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... EAST KILBIlDE CATTLE SHOW. This show took- place onl iridav its Milth, on sthe usnil shiowi grmlitit, inl cite' inns diuts viclioiity of the vii 'ace of East Kivtihice. ?? siC: titer ias so ch, that Ii'sI clyrothes Nier's wiit req iii red toI ti pr' teet rteli sleek skii tied cmiipetijug animlus ; foc t le heust iv aso cc great thajt, befoire being bro iht irin) thieir stalls, the cattle were ...


... AMATEUR PERFORMANCES AT ST. JAMES'S THE ATRE. ua' There was an imimense house, and hundreds of disappointed nav who could not get tickhets at this theatre, on Saturday, to witness ~ th~e repetition of Ben Johnson's Every Alan in h'is Humnour, by the gentlemen amateurs who performedl the same play a short tim Sinc atmiss Kelly's Theatre. ThelPeformances werefo W the benefit of. a nes ...


... ENuG.LSH 'rIE'T.U',CA1.S IN PAIIS 11 r . 1- Io K -)i -miayi last zh.- I>icli-h c aipiti ftcmy lat p i. hi ariitlat ite ?? i Dpi)r::. in Paris, arit~ ive aire glal ti) that, ti itw i ,II aI- it he- .Iitiidiitcr titro lwitt opi a 1 Mr.A \'i1l I -I titt It Ii i L~ - rt1 ;niz' t i at roi.! -I L ie 'it xi ci 1 hit. ftcneve' ilr l Nop-. wi' iinjriL-riii3'ii. ,i) ltrilliaini act ?? ot fmir ?? ~IVT ...


... LIT E R A TURE. C. BELUIG THE RTHE leE[SWTZLAln, AND HOLLAND: AN AUTUrTNsL Tour. Ir 2 vols., 8vo. J. S. BcC!1[;Tff. London : Peter Jackson. Angel Street, St. Martin's-le-Grand. Isa work which takes for its subject the above European States, which are now not much farther removed from London, if we take into consideration the time necessary to reach their confines, in these days of railway ...

A VISION. , - - ?? ,

... The rollowing verses (in iriitation of Colerilge) though replete' eith'i nalhd are6; ate of 6ipfritdlittour; and happily the maice is die'e'cted ilair1st th charifctr of .one Who m ay, with piserfect c6mpla etcyt :allo* his eouintry- .men to enjoy all the fun of' the squib, which can never, in .the slightest-degree, diminishi their affection for and admir- -ation of him:- Up ?? said the ...


... .- 3 - Dill CAT'TLt'iiO . .. . . . .- - -_ . 5 * .. ' n Cornpetitionls fot ?? givell bV tile * - ?? tt' Scotland, and the, $trai }iEndrick .: tu ral Club, in order to encourag4% tlp. breecl otf 1cra Hiorses,, Mitch Cows, and ;'hueep. toolk place a-t i.ry- a14 o)n l'uesdlay the A current. NotVwithstandling the rotirait' stltte orf the vaewher, the1 showv Was attnmledt R .:ir rc ,semla~e Oi'ut ...


... LITEr AT UR E. CT 501&5 OF SCOTLAh1ND. Gtasgow: William ?? Fentield Street. , ex(nthly publication of this work; 'we noticed ,A E; ,,j, £Rt -N 5 ;O ;ow, that it has reached its close, l01, volume in ?? sized music-folio, we find no ,!4r .rdilon of its merits. Tn it will he found a rich se t e-t f our national songs, and in such a type as l ' lie to find their favcurite melodies printed in. 0i ...


... XTIVYLAPT VIOTTC:99. . -- - I . - .1 ?? LITERARY NUX-L&l'VJ C The War in KafLirload._Considerablo interest bag been wt- cited by the puliication of as work entitled, Five Years in Kaffirland.- The uithor is AMrg Ward (the daughter of the late Col. Tidy, 24th regiment). who, it appears, coorageously determined to accompany her husband, Capt Ward, on hlis beiiig ordered to join his regiment in ...


... ?? A - _ _ I L _ . . As wse do not intend that every individual work of art in the ronms should pass under review, we will i1 whatremarks we have to make, be guided by no rule either nuinerical nor alpha- beticatl in the selecntion. barrather, like casual louingers, passfrom one side of the exhibition to another, accordinig as fancyorcaprice may suggest. The tirst eotice, therefore, %will be ...


... LOCIKERBY LAMB FAIR. id(17rorn the Secondl Edition of tlie Durmfries Courier.r *lldin 4ti Y ts, lS49.-I .eft for the mo st tititarian hili in An- Iin nanidale at 8 A .M. Qrl Tuesday, and reached the scene of action by 10 o'clock. In ascending mnet a lot of lambs descending the steep, 20 imagined that it was the first that liad changed hands, and made r nan particular inquiry as to 10 scores of ...

LALLA [ill]

... 'l'i !'.2ls:tx l ?? zr' e ?? mllr i ?? pqthi!itc I'iiLin.-- I~ * I WI '1½; t ' ?? ?? t; .:NQ.StL i:ial filthi iti~l tLL CO:L! ~he lix'. T!,gs :a- 1r - .;in Owf I! brl, I ,, i' lL ?? I:TiLs.Lc:uL's art, ?? ird -x ollt its itzx ly x ixt ' S 'CO Ihill)Li hez int'?) l e:t bLrL:EtLint, :i i ?? il, aix 4x Im c, 't ?? rri Yl. 'il. , :ti l( lip,; ILSfl lown' L, sl . - . ^u1 ?? 1 'lv th c (LA - St:- ...


... Oa Sasrf,5y, tbe 25tb of Yanuary, sill be puloU~eds, ?? 1. (to be completed in Eight Weekly Numbers, ' Price 2s. 6d. each) of THE ANNUAL REVIEW, and Hiflory of 1 Literature for i8o5. A. AMlIN, EDITOr. Content' of the firft chapter, the greateft part of which will be coosprifed in the firlt numbel Bruce's 'Trtavels, Dr Griflithsos Travels, Lindley's Voyage to Tlrafil, Colledlion of Coternporany ...