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... CIRCUIT IN FELLIGENCE, ~ L N I Ll-JIvt~ r-, STIRLING.April 4. The Circuit Court of Jufliciary was opened here this day, by the Right Hon. Lord ARXA-S DALE. William M'NIcl was brought to the bar, ac- cufed of cutting down and (fealing young oak trees from the Duke of Montrofe's woods. Up- on the motion of the Advocate-Depute, Lord Armadale deferted the diet againfl the pannel pro loco et ...


... ,UU11 Cy 1vL`,arey Jviuraer. CRIMINAL TRIAL the 27th ultr. were tried hefAr- 0. zh, On the 27th ult. were tried before the Sheriff of Argyllihire and a fpecial Jury, John Clark, tenant in IKeils, in the pariflh of Killearnadale. and Ifland of Ju- ra, and Ifobel M'Dougall, his fpmilfe, accufed at the inflance of the Procurator Fifcal, of the crime of Iheep Itezaling, and of being habit and ...


... DUMFRIES-APRIL II. The Circuit Court of Jufficiary was opened here upon Wednefday the 8th curt. by the Riight Hor. Lord CUrLEN, and proceeded to tie trial of THOMAS PARSELL and JAMES CATERI, fol diers formerly:belonging to the 2Ift regiment of dragoons, accufed of flealing-a number of a ticles of cotton cloth from a caravan or cart;,the pro- perty of a travelling chapman of this place.- Owing ...


... CIRCUIT INTELLIGENCE, Df ABERDEEN-APtIL 11, 1801. The Circuit Court of Juficiary was opened there yefterday by the Right Honourable LORD METHVEN. William Morifon, lately refiding at Out Seat of Cullen, in the parifb of Gamree, and county n of Banff, accufed of ?? Simpfon, g at White Crook, in the parifh of Keith_-e.anr Gordon, refiding at Burnfide of Allanbowie, both e in Banff.fhire, accafed ...


... CIRCUIT INTELLIGENcF GLASGOW-APRi. Tr . > , GLASGOW-APRIL 15. 1i our iift we gave the fird ,patt of the proceedinsig ofthe Court. . The following is, the rtnsainder. - to The' court proceeded to te ttrial or F,-auis Adla,, e accufed of ferging the fubftriptiOt- of Jame&Dun!d'- of itinwood Ivill, to a PromifTnry Notefor 8a51. Ster- n ling, paya zble to hinseII 48 weeks after date. n- Color.1 ...


... CIRQTUIT INI ELLIQNCE. :-GtLSGOW-APFItL X5. In our laft we gave the firet part of the proceedings tof the Court. The following is the remainder. ?? M'Raw or MCiaw, private foldier in the i- nia th or Perthfhire regiment of North Britrih Militia, is was neat brought to the bar, acciufed of culpable ho- rr tnicide, in fo'far as, in Glafgow Barracks, he ftruck d James Littlejohn, on the bid. ...


... . ASY Ra-Aa'FL :20. The Circuit Cou-t of Justiciary Was opened here up- on Tuesday the 54th curt, by the Right Hon. Lord CuLLEN, when Z. M'ce, labourer at Garlestort, in the county of Wigton, accused of the crime of murder or culpable honlicide, ivas outlawed for non-appear- ance. The Court next proceeded to the case of Y. MfKie, picking-master it the cotton mnill of Newton Doa-gas, who stood ...

PERTH, APRIL 21. 1801

... PERTH4. APRIL IT. 1801. The Circuit Court of Jufficiary was opened here oh Thurfday liaflt by the Right Hon. LORD DuNSINNAN ? and LORD MeNruVErN. Gs-f-n, Ma/cry, Enfign, or late Enfign in the 3d I North Britifls (or Lanarkfnire) militia, and Edward ol mtA got Harvey O'eefie, late Lieutenant in the Prft re- D) g-ient of foot, accufed of murder, by killing in a duel, in Donald PFip and Thomas ...


... MONDAY-APRIL 27. VANtHEURS A. D tEVEREUX. This was an acion on fii e bills of Exchange for 1501. each, drawn by Peter Planck, and ac- cepted by the defendant ; they were dated the 2 7th of May, 1 7 97, and it appeared by the e- vidence were merely accommodation bills. Two of the endorfees were ordered out of the king- do-n under the alien a&t, and the prefent defend- ant is in the King's Bench ...


... LAW INTfLI.IGENCV. COURt O)t KINd'S V V~i4L ftAY' BA5RCt5A ?? OUWNS. . W Th u aekr vw I agtf ?? gbilliieg boy mi Warrendfd tfit pidtift and Mrf Giamy f±r tha d-- fendant. It Wai in, adtibn' of thida Lfe'lfbt4orrPi asP icy . ot ifilea-mee-orfi the `fV 1W. t4' di S4 tr, cAS d# . fi~ribai 27Hd. Tgd-Fi ilhie Bi4le! qbedlofi in'- thib cafe was, whether the profits on a ?? *e It~ *as- cfez~ddd ohb ...


... Ye, erday the Court of Seffion determined a queftion between the Incorporation of MARYs CHAPEL, purfaers, and the Incorporation of WRIGHTS and MASONS of SOUTH LEITH, de- fenders.- The amount of the a&ion was to have it de- dlared, that the Menmbers of Mary's Chapel have a right to work within the liberties of South Leith, and that the defenders -have no right to prevent them from doing f[o The ...


... CO RT Iv l We had formerly occafion to notice the pro. iceedings of a General Court Martial, of which Colonel the Earl of DALKPITH was Prefident, held 2t Edinburgh on the 5tb, 6th, and 7th days of FebrUary laff, on Captain MASTEAToN Ro- B3ERiTSON, ofthe firft regiment of North Britilh Militia, on certain charges preferred againft him by Major ROBERT CAMPBELL, of the fame re. giment. The ...