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... His ?? commission for holding the Lein s Great Session, for the county of Anglescy, Wva read on iion1day evening last at the lod imgs o I the iliti. Jonat tan Rainle, the chief justice, and 1 the I-o0. Win.l(einriclk, his coadjutor.. On Tues- a day moriing their (lIrdships attelded divine ser- vice, and then entered upon the usual prclinii- navies to the swearing the grand inquest at the e ...


... iV EIII'(Jof, AnsS1ZEl3 A.IE'1 ?? .R :SI ttI X . - . ?? 1 ?? ?? ?? 1'ittn~i~y, Ac rur 2ti, i oivnu fMii. Jusucli T~ie Liru' lbi iipr , t sty V. 7Vi/liutjjjs amd antul/ier ?? r. tiowles, Mir. ('roiriptoi andl Mr. UCowlinjg llpl ?? liV( Vi t he I)I pllt tI fl'S, 111Ll 1MV. Wattson, Mr. ?? *\li 1'rti~hailik fir the u llieldtlit~s ily t.1 a i i II~ hva bigh~l t I, ?? the clinontit i~illl il ri' a ...

Carnarvonshire Quarter Sessions

... carnarvonshire Quarter Sessions. The Michaelmltts Quarter Sessions for the count y of Ciarlnarvon comuimenced at the Shirdiall, on the morning of Thursday last, belbre (Gencral Sir Love l'arry, Chairniub, anid the foll ving inegis- trates of the county :-The Right Hon. Lord Newboroughl, the Hlol. Coloiel DOuuglas PIennant, Al P., Wjilliam Bulkeley Hughes, Esq. A.P., JohnRow laids, Esqc, John ...


... MYSTERIOUS OCCURRENCE XA BROxy- LEY, KENT. tile 3Cfl The quiet village of Bromleby has been the scene of IN ht adoetic tragedy during the last few days, the par- And ticulars of which, though still in some degree enve- 'ith loped in mystery, have caused the greatest excite- menii in thle western division of the county of Kent. ?? respectability of the unfortunate deceased, and ~ siethe ...


... I AlLEA?;ED MRllxl)Elt ON 'ITHE 1HIGHI SEAS. I In the early part ot \Wednesdala Ist, touch sen- sattoll was crea t ed in Liverpool, H. nl e cspecially iun ligst ?? shipping interest and ?? seaalril ag population, ?? ?? of' it report tbat tile ?? Benittt, nil Americani ship of 4 83 tons burdlien, which sailed tlcitec for GLharlvston oin the &tl instant, with a; general cargo, had rounded the ...


... COURT ERlIQUETTE. ted No people ara more at a lows how to conduct them- n)- solve in the presence of lovaltythan thoea who have never been presented to the Sovereign, and who ral happen to be throught into accidental intercourse rlae with royal personages whel the hitter visit exhibi- dly tions, maniuftietories, public dinners, &c. Having Ve heard of some loose details of court ceremonials, ...


... or TT I. ?? MA N N I N G S. CIMIT'AL C~oulT,-(TRURSDAy.) This bog thelay appointed fo)r the trial of Mart Thn oid cing thfe for thle ?? ol Patrick ?? Connor,, tbcl( ecrxtor of thel court wats dwisely tlironitt by, crowds. olpecrsons, acid preseated aI scene of OXCitL-. Inent an.. bustle whbich unimistakably jindicaited that sone~thint; of absorbing initerest, and of More thata ordinaury in por ...


... FLINTS HIRE. MOLD, OCT. 21. Before Lord Viscount Dungannon, chairman, and the following justices :-Sir S. R. Glynne, Bart., C. B. T. Roper, E. Pemberton, P. C. Philips, C.. J. W. D. Dundas, Thomas Hughes, Peter Parry, Esqrs., Captain Thomas, and the Rev. Rowland Williams. The Grand Jury having been impannelled, the chairman briefly addressed the Grand Jury, to the effect that the Cases which ...


... ?? QUARTER SESSIONS. Thc ?vIiciaelmas Q tarter Sessions for the (oun ty were held at the1o'wn hall, in Oolgelley, *,n Fridav, the 231d hinsl, Oin thc hench were Ed ward ,lovd, ((hairmini) RI. IV. Price, V. NV. Wv Wynn, ir. Revelcy, U. Casson, and M. T. -2'Ligh. Es~nite~ . The professional gentlemen present vereoMessrs. . Owk'n, ndier)-sheriff, \V. Urilfith, John Jones, , J. Williamnv,, D. ...


... l)fN:.IGIISLliRUE i)SSIZES. f (Tri Cntvinuccliot.) d IP'eleC Didelm , 33i:I, wai founid guilty of airson, na d !sentenced to it) ycars' transportation. FlOIDAY. . Th busincss commenciced this inornicig at niine o'clock. e S'l .El~~CtX clrNcc. ?? II iliFcas, 3 2, Uas ind]icted for cutting ai(d *; ciccclcoing John i taies. tit W\ rex hcii, on the 2-1th of (Ottolbcr list.- lr. Wyinne nplicareld ...

Spirit of the Public Journals

... .,orhig, Usimes, ILS410. NIJIIT1f WALIES CIRIC UIT'. do asitdd i~ ro lianf'il/d A'toll/1I Fde s Ub run iacl If i/d 171h ins/out.) 3111u!J RIWWo/s, age~d 35, Illettded Not Gldi/y to teili idnle pnaituors, cit thle 27th of l'a'hinldrl', a! thle parish of DJ0iiu, the propertty Of \\illiaits Ma. JoreS Ptarry stalted thle case for thc prose- ?? ?? an calt Zlled. An~ine, liatku, the wvife of tile ...


... PMLLELI PETTY SESSIONS.-WIEDYESWY. .I. I . -_ ; (I Mgaistrates prcsent,-R. LI. IRdwards, and 0. J. E. in d iNantcly, Esq. thle Revs R. Jo;es, ?? P. . Pdrry , mI e J. Owen , and T. Williams Ellis, Clerko. w o*'fh poors' rate assessments of th e- several parishes in e f Nefyn nnd Llanbedrog were severally allowed; like It ise the highwvay rate assessments of fh6 iaeveral parishes t a of Bodvean ...