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Aberdeen Press and Journal



Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... joinfl STRACHAN' ESPFCTFULLY intimates to his Frienls and tile Public, tLI, tht he will, on Monday 4tilM March enistlin, Re-(pen his AMORNING CLASS, for AitiTiIIETiC and MATItEaIATICS, from 7 to ii. The same Brancliesare ?? from 12 to I r.Mr. WRITING CLASSES, for Pupils of both sexes, from 8 to 9 A.MI. CLASSES, as us9ual, for Yoto a, LADIES. Yor-Ntxa GENT'tEMLEN prepaled 1for- neuiterin the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARS; ?? ;VWILSON, No. l0O,_UNIoN STREET, bogs tq-rcliulr : 'V his mostsrespeetful thankls to his friends, and the public, iho have favoured'him with - their orders since he commenced selling off-at reduced :prices, and to inform themp that be hns still :GonShaindSafeurssts of elcgant G0ld.Baticshed 0ES CuNA; Dm- ner ?? ;. nl30, a -0011 ?? of; Cnt~ sil1d Plainl GLASS, with Cmally useflil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEV7 INN, RINTORE. X TM. EWEN bees leave ITSIArtfnill to inlfoitia the Nobility or W ?? Pubhi c, thuat lie tlai enti'ra'l i'tothos M motlions Peitolsts Iin I('vot ,Iltl't occupied liv% the decceased M, h John I-itt mph it'v antd un'tst s that, hy emsduitlons1 t dill vi th ~ cimnfrolt atnd eon, en; etlce of.1icit.V('l Ilt., his CounIItry Fritends, a lit] til 'I Puttilir in veuleral; he wil I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROW~AN CEMVENT, &c. HE Sti ilctutttmitlis hae ot to hand a Supply of EARIlE'S TiROMTAN CEME'NT, in Bairrels tand Haff-Blartels, the su- Pnitwor Character' of whi cl is very ?? kliowi.-Also, it Lot of Ornamtented CEMENT CHIMNEUY T0PS. Trlie irs faiat supler- sediiig the Common101 Red 'Tops antd tlC 1511ce will hit ?? is mode. nite is ?? to encourage tile Ils(t of' tlIP111-Ofice, 115, Union Slt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO The flight nonoutrable Baron BUoUGIIADI & VAUX, M LORD HIGH Cl1XVCEL.LOR OF GREAT BRI7TAIN, M Dv 7221 inl PROPOSED SUPPRESSION 1.0 IL' OVIS.0Oi TIT.' COLLEGES OF ABERDEEN.Y IBv IGNOTUS. Alerdenle: P. GnAT, 78, Biroad Str-eet; anli tile other Booksellers. j( Just Published, H~ine. 5s. cloth, A PRACTICAL VIEW PRhcfAILING' ?? SYSTEM1 OF PRGFIISSlIi) CwIIISTIANS, a In tihe MIig-her and ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTICE is hereby tiven, that a Ai 1:TING of POLICE . TAX PAYERS vill be beld in the CouRT-Housr to-maor- row, (Thi'rsday,) at Two o'clock afterinoon, ini terms of, and for a tile purlipose stated in the falloithig~lttsolutiuit of the Board of Pa. o lice:-- 9l',at, as the formatioen of tc approach to tho Quay by Corn- merce Street and Park Ltite, as autblorised by Section U9 ol thlc Po- - ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tII ?? Castle F'aibuas, oit the 14th uost, tWi' 1lotiabler~iMrs r'onnnc~. Of II1 rile of a so. It M131 i~i-01t t.ile 2d linstant, ait Portesoy, Mrs RA NFIt , of a daughter. B ?? Ichuilead, oil the 2ttth ceeorcent, the Lady (if William Vctebes Roblertsoni, Eqt.0 fo itSolt. 131 ?? Monatroese, oil thu 12th inslatit, tite wife of Captain BsiaTRAI,s Of a Son. lII ?? Moli trnse, on tire NoIlls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OppouttIion. to tlhe 1Harbetur 1311. ?? Coiljntite.~ ;qpojIIttt'i to conditet thei (I)POf st'lION to tilt NE 4IARiBOUR BILL, on the -:ijii lit its ineoxpedielcy, insiiffictency, and totlI inaptitudeI Ii t he aitta oif it Iw-I .;L'riio. t II Iink it ?? dutity to relinidi Fl.lliiv tizCil, that ith pi-.ioed t' ill, if Cavvtiti inota a Ii ll immioia0 i ~lt diltiital bitt-thea ott the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AAtWRDEN Ai tIANCECC0IAY SIT, U XliN STREET1, ABENDEE1IiTN. C9. Sr. VINCENT STREIfC,(I aDV 12, IfACIIELOII-S NVALK. DUBLIN. 1NSI'IIACES Duo : MleeoR Aiel NO~Ci 511 jpabl 'aiitbin ifit-i- ettj-. tutu, itt-i lN1 leĀ¶NIE, j -T-my-1,day, il!e;1f ill 'N IA Iis latte eptit semria y i-f .lift- lolicri,, alid. 0a ?? ?? ell Etalil - trnslia~ r .s aso Ccsr,.,ti I' lite Itrti Ii tic preaent state itt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAilE oSl wl\t'^, . PUBLIC SAL' OF Q UE-PrC lNE AIND HA D 11/D(OD. Oun Saturday first, 6th of December, there will be ex- llosed by public rcoup, the entire C(.nao of Ti1 O, 11, P JUst landing from the Quebec Packet, Ctptain .lder- s son, from Quebec, consisting of tL 7 D IECES of YELLOW PINE. 7 t 2C\ Do. of RED Do. 5fi Do. of 1III'TE OAK. 20 Do. of LM. 20 Do. of B]11(111. 15 Do. of ASIH. The ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IlI- 01Welis lots 1;h4ii't. , t Ie ittitonitlie, N w lu lI i , o I i It 1 s d, iv w , th h A . Iiiertni-At i-e-rois, Utter Cttiadai oil the httle 0f Aptinl lat, Mins yiiiett~le'r. -.t t el, ,It hr iti itloot. hy the ter. Ad Cod'O r7tcirQ. W'l ?? LijiiJim, I, Auntie I, le l uetetl. I i TI M ooIIIe.--A.\ Se tle iF iii. tlie- Alsrt , /t it 00 ttil titl ce rini-it, ity tie- hoc, eairtbitit belier, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !I',iw t :~of ?? s isiv t ?? 1 ?? h,'st llannocburn'nttade C- 1ItilI -I Il, *od IICl:I I - i welt Ihtown oill over the E fti r ohir exeetletacei 0 eiiity, intflo,~rability in Colours, Fite ?? l1TAN5, and Gtietlesuen's )lltlNO TARTIAN' PLAlD4. In all tim dtfivwcc'i Chfin Pautternus sevlch-ruatdo D)RUGGETS, ofu Hii s potjorquohi~ Or CO ~ I-CLT 15, oumfvtoedfrom long fligh- land Wool- it ...