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... THE RHYME OF T1F D1ROWNED CHILDE. Froml tihe Enquirer. TTwas ane childe sat latfin on ane banke, Eke ase merrie childe was hee; M ?? the daffodils and willows dlnk, ' Thit growe by theriver.Dee. I-tI plaeed'ane foot in the crystall Wave, - And anothir oswthe lea; For. le longed hi6 snowy limbs to lave Iin the vaters of the Il)ee. Ah t heedless childe-lhis desperate skrene, As ane in jeopardie, ...


... PARTY POrl'lly. I1h' TMfr RIINAIIKADI CIRCUMSTA,'NCES -AITEND- INOe TIIF QUeEF N. JWIhen GCifhrd coni m-nced his attack on the C)ueen, Loud ra rled the thunider, red liglst'nllgs verr setnt Whne Copffy *uurntesl ti all he proved bgld been done, ?? I'war alwost -a ruteal eclipse of tbe r ilu; t1: the svio2le of the case we may clearly remark, Accusatiun in thunder, and proof itl the dark ! ...


... TT4rP . O;Nr. V F' \ATOR. Fr.o 05 Ad~oic, t, foli; tt Letter ipi PUs.n. And nowe, with no deiignt to quiz, co! I'll tel-l y:an What this husines' is. cm.i 'fibis route, inglorious toil and ?? Thiat weari tlhe body, not the brain.- li M ichi state in many ca~ei,-itere WI) Much Wes is meant than roerti the ear, i Jistt listen, and you'll find a knack 'tis c oomatered by a little Tlo ...


... H-IIGHILANcD SOCIETY'S SHOW AT DUMNFRIES. r- , _ I - -I I ?? - - ?? - - - - - - o +h.o - -4n The first meeting of the local committeeappointed at the county meeting on 30th April last, and by the Highland Societv, for regulnting the details connected with the AgricultIral AMecting at Diniftries in October next, was hiel at Dunfries on the l1th inst., andwvasniinmerouslyattended ?? proprietors. ...


... CANADITAN SKETCHES. (From S~ir Francis fhead's 1En-riqrani.) IMajE T HE1! S A S oys. N'orf Tin the sumnrner. the excessive heat-the violent paroxsrens of fl Xed thunidir-the parching droughlt-the occasional deluges of rain- L aj e The sight of bright red, bright blue, and ether gaudy plumaged agair birds-nt theO brilliranrt humiming-bird, and of inunmerabledire-flres some tiliac -at ?? ...


... TE FfNV -ARtg. L A. - , 1, - . A . - _ .- - A . I j I We lidve 'o dan tteali ?? attention of oir readers te a larger W l numnber- of first-ratta works of art titan usual. It is cot very w frequenl tihat we have to speak, in one' paper of two pietures 7 E6 by Lnndseer-o. e 1t4 Mr. Fa.3stlue, andt one by Coant Dtrsav. to Is Such, howerer, is our good fortune tiis mowrning. 'ETie two first ...


... TRANSLAiTiON OF SOG. G WSTC bel . ,Hark ye, neighbours and hearmetel leon row strikes on the beD fry hell Ten are the holy to manimdeats giaaa Tasishsal below fre m G ias is l 5eienss GSo'd w vill w satch, aed ad w ~aril t guard t yr, . ark ye, neighbours l and hear me tel 1* Et.RZr saesrnds on she ?? hell; glneses - ,Apostle s foty-r Ia i 'd : .Taaaght the gosrpel to mnaakind. , arh ~; ...

management of civil society, is to affirm that the institutions of man are more elevated in their character ..

... institutions of the Messiahthat the interests of time are more important than the interests of eternity, a position which no Christian minister dare assume—a doctrine that no man who believes in the immortality of the soul will admit. Come forward, then, revered sirs, and unite with us in the labour of universal love; and may our Heavenly Father, to whom we are all responsible, direct and ...


... MIE kRNS CATTLE SHOW. On Friday the annual Cattle Show of the Mlearns Agricultural Society, took plance at MIearns, when a large and excel~cltt stock of cattle Ns erc exhibited for competition. The jildges wiere, Messrs. George Paton, Bankhead; James Strang, Bonnington, En-l-esharni; Alexanider Rerr, Dunlop. The jUdges, after agreat deal of discrimination, awarded the prizes as follows:- ]. ...


... TntE -TATUrr frl.On. Stanasizi, sarlposed to be rikeetd bq an FEnd.'. Once miore, tah !tulrn, nd totich the lyre,0 ity AndI wake that wild impassion'd stra in; it- I feltedelirating'hirie eeyv 1iq, Yes! evcr y swell, arid every word, ?? ?? a ilympattleuic chord, C. Anid conjures Otip with viewless' wand,( MY early days, roy native landI ir Tis sweet, unutterably sweect, Upna tar andi foreign ...