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II ROM THE LONDON ''■ '- '- : -'. '■' ]

... II ROM THE LONDON ''■ ?? '- : - ?? '■' ] DISTRIBUTION OF PRT c E ' OUEY. To the officers and crew of rbe H r. :, ?? liana, will fc ■ pai Ith,r i 1; „:e pi ■ ■ >os - will be ?? i •• t. • ■ (1 . : hop.! i ?? of the 1 •• . or, M a .rid ?? -, any fiiccedinj I iri - . To tli. . ?? r, ?? crew ii. i-7-7:'i lan a - ,„, , f .ele ?? :i- co ?? led ;■ it of tl c ir. ?? hip -, ■ ii fa ion - : i uoop at i ...

LONDO N—August 3

... LONDO N— August 3. The following obfervations are taken from the Sun : Reports were in circulation on Weilr.efday, and even as early as the day before, that fonie disturbances had Itaken place at Paris, and forae changes been made in the French Government : that Lebin and Cambaceres were no longer Confuls, having given in their refignation, the fecond, however, lefs willingly than the firft ; ...

caS.rickfee.ous assises

... ?? assises. Carriskfcrgus afiizes ended the Cth r.f Aigiiff, iSco, when the following nerfbns were convic- ted.— Jons Cox, a fc'ncolmafter, for high tre-Ton, in levying war agalnfi the Kirg. The overt aiis laid in the indidtment were, lie, affembling with a great body of traitors armed, and arrayed in a manner, en the 7th June, ly^S, at Pally- carry, and then and there appealing and ...


... Garnerin'the aeronaut has lately amufej the Parifians with a very curious fpecfacle at the ce- lebrated public gaiden called Tivoli. He con- iiruc c tad a balloon to reprefent the Temple of O- lycapus, and fifteen Coloffal divinities. He a- fcended in it himfelf,with a young lady of eighteen. Ar. immenfe concoui fe of ipe&atoi s was coliecle-.1, between 6000 and 7000. The alcenflon took place ...


... P.'.F.IC AUGUST 16. A variety cf conjectures have for fome days p.ilir prevailed, ref; editing the llulfian army af- every day receives coi.fiderable reinforcements. The moil predominant opinions on this fabjecf are the following : — There are very fhong grounds to believe that au army of ico.coo Ruffians ii dettined to procure for the Fir.pire a folid, and by no means a difadvantssge -us ...

1 I.OVl's :.I -RI.-slaL,'* I'—- AMgusl 26

... 1 I.OVl's :.I -RI.-slaL,'* I '— - AMgusl 26. Tee ?? B lea Si! is,:h pa.-k.-t fr-a.i slier liavannah to r„r,.niV, *va,ca, sated ?? the II.!, iO. by the Clydes j . ■ _ ia.irilte-„,-i,, ?? I. Ibon lis Hamburgh, i- a.i.are.ilv a frigate, near , >s-:,;nla!i >. I ■„ Uar Gate. Win -1, ii-.chr.e-r, iron- the coaffi of ?? - Hamburgh, is taken by r- prltaxeer, and car- ibevßrira tiia, johofoo. from ...


... PARlS— August S3. j2the preliminaries of peace are tinned, pir uticlcb ir ts ftatcd, that there is one jiitstiiat the belligerent powers fliall re- tfap in Italy of their mutual conquefU*,-— slab la Mrmrtbt of the 15th of Auguft, ml Moreen is arrived at Strafbur^ ; he ?,r.3,anu will pafs this night or to-morro.v ■AVGtrST 33. : OaioLd; rofe yefterday from 3 a one fifth nobferved. that annuities ...

LOSDON-Sepie-ibsf. J

... His Royal Highnefs the Duke .of Kent ar- rived on Sunday morning at Plymouth from Halifax, in the, of 50 guns. As it is now fo long fince tht armament under Sir James Pultency failed, without any ac- counts being received from it, a number of jpo- dilations are a9oat, and fevcra! new deflinatidra for it are afiigistd. Some lay that it wiil go to the Mediterranean, there to affemble ...


... towaiE and wife a-yahif. OB Tiiis was a canfie which appeaiei not only ft urn the nature cf the his alio from the quellion of law whic*' It appeared that Mrs Lav-tie, I went to the (hop of the Jifmu-iii, ; Gufwcll ftreet, to buy fomc me.:, si was poinsing out with lier hand .tries: have it e-a-, the defendant ia ?? tsvo of her finger, in fo fevere a man* tendons were entirely cut th.-cagt., ; ...

■ . *. risinr-F-Y

... - ?? tlse perfon who faimeii ?? at Cs-ylon, lalt year, was a ' rri who, f,r the privilege of fiili- ?? than the ufual numbei cf Bootes I hettreen two and three hundre-i Vo Kayo pagodas, a fum nearly His Excellency the Ho- ' y a very minute det,iii ofthe firh .■ ilages, fonie of which are truly 1 f »ni2ikab!e. It appears, that the , 1- the casife of a great deal of ma- , • fishery, the divers ...