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Law Intelligence

... ¶LUaW Eittellifellre. BAIL COURT A LOST JUaoR.-PIGOTT v. LONG; This was a question of remuneration respecting a disputed agency. the Jury having retired to consider their verdict, %were, on their return to Court, called over by the Registrar, when eleven only answered to their names. Inquiries were theu made for the twelfth gentleman (supposed to be Mar. George Drake Saiwell,) but he was nsos ...


... COUNTY COURT COLLOQUiES, 'The ?? colloquy, wthich took place in tile body of, the, Middlesex County Court, ott T'hursdayv is g=ivnword for word, as it occurred, and it aflorl's tninstru tiv sample of that petty and paltry hostili. ty which but t00 often exists armong those lwortlico wh-]o seemi to hatve no other enjoyment than than that of, a perpetual grumtble, notI eat happiness beyond that ...


... At the Tower Hlamlet'a Court of Requests, a Jew dealer in second-land wearing apparel, namned Moses Soilomons, residing in Rag-fair, summoned the defendant, ?? Grumps, u pug-nosed tinker, forbs. the balance alleged to be duo to him tor a coat lie lied supplied tle latter witb. It appeared that the meari- ber ot tho e peoplish bed some knowledge of the tin. Iher, ,nd, on the strength ot that, ...


... ' ?? LATVE ATlEMPITI) MURDEItAT LUD- T LO) X.-COMMI1TTAI1\ , OFAMISTlERS, I Ludlsow, Wednersedray Evening. f fliris ornarring iMisters. eirusged with arremptirrg liele r'lile of Mir. Ilacrelh, was brought up (or -final exafmila- Ci lin in tie large room at the Aegel Ian. Trhe presid- d 9 14Magistrates were tire Mal coJ. iluteltins, Esq. (1 I 0( W.d k I farding, Esq. 'Ihle exanrrriliion was ...


... DENBIGHSHIRE QUARITER. SESSIONS. I The Sessions wvere held in the Town Hall, Den- bi-gh, on the t)th inst, before the Chairman, Johni Hucaton, Esq., and thc following mawgistrates:- Gcorge Naylor, Plas-vn-groel, Esq.; John Price, .Llanrhitiadr Hall, Esq.; John Jocelyn Foulkes, Eriviat, Esq.; ?? NN. Wynnel Garthowin, Esq. itev, Edward Owven, i'aelilwyd Ryev. J. 'oullkes Roberts, Llandd wylas J ...


... ?? iOltO uca2I C mU PJ a u VO ore ~acat tie last of anoruer 1111M, - \vth Vicar of I,1101i5bliig to ('~ial ~I~e the oliCt, mad il a e, o ,.ljirpilltl) ~iqt l ' L itlostulupqr- T 'rl ?? doi stl gl),am st uzes t ; 1t,)al' c~ b;e 0)rgart S and(£ o)thegr.suitc)s ild 05' jiltetil~v1; Gul llell Ijn 'ioldtlyast, lto hear Ill 1l ltie ?? a|llijicitti>ii to thlc~cv. ilali ill ?? ttl uier aider was made ...


... be NOTTINGi7IAX.-IMANSL1UGEIT7R.-Monday, John en Smuithi, aged 63, was indicted for feloniously killing -it Maria Smith, on tile 14th of February last, in the lie parish of St. Mar,, Nottinghaim.-'The prisoner, it f appeared, was uncle of the deceased, a child only ?? three and a half years old, aud had always been ig kindl to her and the, other children of his brother, rts in v, hose house he ...

Law Intelligence

... ?? - Uaw 111telliffellre. IMPORTANT DEcISInN RELATIvE TO SENyS'F WAGES.-Thlurseday week tile case bhow n the I seamen and tle ship owners of the Fynze was de. i cided by the magistrates of Soutih Shields. l heC h seamen, who had refused to sail untder £5. ner F voyage, when tile general snderstandi0g had been t £4. and had been superseded by other men, de. mianded their days' pay since their ...

Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... Anglesey Qua~rter Sessions. se Te ?? of the P'eneo for the bA) id County of Ainglesey, were held[ at the. Shire Hall, oil In B~eaumaris, on 1:'Tuesday last, before Joita W~illiamso, II, n- lSqt. (chairmnan,) WV. Saparrow', Esq. John Price, Esq. hit in V. IBulkeley WHighs, ?? the Alev. Alr. 'thlonmas, &c. Ct .t- 'A'llo Chairman .addressed the grand jurl,' at consi- the I derab Ic length in ...

Anglesey Assizes

... On Saturdey afternoion, Sir John Willietns, Knt., mid going Judge ot Assizeltwes escorted into Beau. nuiris by thle H-igh Slieriff, Genertil Sir- Love Parry tie Under Sheriff, end usuel neccrnpcoiment ofjerei- lin-noen, end proceeding direct to the County Hell, opened thle col-ifissliork end itniedinteil' edjouriaea thle Court to Mondey morning. MON~DAY. Thle Court sat et 9 o'clock this ...

[ill] Quarter Sessions

... 'gcnbighLirc Quarter 5csslome. l3.e'rilix T fu 11511W-, 211th lonec.---i loilet Soli Ileatoen, ESqI., (h3irii'clln-johlil Pr'iice Itid 'I'lios. 1) wn ?? ?? rc I ~b i owVI'11e, Ii evils.. I)r, (1Owel, 1el rd veii, Ele l'eiu'tidi; TI'hci- ;~intl 'all, l ; isi Roheits,] ?? b 'jlL's, ?? ?? 1 ltuflhe, Hi . tildv'11to, &c. &e1. 'Ih1et ii'io:iil11:1 hoeicfv addeesedoi the fnl red Jury , stain that ...


... CENTRlAL CRIMINAL COURT. POSTPONEMENT OF TIlIE TRIAL OF ?? ABS3ASSIN OF Til3 LATE MR11. lRU.tLOND; Lrd Abileclr ntain Mr. Justice tule took their e9cilts oil thc Ilelull title mornini t lhartly after tell o'clock, lpoII Which - TThe prisolcer, Danliel 3M'N alghtrt wai IS ohtlll in imi ?? titt the bar, for the lmp'rr'e' of' 1wing tiolte, bitt le inottlel;nt ed lce sehtpouset ti l -el U tutu ...