and leaves resi nt11 I fear not the frost, nor the tempest's shockl, For they make no change on mine. No perfumed ...


... LITER AT U F. gas New books, prints, inusic. &c. intended forir'view rmay be left at Mr C. Mitchell's General Advertiing and Pllb- lishing Olfice. London, addressed to the Editor of this paper, when they will be duly forwarded, and receive at- tention. The Nortz Britis7 Review: No. XTIi. FREQUENTMv as we have expressed a favourable opinion of the general merits of this periodical, it is now ...


... LIT ERAT UR E. --I A Jranuaw of Prattical Draining. By HENRY SrTErwESs, F.R.S.E. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons. Mr STEFIvNS~'s name. is already familiar to agricultrisiits, as th 8uthor of that excellent manual, Te Book of the Farm, a isork replete w~ith deductions of acute observation, extensive ex- perience ani souita de resni The present publication con- tain, wlith utwablet ...


... TLhe l'olloo'ing beaotifoI linies ate token fvo ot Northern Cootempe- rare;. Th~ey strongl~y retoijoi us of time potiros aid puorify of WVords- weor' it. The author, it Is said. resides troor Fort Augusolis. LINES WRITTEN DECEMBERti~ 3iST, 1510. oih yes !It is a melancholy time To tlrinhing arlnds-tho' thoussrrdo rnay be found so thooghtiess, as to wev. ?? tile past, Roses to deck the ...


... PBETRY. TIE DEATH OF THO4MAS CAMPBELL.t: Strike loud the notes of woe! Bow down each drooping head! The patriot's pride, the poet's glow The zentle heart to friend and foe, Cold in the narrow tomb lie low, The 'Barad of Hope is dead. Weep, Poland, weep! ah no'er Will worthier tear-drops faill The dauntless mind to do and dare,: The soul that swelled at thy despair, The champion's, patron's, ...