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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Sheriff Criminal Court

... - ?? ?? a u t Ye-terday a Criin it:l CIrort was eild aere by And revs Murray, E'q. Sheriff of Aberderishlire, snd Wiiillam Watson, l.sq. Steriltf-Sub. stintte. The first prisonter placed at the bar eas Jamis'a Mit1ardy, formerly Sherflt-ollcer, accused of stealilrt a wath soine masoeyr ssila : grert qeantity of tiiaeellaos articies, from a house ist sarriet Street, In Jutl lart. The prisoeter ...


... IN SURANCE CASE. ItNLOCH AGAINST WATSON AND orris., AN Insurance Broker in Dundee sent Mtr Walker, Ir- sur-alice Broker, AIberdeen, the following o-ler: Please cover for Mr A. Andcirson, as ag-.It, Si OFn0 oh ship Kinloch, Captain Mills, valued at . :3ao', fr's:. London to Dundee, rrpotod to have sailed on the 25~.11 Alt. The vesscl is of very supericr cinstFuct-on in evtro respect and is ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS. S XAIIL OF AtIOVNE versus ZNXE5. Mr. Solicitor-General opened this case on Monday fc lait, and stated that it was an appeal from a judgment I of the Court of Session in Scotlanrd, respecting a very w unusual right claimer by the respondent, to shoot and kill game, both by kiinself, and by means of his game- n e keeper and friends, over the forest of Birse, siturated in ...


... U){ B'BH.fI ASfSIZES'. Oil Sflltrl-iiy srcrilieii't Clime onl lit tihese Assiz,.ts tlet ria l of Jolillo Iillg nilil W\ illiam; ChalThonl, for1 twilt, 1I murder oft' iatio JI laittillto, Ii vittbitltan at tule sltitid 'i ,,f Messy:s Nesn::inz ;wi~ C( au:t N(VLgl~ettle COIH~ieI- Cii A fti :i1 il'vtlslttlO \ln ihii ?? froom a little ilter I ti nllf ?? e oti ti lt' y a-r sea sevraiy l futtd ! ?? ...


... 1t1G11 COURT,' OF JUSTICIARY. MTonday carne or. the trial of John Ml'fntyre, shcemaker _ in Edinblrgh, Andr'ow Stewart, tailir therr, .crd Robert Stewartjnurneyenan blolokbinder there, accused of breakinI - into the INvorshop of Pexer More, caikne glezier in Edi.- - 1urgh, on the night of the £rst November last. and steal- y in' therefrom a number of webs of Cotton cloth, &c.-t s TFhe pannels ...


... EQ UITY OF THE LAW-An Anecdote. I was lately walking with an elderly gentleman in the he Green Park, who is n very sensible, intelligent person, PI and abounds in anecdote; when, pointing to the presellt i residence of his Grace the Duke of Welhlington, called A psley-House, he observed, 1 can tell you some particu- lars relating to that mansion, not generally known, and which I am pleased ...


... JURtY COURlT. ot THiURSDAY, DEc. 14. ti This day a case which had excited considerable intc. rest, came to be decided. The pursuer was Mr John Caimpbell, the person whai opposed. the flon. -Mr Primrose, in the Stirling district h of bur, hs, at the general election IS1IS, enti who was so ti iar saccessful, as to be allowed to sit in Parliament dur- ing the short tinte necessary fi)r discussing ...


... A' 'H il'l: ?? 'D'iI MII ?? I I, I.. ?? I ?? ?? 1:.. .. . ?? ?? 1lfilirler a Iii;len puiliotrate0it shice2 0111 lailt-whei e, Of clet ftilt Citv, lt tice x'ryi Stc'ps, we~ may1 say, of ver-' ?? oi .1Jlstic121 ; (2ii,.c to the t ribun al beforec Ivhich t1111 i~llIrd~e-e'S Aletre, lt tilc Iillonitent, bl~lln~g to % laetiit p lgililt thiit ?? tliui to in alnmost finiinuci.- Av Ito ?? ighil, ...


... * ?? im k E S. Or heoard'lh li jetyi~d'*~~d iater t;( Pe* 6-.'tkt)/ara ,dn t.ty s ,z -, ' 'Between uiuine and ten o'clock in iie' rni.,the. ,fo ?? ng oflircera w\ere affibled pel metn era' of the, court -Vice-Admtral Sir ,3ioa- W M;Tcn:Li P ut. Vice-Admiralt Pol a' yeld ?? i Hollowfthe Rear.Adl. ...

Edinburgh, April 3

... .ainbllrgi, alrl 3. CIRCUIT INTELLIGENCE. _Stiriq:g, nlnr-b 27. ?? The Circuit Court of Justiciary was dpened here on Friday last, by the Right Hon. Lord Cullen. Johln Robb,.labourer in Brighton, in the parish of T'olmont, accascd of stealing cattle. The-Ad- vocate Deprntc, having restritced the libel against him, he wvas faurd guilty by his own confession, and sentenced to transportation ...


... COItIT .1 OQF -; ?? BENCH. July ,. ?? , i i i id;'Y:.F S v. P' ' 1 ?? X. I'i[ i i 1L5 . of; -tli c. Ir ml it~t! ?? a :.7 ti;, b ?? ' . Ci : Ill- .X :'ii:iO - lC. : .: ?? ?? R. ¶ ';tthci ;I1 1F' r x 'ni - ,c t:: m Irl { i,. V l tr . l - IIl, v.- ?? ?? it ?? ~;i~itil S.. :Jh (it7-:P-N ( wi:V-!C r 0tc ?? i *Sj- rS i. 3 i ist I ?? ?? . i, - ! : Lt ili'' ?? ' ?? ?? !. k - xt ,- o ;iLi;. 'i ?? . ...


... SHERIFF CRI1ZINAL COURT. On Tu'esdary a Crirniinel Court Was heid It Ore, by Axorteit'it Muel Its RA, Esg. of MoIrsteyshall, Shserill of Aberdeenshirtte. The first ?? I)TOLgtst to the bar was Ivelis Glhtsrf ?? or theft[ aggravated by breaking Oites litck'fssst pliaces. '1he Pastel pieaded Not Guilty, A jury was then inslscoellssd. cud Witnesses were called to prove the chaurge. it atppearted ...