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Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... ==ee ?? ?? Quarter Sessions. e The Michaelmns Quartcr Scssions, for the t County of Anglesey, wvere held at licaillaris, in N I the County Hall, on the morning of Tucesday last, a 0 before William Bulkeley Hughes, Esq., Ml.P., t Chairman; the Right lIon. Lord Vivian, the lion. r T. 0. Stanley, M.P., Sir RIB. WV. Bullecley, 1 Bart., MI.P., Colonci James Hughes, theltev. I J. W. Trevor, the Rev. ...


... MURDER AT LLANRWMVST,. f About two months ago, a middle ared widow- s woman, named Mariaret Davies, ostensibly act- a ing. as housekeeperi to one E vaen Jones, a husband- ry labourer, holding a petty tenemelnt on the mountain, MIoel Trefriew, within a mile of Capel Giarmon, in this parish, was suddenly missed and .r various conjectures were formed as to the causc o of her absence; all, however ...


... THE BURDENS ON LANLD. out A committee having beenappointedby thehouse thte) of lords in the carly part of the present session law to inquire into, and upon, the peculiar burdens, higi If ally, whlich land has to bear, two reports have tioni boon prepared, on~e actual~ly adupted and present- stat, el to the house of lords oni Tuesday Iast, the are othev re~jected upon at division by a majority ...

Carnarnon Quarter Sessions

... , Parnarnon Quarter Sessions. i §I l i as -1 s|.- . X O Thursday last the Easter General Session of the Y .'iaeae+or the county of Carnarion, was hulden in the .: coiurpt-~U , :Carnarvon, before Col. Sir L. P. Jones D a- ?? iy Phi 0. H. ?? chairman, Lord Ne *orough, R twar NaniaeyI, R. Gatnons, ]sq.. F. Walker Jones, in 1sq Rev. Jon Kyflin, Rev. Griffith Owen, and the I Jnve loho Jones. I- Iho ...


... COURX OF KING'S BENCH-MONDAY. ITBlE AIPPLEBY HALL AFFASIR.rl The K~ing v. the Proprieorsts of the Satirist News. se ic Paper.-'lle Attorney General was instructedto move, M Ison tie part of George Moore, Esq., a gentleman resid- pr id ing in Leicestershire, f~or a rule to show cause why a l to criminal information should not bc filed against the lis proprietors of the Satirs'it, nswspaper, ...


... jOURT OF COM-MON PLEAS-TfJuRSn. f ..c'ore Ld. Chief Justi ce TiIdal id a Speciail J olry.] CRI.N CON. I'nAZHR V. BACttSrv. This case. wichl occupied thlc Court four rays, vas bro)uglit against Mir. BaglByan for cii. Con. i thl plaiti- tiflls wife!, Hoth plaintiff atid Idreridano t belong to tho legal professioni; and liad beau upo i tetemis of thle most intimate friendship. ?? wvasr ?? to ...


... T RIL AND CON\ICTION OF WILSON I I TAE AMURDI E[Ull. y It had hot'n preivi'tlialy deteriniied that til trial. Iof Joith (4Iitsoll Vt ileim, for. ?? murder C aS ~in L evatiii-st riet, -I iv'tilOrl, sh oul d ciommerf ode Oil Y'I Rdtiiay irtittiiti, av~tewitst were di~lriiiased ?? Olt dat, Clit,. the otti wr crlinimii~ ts 5 en I~lkely t'i be. iiifil'*i uijbrr fi ] IaitL'I rinitjiq - p1 C(i i ...


... STANFIE.Lb VIALA MtRDEits Noitwicil, Tunsn&y. Y Yseteday aftenoon the condemned convipi, Rusi,.- 'i'siithd by thie thole ?? h is family of' liitie clildiren. Tliey''r'rie at thle Calstle between-2. and 3'r0clock; and 'were actnrnriicd pby Mr. ?? tRash, 'f Wy'nonolham, brother of thie oiviet, and Mr. Somes, the brother of the late Mrs Ruah. The Governior ?? the cell in which the convict lies. ...


... W!EAT I ITA. Ol OF s 11 I, SA s FO aR T lIT II.. nII E cit F I(ISN NAII DlAV III.. Thle Attoicne' Gencral opelcld tiC eQsC ill an a;ll ai:id ?? lli lii to e jyilr il IN lii h lie ga aI pe lisplielionis (lt- tit of tII. cvi uni cv. whiclie wouII( ald d aill c ill sl'pport of' tle eall,, for tht lrstcnti,,,i, Tlw 11irs ?? ess called 5 ii ' A ! II I .I, hIII Ifif- r I f 1a' hi To odI I ijv- ...

Spring Assizes, 1846

... Spring Assizes, 1S46. NORTH WALES CIRCUIT. MIONTGOMtEitYS11I1aL. Tho Assizes of Welshpool commenced on Sa- turday, the 7thinst. * On Sunday, the learned judge, Sir John Wil- liame, went to church accompanied by the High Sheriff, John Foulkes, Esq., and the usual re- tinue. The Court was opened on Monday morning, at half-past 10, and the following gentlemen were sworn oln the grand inquest:- ...


... ALARMING AND; DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. Just as we were going to press last night, word reached the fire police station that the sugar- warehouse and premises of Messrs. Parry and Lightfoot, Ellenborough-street, woreon fire. Mr. Hewitt, immediately despatched several engines, water-carts, and a large number of the fire-bri- gade. By the time they had reached the scene of destruction, which was about ...

Law Report

... new airport. Tae NtEw JunnE-Tite resignation of Sir J. llrrinugh; as one of the Juilges of the Pleas, it is said took place on rluesday week. Scrgeaot Bos- anquet and Mr. Taunton are namied as candidates for the vatant seat. CAUTION TO INFORMiERS.-RerC. V Pa)sley nold Anlst/Cr.-At the Midhilesex Session, on Friday, Hinry Parsley, andl Henry William Parsley, wee; il dicted fi;r conispiracy. Tli ...