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... I S U 'These Sessiont commnecd on ''ITbrsdii5, (ie 2 1s instant and teroinjated on lrid&iv I'laiton Corbett, Esq. presidol, supported by tle E;irl of I'i is, Sir Jihn Edwaids, Sir G. T1. jlolc, AIlartill N\'iltialls, Esq. Rf. iM. lorinrr Ihuice, Esq. and a very full bench of Alag-i1tales. I'be following c-oes oele drilpoed of. Johin lPryce, a native of Ile4uiildv, ?? found noilty ofsienaing ...

Law Intelligence

... a.W Efltellint*Ve. e ALTERATION IN THE LAW o*I ATTAINDErD-By n e the 10th section of the law passed last Session, re e ?? to the Inheritauce of Real Prbperty, it is e declared, that after the death ol'apersonlAttainted, tl e his descendants may inherit notwithstanding his P ms attainder, unless his land shall have been escheated Sl e in conssequence of such attainder before 1,t of SI k January ...


... - , I - - . . n WVillinl Burke, aged 61, a professed schoolmastcr, was charged with robbing his Irish countryman, D'iniel Blarrigan, of a quantity of fur skins. 'li'e caso excited roars of laughter, all parties, ?? otbo Counsel fr the prisoner, being of' the Emerldd t Daniel Harrigan, the prosecutor, told a plain s-or., - that he was a dealer in fur-skins, living in St. it- _ trick's-alley ...

Flintshire Quarter Sessions

... o Tlhese Sessions commenced ?? last, beforc the Ioin. Lloyd Kcnyoll, Chairman, aiid thc following l magistrates -Lord Kenyon, C. J. e W1rD D Dundlas, 6. B. T. Roper, F. C. Phillips, 1 Esqeuircs, aid the Rev. C. n3. Clough. le 17illinao Coiplftand against Joseph Daciv Roberts, fur assaulting a policeilian in the execution of his c duty. D This case excited considerable interest, par- Le ...


... CARNARVONSIIIRE. S Mr. AhtnSmthaaridathis. new Irc-, ' Vsidence, Plas Nowydd-the ancient seat of the v~ Anglosdv fiimily;-'' ' ~by: The Ifishdp.~f Wanger, Sir Richard Bulkoley, pra MmBat, M.P§P.Pee~s Williams, Esq., M2P. and Gri W. B3. llu~glic, Esq., MLP. are expccted to reach eha r their respective seats shortly.Pr A CAINAnivo- BAR.-At the Quarterly meeting fje of ?? Carnarvon H~arbouir, ...


... Al ERIONE'VlIlSB-1I1L QUAITER SESSIONS. Tlhese sessiotrs were held at Bala on the 7th inslant, belore Edward Lloyd, Esq.Clrairman; Samuel E.vane, John Jones, (lIyddynlian,) George Price Lloyd, Geurge Casson, and Edward WN illiamF, Esquires, and the Reverends Roberl Townsend Passinlham, and Morgan 1lughes. Ihe Chairman in his address to the Grand Jury, observed that there was only one case in ...


... TWESALT-Iff ILL URMER. -- I TRIAJL OF JOHIN TAAVELL. Atthe Aylesbury assi',&,es, ont W'ediisdriy,111 Ta'rweli. agedl atI riscrchrInt, was placed at the bar charge~d W it thU e wilfu Lii nnrder uf Sarahri Hart, aoit 1arialiiuon Pal, onl the !St day of Januanry W hist, by EIiiIiIaistcri7ng to hcr at large quantity, to ANit, two El aehisas, Of a deadly poison called proUS- sic ridd. 'T'he ...


... CARDIGANr ASSIZES. -I : of At these Assizes T/rinas Carrewe Phielh)s was Convicted of robbing Oliver Lloyd, Esq., solicitor, urt of £938, oni the 16th of Februarv, 1839-The ter prisoner wits a calbiket-niraker, carryinig on his 'vl- business in the village of' St. Dogamcils, anid the charge against hini. was that, oil tile 1 5t of Pc- bruarv, 1839, he stole certain moncys, the proper- tl ty of ...


... . UVICE-CHANCELLO.R'S COU[T-Nov. fa. :T-: , i, -lJ2ti'*5 -1vw -Ysv -. ?? gr I ']fbir Sir J. K1 Brucei The Shrewsbury and Ches. not nter Railway Comnpany v. the, Chester spit Holyhead. QnIc a 'Railwayt Company;, tfe Birlcenhead; imicashire, and to Cheshire Junction lila,ilay, Cnipurpay, and, the London 4 Nortit westerno Railhay tomp~any.'!' btr. 'lalins I : -rM Giftifsrd iappeared In uzpport ...


... (20U1), . jilt I~n derly gC'Iiiula'nai, siolttnnc-d Ml1 LsIfiI fofd01th Ic lot e ;Ii I ~I~o II I ?? I re for :i Sovereil''i ci i. e ilt ti1 viie it IC ald nto titi unite vi illi-ti', andI~J W to ti i ?? ttctni Iii'al*i. auik', V C alkd 1 illo ithi Iii.'tuIith'iiei five solerivgir'rt Fot' fear tof atuvidcii , I titj t wa 1l~ked atety wilth tue onotey, and itJ it~'~I of Home I put tile itoacy ...


... CAltMARTIIEN'SllRE ASSIZES. CARt HENlrtIoc, March 23. 33.:UGLArY.-JoltiI Jones, Evan Davies, Jobhi Da- vics, Johil 'libonas, i avid Evans, Thomas Tilornmi, and anotilier Jolin i lionuts, ?? charged with hav- ing ?? broken and entered the dwelling- ?? o Ui it Dtidl -lalris, at Potttybeulissar, ill ?? parish ofl ltlahitliaigcl-laartlih, on the 12th of A ugust list, and futither wri LIi having ...


... MIONTGONIERYSIIl1B SESSIONS. gC These sessions were hold on Thursday lest, be- - Icfore the f6llowing Magistrates: IY ight lion. C. ?? W. Wynn, (Chairman) Sir IdJ..Edwards, Bait, Sir C . T, Jonesq, ?? Corbett4 r 21h Esq. Rev. G. A. Evors, Rev. D., G. ML yttonl,. J. [i- Williams, Esq. J. Owen, Esq. (Broadway) P.t M~lorris, Esq. W. Morris, 1Esq,. I). Pugh, Esq. it. -)Ie. 13. Maurice, Esq. J. 1). ...