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... C - IMONDAY. The Grosvenor Stakes of' 13 s60s. each, with 20 . sos. added by the Stand Conitmittee, vere wvon by Lord Derby'sF;ilcoubridge, beatinig SirT. Stanley's Carraetacus, and two odthers. A Produce Sweepstakes, of 60 sovs. each, h ft I was vvou by Dlr. R. Turner's b c by Figaro, beating 4 Sir T. Stanilev's b f by Pottery, and three others, I A Mutch or 100 sOVS. each, h ft one mile, was ...


... 'T'HE LIVERPOOL REGATTA: , I - - - , ., . .- . . m This Regatta, toek place ou the river Mersdy on Friday last, and frum its behig the first spectacle of tile kiind which has taken place there, it excited great interest. '[he consequence was, that about noolo the whole population of the town began to pour forth in thousands by every passage to the river side, and the, numerous steamers and ...


... E O PA.\ RK'v IA i' \ l At ?? ]Vilv, ol I~rd Wisll.niuse's obl'to ily on Ilo'A ?? PAI SFAKEii IJ.l/iivsi .) vi' ill I~E ( ?? cvL iRvS(ihV) r) ?? on Snuy- devit i vII d I Li I :? h -t I tie Iou nv tile 1)0 Nc XST 1 ii b I CO 1 ._10 to 'Svvt Puafl Unibll , jd 1'V2i to -vii-gs A t-iktiil (alitivev frmi'lv). ?? ?? ig i ist (d Oii uivrsei--rrived' :-.-Lordi i.-ii-i, ii ?? ?? T~(1jI - ' sI I I - V ...


... *nt MONDAY, SEIT'. 14. 'I'ho 1itzwilliain Stakes were won by Mr. Orde's tie I3oes.viiig (Cartwrright,) beatilig b c by 'I'ruinpeter.- j. ?? eushiy. *If, 'T'le ChallipoigneStakes cere von by Alr. Powlolt's lKedge(llollines),betingl',eSqoirel, l3ulgrade, Moon- bearm, Sstirist, Sirnoo, and Assagai. Won cleverly c by a lenrtig and a hblf. rdj A Hanisdicap was won by Mr. Clarke's Benjamin ink ...

Sporting Intelligence

... Tnfoilzgnmve? A lairge field1, i ichoiniig the I ii of' Rliaslys, several Of tile ol er dlie ic' iof, t eer~il stt ?? at ?? and ?? o ld ;I tisderable ?? (if'the ?? eiirv aid N'eOiiieii, Lii thle ?? of' u pwards, m 160, were iat a inect The ?? ed stag, J inii I.row,; whih i. fforded. So~ni exeelleiit riiis dluring last season, uponl bei ig, uiiertcd iieair itch hrd , Nceiit away towvards the ...


... ,. TuEISDAY. 'l'he Grosvenor Stakes or 5 saovs enoh, lO ft, wvithl 30 added, 4 subs, was won bv Mr. It, (tenm Fltcateter, beating Sponge.-Bctting: S to 4 and e to I otl Flald- ea tehler.. The Palatine Stakes of 15 SOVs each '5 ft !vith I 0 added, was won by the Duke of ?? F ich, beating Mysticle, Cigarette, Priestess antl Cingtari- Bettil g: 5 to 4 OD Jelly Fish, 3 to I tgat Priestets, and 3 ...


... as as .t as Th two day's coursing adveitised in the local II. papers, came off on Wednesdayl and Thursday, n, with a slice of Friday, nightfall on the second v. day having prevented the game from being played 'yout. the frost on Wednesday caused a delay of ai two hours before starting; and it was high noon s, when the worthy Comptroller, Mr, R. M. Giar- Df PITHE, took the field, with a ...


... A DAY 6 SP'Oll'T IN' TIIE JUNGLE. Anorher dav Ave expected some dattcer. \ ?? Ave arrived at the grountd, which consisted of thick 1tntchies Of jonIei. with Open spaces between, Ave cot tirt of nr1n torljolts sntd took ?? glins. 'I here -e firind ia rrrirrrec of rilun looking forf traces of leer, will thersts, tilzers, oc riny other animls. A -i StiOOT 0s thy folitd tihe tranck of one, they ...


... NORTHrUm]3ERIA.ND AND DURUIANI STEEPLE CIHA SES. 0il Stcwardc.; Sir S. Life, Win. Watson, rind Chris. ed lE, Cooksoli, Esqrs. Secretary: Mr. John GrIiy. m. Iniineiisc crowdIs, in carriage, on horse, and t gi Ifoot, aittenided this aninimaating event, mid rhc le 0i, ground %its most judiciously, selected, Which is at ii- nst essential feriturc in% the ,pleasure of thoset 'is who are not ...


... it SiHOOTINO IN MULL.-A few weeks ago, Mr. C., a w well known shot in Mull, let fly at a seal, or sea dog, on a coral rock belonging to one of the Treshaish i Isles, near Staffs. The *-leaden death perfbrated e tile game's right itbr leg, which so far disabled it him but on seeing Mr. C.appronching to seisa him, n ha hopped off on three legs, and plungod into the Y abyss below. A sportsman ...


... ANTRI'EP PIGEON MATCH. I Yesterliy the neighbourihood of Lomnonld-pond. in ttie .orough, was crowddcd at an early hour, to svtress the pigeons thinvi oil in a great n.tch p frots Antwerp. On Saturday two natives of that i townh arrived in the city, having travellc(l froumi Dvver on foot, and carriecid the pigeonls, amountilng to one. buhledrd and ten, il eurimsly constructed tl baskets, made ...


... DISTRICT PI-OUGIIING MATCII!S. BIOAUNARIS, The picnirhiner Mhatch for the Beatmnaris District of n-Anglescy, Cta7e- off (1 'ruesday last, the 7th inst., ot he Plas Llandegfatn. 25 itletghs wvere strirteri; ground is- one-third of art scre eacih-time 31 hours. MI ., W. jlIughcs, flirdrefaig,, and Mr. It. Wiliarms Bcolafon, of ivl~ appinilted ju dges. rite successful candidates wvere- ...