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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... -his day is published, ACaWOODvS EXDINRURGH MAGAZINE. No. CXCIII. For April, 1830. CONTETST. I. The Prospects of Britain.-II. Satan Refornser. Bv Mont- gomery the Third.-11. British Finanices-Abandonmneit of tile Sinking Fund-Repeal ?? Taxes onl Constimption-Ths Reform Deficit.-IV. A Poet's Dving Hymn-. By Mrs HeCIDs.-Y. The q Wet Wooinh. A Narritih c of Ninetv;-eight.-VI. American Poetrv. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, Nov. 2. 1842. BinTHit-At 1iei,-neaord Terrace, on thoe 2(ih October, the fdly of I WIX. A. Etl. of fotiletfy, of'itS.I ftitI -At Mlacfie I'ltea, ott the 3lt lilt,, Mlrs It. IT. Uos, of n ?? 3, SumimeiStlreetf ol the 2;tch olt., Mrs JinlvDUNCAN, of n Liatigtier. I Iitcllit-At Lochitivor, Ituoter's River, N1S W. on 10th Milay last, AMrs J 1' Iii ' I of tI S.On IisrTit-At Iteedcoeilhe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... wzxrsDA' Agust a? ai33. BIRtH.-At Chapel Cottrr0, Elgin, on SUndaYy morning the 28th of July, the Lady of tbe llev. W. O. COLE, Of a SOI. Mdarried, at isiottrose, on the 29tb Ulti'llo, by tile Rcv. Johnl Dod9gson of St Peter's Elpiscopail Chapel, chlaplain to tile IToSt noble the Marquis of Ailsn, Itlajor ALnXANDER CAMPBEnrLL, of 1h1. M. 46thI Rlegimnent, to MllIaauL'T Guise, ellest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Published, Price Is. fi. A SERMON, ON THE STABILITY OF CHRIST'S CHURCH, Preached before the Aberdeen Society for the Children of the ClerFy, oln the 24th June, 1834* and published in terms of the Will of the Rev. ALEXANDER Seiirrn, late Minister at Keig, by whom the sum of £600 wats bequeathed to the Society. By DUNCAN MEARNS, D.D., Professor of Divinity in the Universitvanul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... xtl0 L1flT~l fvourable to. Mr. BANNERMAN'S Return. -To~ ~~ T :SEC'TTOR, .a I *o FCmucns favourable 0o Pfi,. Bi>l' iternma, whlioe Claims Jfor j .i111lent have been adi~fittpll by tiie S'eriff, but agasinst whloswDevision, Aptpealsi mayb1e taken, are requested toldgc h b?~otzees of AJppeal Servedil themlI at tile Offie of lr. Angus, 1 Advocate, 30, Adelphi C'ourt. Abedelen, 25th Srptenmber, ...


... s o EAN I. PATENT TRAVELLIN6. Tell Jo.ltl ti put tl; I~ts? Iv to I wish to take a dtrive I only meatl to Rit to ilRoni. Aiid shall be back tby tisv. 'fell coolk tu dress the Ituisitlng lfil tS I shot tol rthey ve t1ow belo hillel too day.s at dois They'll be w, pe ?? tro/, h(t. And Johl), takeyoti ?? glt tes't ;'itu And start for SpatII AL thz- ?? I wvtnt some Sevitlo oratlse. Twixt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISS 1 B OSSINI COLLINS ha' the liflor to inform tbet -LfN obiity and Oentry in Abardeoti and Its Vkiniety, thatk lir flRNFFIT CONCER r will take place On MONDAY 'Eveninlg, 3d J~uly. Being posi1 rely her las' appearance. deirve Seto 2a Cd: RckSeat3 Is.-whichi may 1)0 Priocured of RI'serve Sea'ts. 29ItniI. 6d iluso saloon ;and of )is I!4tq COLiti1S, 13U., Vnion Street. Ilenig oipen at a quarter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1M1DWI ?? On Monday thie 8th November, R. CAMPBELL and MR. JAAIIESON, SUvReoNs, M f will commence their Winter Course of Instructions to 'Women, in PRACTICAL luiDWivrERtY, and DISEASES of WOMEN' and CHILDREN. ForpaTticulars, enquire at DIr ?? No. 15, Adelphi; ori Alr ?? No. 29, Queen Street. PHILIP AND TAYLOR H AVE to intimate to their Friends, the arrival (by DUKE of WELLIN GTON Steamer from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vlj/ANTED, by an ADVOCATE in Abdrdeen, a V COPYING CLERK.-Apply to the Publisher. ISTANDARD WOiRKS, ' TO UrE HAD OF n JOHN RETTIE:, (Successor lo A. ANGUS 4- SON,) - 1;, UNION STREET. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, a neW Edition, i being the seventh, including the recent Supplement to that a-l: with preliminary Dissertations on. the History of ?? ?? SrcTIwXAlTT anld PLAYFAIJI, and by the light Hon. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P# ; u|tWOUXzZ ON2X ?HE BflLL!I#IUM r Just Published, DSD Y ALEX. G9ARDENER, PAISLEY, ; '8ld-'by-Bnowr & Co. AbArdeen; and WV. OLIPIANT) anlld G INJ. LsDsAY & Co. Edinburgh, _ ., :.*j i~i-- - (P,4A 3s 6d. tOSila,) TETTERS TO A''MINISTER OP THE GOSPEL, - On-His and Other Interpretations of -the Saviour'l 1 Predietiona On His Return. -RECORDED hIATT' XXIJI.`XXIV. XX.; Pt Contsinine a Minute ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M EMMS Iintithe Ptrs3LtO RoO'55, Oil JIIOndtSy the first days of ~ ..~.October neati.I Busimincos eit 4-Dinner nt 5 O'clock. I ]DANCING, DfICIrlN .AND GYME-WASTIC 1NSTDitCTION. * ?? FII'sTT iS, J 1t 'NIt0 ,- '(Froin the Dlundre Drrnvnll./, nei and Gysl asi1111, Thistle hail ~es~e4i100viOs, Onionse Sheet,) ASthe honour111 of imtroduciug' IIimsstlf .to tihe NObiit an 11 (utor IfAa a o its curl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I!1\ ti P WEDNESDAY, September 216, 1832. b BlRTHs.-At Newbyth, East Lothian, ol the 27th September, the Lady tl ANNE BAIRD, of a son. 2 BliRTII.-At trorss, o thie 12th ult. tie Lady of JAARS SINCO.AIR, Esq. i of a eonl. I B TIt.-At Blarlum, Caithoiess-shire, on the 12th ult. Mrs G. MACKAY, i 5 of a ost. t BlRTH.-At Montrose, on the 21st ultimo, the wife of Captain BeRTRAAM, 1 of a soil. C ...